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RA Resources

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Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience. Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.




Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience. Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.
Harrying of the North & William Conqueror

Harrying of the North & William Conqueror

**This high quality lesson provides you will all of the material and resources you will need to teach your students about the causes, events and consequences of the Harrying of the North. ** You will be purchasing a double page worksheet/fact sheet as well as the main power point presentation full of activities, discussion tasks, starter activities and learning reviews. Worksheet 1 A fact sheet for students about the events Worksheet 2 A set of increasingly more difficult tasks including key term match up, source analysis and explanation style questions. Main Power Point Presentation Slide 1: To examine the causes, events and consequences of the Harrying of the North Slide 2: Source analysis of an illustration of the Harrying of the North - prompt questions given Slide 3: Background information about William just after the Battle of Hastings Slide 4: Background information about William being crowned King of England Slide 5: Background information about the start of the Norman Conquest Slide 6: Background information about the Anglo-Saxon Rebellions Slide 7: Background information about the rebellions in the north Slide 8: Background information about the Harrying of the North Slide 9: Outline of the two worksheets and lesson fact sheets Slide 10: Challenge questions Slide 11: Key term learning review All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you. This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
Crime & Punishment - Exam Technique  Revision & Past Exam Questions -GCSE History Edexcel

Crime & Punishment - Exam Technique Revision & Past Exam Questions -GCSE History Edexcel

**UPDATED & READY FOR THE 2025 exams! **This resource takes into account the latest amendments to Edexcel GCSE History question paper formatting, timing and question types. ** This 26-slide presentation takes students on a step-by-step guide through the Paper 1 exam for Crime & Punishment and provides them with: Example questions Question walkthroughs Advice about exam technique Mark scheme reminders Model answers All past exam questions (2016-2023) Slide 1: Introduction title slide Slide 2: An overview of Crime & Punishment question types Slide 3-5: An outline of the ‘Describe one feature of’ question. Slide 6-8: An outline of the ‘How useful’ question type Slide 9-11: An outline of the ‘How would you follow up’ question type. Slide 12: A helpful print out of the type of sources which could be used for the ‘follow up’ question. Slide 13-15: An outline of the ‘similarity’ or ‘difference’ question. Slide 16-17: An outline of the ‘Explain why’ question. Slide 18-19: An outline of the ‘How far do you agree’ question. Slide 20-26: All past paper questions from 2016 to 2023. Buyers of this resource have often used it as part of a walkthrough for their students before the exam. Please be aware that any images used in this resource are copyright free. Others which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide. If you feel any errors have been made with this, please email me in the first instance at raschoolresources@gmail.com
Gustav Stresemann Recovery - Weimar & Nazi Germany - GCSE History Edexcel - Lesson 6

Gustav Stresemann Recovery - Weimar & Nazi Germany - GCSE History Edexcel - Lesson 6

**This lesson students will know: ** Who Gustav Stresemann was and his aims for Germany. How his 3 economic plans (Dawes, Young and Rentenmark) helped Germany recover. How his 3 foreign policy plans (Locarno, League of Nations and Kelogg-Briand) allowed Germany to recover. Why these actions still caused some opposition - the students introduced to opposition from the NSDAP. ** This lesson includes:** Clear learning aims/targets Provoking starter tasks and discussion activities Printable worksheets Engaging background information Challenge tasks Exam links Learning Review Fact Sheet linked to the GCSE specification All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you. This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
Women's Contribution in the First World War WW1

