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GCSE - Reducing the development gap (AQA)

GCSE - Reducing the development gap (AQA)

Learning objectives: To describe how international aid helps development. To explain how intermediate technology can improve peoples quality of life. WorkBooklet containg 6 Tasks that review: key words and terms summary of the trade cycle the reasons for providing Aid different types of Aid an example of appropriate Aid initiative a GCSE question
What are the effects of earthquakes? Excellent Lesson

What are the effects of earthquakes? Excellent Lesson

Learning Objectives: To describe how people and places are affected by an earthquake. To examine a case study. 6 Tasks within the lesson. Includes a workbooklet to support the tasks outlined in the presentation. Case Study - Christchurch, New Zealand 2011 included. Supports Key words and terms and their definitions.
Football Euro 2024 Workbook

Football Euro 2024 Workbook

Fantastic cross curricular Men’s Euro 2024 Football booklet -Geography & Sport Project An outstanding resource that introduces this year’s 2024 FIFA men’s European Cup in Germany. There are lots of activities for students to complete and access. There are a superb range of cross curricular tasks based on Geography, ICT, Maths, English, Art and Science. Great for the summer and end of year/term activity !!!
Applying GIS skills - OS Maps

Applying GIS skills - OS Maps

This flexible resource provides options for students aged 11–14 (KS3) and 14–16 (KS4), alongside worksheets, films and presentations. The sessions support the geography curriculum and builds students’ knowledge of geographic careers, supporting the Gatsby Benchmarks for careers education. This lesson reviews key geographic skills and apply them to a real world context, allowing students to experience the role of an Military Geographic Technician.