Women's Contribution in the First World War WW1

The main focus of the lesson is the role and contributions of women to Britain’s war effort during World War One. Students will examine both the positive and negative experiences of women during the war, be able to describe the various roles that women took on and then carry out their own research into the topic. This is a fully resources lesson which includes a warmup, starter task, engaging background information, various learning activities, challenge tasks and learning reviews. ** The lesson includes the following:** Slide 1: Title slide Slide 2: Outline of the main lesson aims Slide 3: As you enter warm up – Discussion about the statement, ‘Most of the History we learn in school is about men’. Slide 4: Starter Task 1: Women in Propaganda during the First World War. Slide 5: Starter Task 2: Gender roles in 1914 Slide 6-7: Activity 1: Data analysis (including printable worksheet) about the employment figures of women in work between 1914-1919. Slide 8-9: Activity 2: The experiences of women in the war – students read statements and mark if they show a positive or negative experience of war. Side 10-17: Image based background information about the role of women during the First World War. Slide 18-20: Activity 3 – A guided research task. Links are given to useful websites as well as useful documentary clips. Students are given a number of areas they can research. Slide 21: Useful websites for the research and further reading Slide 22: Useful short documentary clips Slide 13: Challenge Tasks I would be grateful if you could leave a review for the lesson if you feel the lesson is effective for you. Many thanks if you spend some of your valuable time doing this and your feedback is highly valued. All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
The Stuarts  Reign - 13 LESSON BUNDLE

The Stuarts Reign - 13 LESSON BUNDLE

13 Resources
This bundle of lessons contains all of my lessons covering the reign of the Stuart monarchy in Britain. Carefully read the list below so you are fully aware of the lessons you are purchasing in this bundle: Lesson 1: An introduction to the Stuart monarchs & events timeline. Lesson 2: The reign and personality of King James I. Lesson 3: The causes, events and consequences of the Gunpowder Plot, 1605. Lesson 4: Was Oliver Cromwell a ‘hero’ or ‘monster’? Lesson 5: What happened to Oliver Cromwell’s head? Lesson 6: The causes of the English Civil War Lesson 7: The belief in Witchcraft in the 1600s. Lesson 8: The significance of Matthew Hopkins. Lesson 9: Charles II - The ‘Merry Monarch’. Lesson 10: The causes, events and consequences of the Great Fire of London Lesson 11: The impact and events of the Great Plague. Lesson 12: The Age of Discovery & Scientific Revolution. Lesson 13: The Glorious Revolution - William and Mary As always, positive feedback will be warmly welcomed.
Joseph Lister Antiseptics Carbolic Acid - Medicine in Britain - GCSE History Edexcel - Lesson 23

Joseph Lister Antiseptics Carbolic Acid - Medicine in Britain - GCSE History Edexcel - Lesson 23

This lesson explores the background, work and impact of Joseph Lister’s work with antiseptics and carbolic acid. Students then question his importance in the progress of medicine. **The lesson includes: ** Clear learning aims and achievements Recap task: Key words linked to the lesson Starter activities: A range of visual sources, mainly illustrations to examine the before and after of antiseptics. Background information: About the life and work of Lister Task Sheet: A worksheet covering all aspects of Lister’s work with questions progessively becoming more challenging. Exam focus: A 16 and 12 mark question with structure advice Plenary: What was more important - Antiseptics or anaesthetics? FACT SHEET: Every lesson comes with a fact sheet which can be given to the students as a replacement for a text book. This means you will not need any other resources for the lesson unless you feel you would like to offer more. All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you. **This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use. **
The Feudal System - Norman Conquest

The Feudal System - Norman Conquest

**Once purchased, you will receive everything needed to teach students about William I’s use of the Feudal System in Medieval England. ** This high quality resource includes the following: A4 Worksheet 1: A fact sheet about the Feudal System for students to use while competing their tasks. A4 Worksheet 2: A worksheet to help students follow up from their main task of creating a Feudal System diagram. The questions on the sheet are explanation based but still provide structure for all students to use. Main Power Point Presentation Slide 1 - Title Slide - To explain how the Feudal System helped William control England after 1066. Slide 2: Starter Task 1 - Two medieval illustrations of society - what can students learn from them about how William kept control? Slide 3/4: Starter Task 2 - A brief introduction to the idea of a hierarchy. Students think about and design their own school’s hierarchy before focusing on the purpose of it. Slides 5-9: An overview of the Feudal System with clear, bold images and small chunks of writing. Slide 10: My own version of the Feudal System diagram Slide 11: Main Task activity - Students taken through step by step to create their own diagram of the Feudal System. Slide 12: Two printable Feudal System blank diagrams if needed Slide 13: A optional role play set of cards for students to read out in class or groups of 4. Slide 14: Mini Learning Review - students have to place four linked images in the correct order Slide 15: Learning Review - Students need to write their own definition of the Feudal System from what they have learned in the lesson. Slide 16-18: Key term match up activity with one slide being a printable version to give students. Slide 19: A challenge question - Would the Feudal System work in today’s society? All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you. This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
The Crusades

The Crusades

This lesson contains a variety of activities and tasks which will allow students to understand the key events of each crusade as well as some of the individuals involved. ** ** This pack includes: 1 x A4 Fact Sheet about the crusades (colour free for photocopying) 1 x A4 Fact Sheet about the crusades (in colour if required) 2 x A4 Worksheets about the events covering key terms, sources and an analysis of the events. (including challenge questions) - 1 x Main Power Point Presentation: Slide 1: Title slide - To examine the main events and key people of the crusades Slide 2: Animated, clear and engaging background information giving a brief background to the crusades Slide 3: An overview of Pope Urban II’s speech which called for the First Crusade Slide 4: My own designed map of the main routes and areas of the crusades Slide 5: Why there was more than one crusade Slide 6: An overview of the main fact sheet needed for the lesson Slide 7: A table based activity for students to pick out facts such as dates, people and events from each event along with an analysis of if the crusaders were successful or not Slide 8-9: A recap quiz with answers revealed for students to self assess (mainly based on key individuals and places). All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you. This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
Black Death - Impact

Black Death - Impact

**The lesson has a focus on the short term and longer term wider consequences of the Black Death. ** The main task is for students to identify these consequences and then analyse them. There is then a variety of optional tasks such as a creative writing task, extended writing task and additional challenge questions for the students to discuss and complete. You will recieve the following in this lesson: 1 x A4 Worksheet to allow students to sort the long term and short term consequences 1 x Main Power Point lesson which includes starter activities, recap tasks and all the resources you will need to complete the tasks mentioned above. Please note that all images (clipart/vector/illustrations/photographs) are in the public domain and are therefore classed as Creative Commons 1.0 unless otherwise attributed in the notes section of each slide. If you believe there are any errors, please email me directly in the first instance to resolve the issue.
Anglo-Saxon Society - Anglo-Saxon & Norman England - GCSE History Edexcel - Lesson 1

Anglo-Saxon Society - Anglo-Saxon & Norman England - GCSE History Edexcel - Lesson 1

UPDATED FOR NEW SPEC. 2025/6. This lesson looks at the structure and features of Anglo-Saxon society. Students learn about earls, thegns, peasant farmers, social status and the earldoms of Anglo-Saxon England. The 20 slide lesson includes: Slide 1: Title slide Slide 2: An outline of the exam questions for this topic Slide 3: Lesson Progress/Learning Aims Slide 4-5: Starter Knowledge True or False Quiz - 12 questions to assess student knowledge about Anglo-Saxon England with answers. Slide 6: Starter Activity - What do the two maps teach you about Anglo-Saxon England? With answers Slide 7-8: Background information about Edward the Confessor, Anglo-Saxon Earldoms and Danelaw Slide 9: Social hierarchy of Anglo-Saxon England activity with answers Slide 10: Background information diagram about Anglo-Saxon society Slide 11-12: Task 1 with instructions and printable table and gap fill activity. Slide 13: Gap fill answers for student self assessment Slide 14: Challenge questions Slide 15-16: Exam Focus - examples of the ‘one feature’ exam question with printable answer sheets Slide 17-18: Learning Review - True or False with answers Slide 19: Lesson fact sheet Slide 20: More from RA Resources All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you. This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
Pilgrimage of Grace - Henry VIII & Ministers - GCSE Edexcel - Lesson 26

Pilgrimage of Grace - Henry VIII & Ministers - GCSE Edexcel - Lesson 26

UPDATED CONTENT & SPEC. FOR 2025/6 - In this lesson, students will study the key events of the Pilgrimage of Grace which took place in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. The downloaded lesson includes the following: 2x A4 printout timelines 1x A4 printout worksheet – Features exam practice 1x main Power Point: Slide 1: Title slide – The Causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace Slide 2: Main Lesson Aims Slide 3: As You Enter Warm Up 1: Map Activity – from a choice of markers on the map, locate which two counties are Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. Challenge question also included. Slide 4-5: Recap Activity: A 10 question recap quiz about the causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace. Answers included. Slide 6: Starter Activity: Which side is strongest – Robert Aske’s Pilgrims or the Duke of Norfolk’s men? Statistical analysis. Slide 7: Starter Activity 2: How should Henry VIII try and solve the problem of the Pilgrimage of Grace? Problem solving activity with four options to pick from and explain. Slide 8: Starter Activity 3: Source Analysis – Students study an extract from the Pontefract Articles to work out the main demands of the Pilgrims. Slide 9: Background Information: A map-based background information slide about the start of the Pilgrimage of Grace in Lincolnshire. Slide 10: Task 1: Students use a choice of two A4 timelines to outline the main events. Slide 11: Task 2: Explaining why the Pilgrimage of Grace failed. A table based on the weaknesses of the Pilgrims and the Strengths of Henry VIII. Slide 12: Background Information: What was the significance of the Pilgrimage of Grace? Students can use the heading of each factor to help them explain the significance of the event. Slide 13: Challenge Source Analysis: Students are given three sources about the Pilgrimage of Grace with questions to answer about them. Slide 14: Practice Exam Questions Slide 15 – 16: Learning Review 1: Match the roles to the key names of individuals who took part in the Pilgrimage of Grace. Slide 17 – 18: Learning Review 2: Lincolnshire or Yorkshire – students to decide which county uprising the facts belong to. Slide 19: Lesson Fact Sheet I would be grateful if you could leave a review for the lesson if you feel the lesson is effective for you. Many thanks if you spend some of your valuable time doing this as feedback is highly valued. All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
First World War - 13 LESSON BUNDLE WW1

First World War - 13 LESSON BUNDLE WW1

13 Resources
This bundle contains all of my lessons covering the First World War and can easily be adapted to act as a full unit of work, especially for KS3 (ages 11-14). Please note that EVERY lesson is fully resourced and ‘ready to go’. This bundle will save you many hours of preparation and each lesson contains a wide variety of activities to keep your students fully engaged. The lessons included in this bundle are: Lesson 1: The European Alliance System by 1914. Lesson 2: The M.A.I.N. Long-Term Causes of the First World War. Lesson 3: The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand as a Short-Term Cause of the war. Lesson 4: Recruitment and Enlistment into the British Army in 1914. Lesson 5: The importance of Propaganda Posters for the Recruitment of Soldiers. Lesson 6: The Features and Location of the Trenches on the Western Front. Lesson 7: Evaluating the Weapons of the First World War. Lesson 8: The Conditions in the Trenches and Trench Letters Lesson 9: Medical Progress made during the First World War. Lesson 10: The Christmas Truce of 1914 Lesson 11: The Role of Britain’s Empire in the First World War. Lesson 12: The Contribution of Women to Britain’s War Efforts. Lesson 13: The Treatment of Conscientious Objectors during the First World War.
Crime & Punishment 1500-1700 - GCSE History Edexcel -  UNIT  2 BUNDLE

Crime & Punishment 1500-1700 - GCSE History Edexcel - UNIT 2 BUNDLE

6 Resources
This bundle contains all the lessons and teaching resources you will need to teach Unit 2 of Crime and Punishment Lesson 9: Early Modern Crimes - Heresy and Treason Lesson 10: Early Modern Crimes - Smuggling, witchcraft, vagabondage Lesson 11: Early Modern Methods of Law Enforcement Lesson 12: Early Modern Punishments Lesson 13: Case Study - The Gunpowder Plot Lesson 14: Case Study - Matthew Hopkins 2023 UPDATE INFO: To take into account copyright, all photographic and illustrative images have been attributed where appropriate and/or are all in the public domain. Clipart/vector images are all creativecommons.publicdomain.zero.1.0 which do not have to be attributed. If you have any issues regarding copyright please email me in the first instance.
Henry VIII - Six Wives Marriage

Henry VIII - Six Wives Marriage

This lesson asks why King Henry VIII had so many wives. Students first collect information about Henry’s relationship with his six wives. They use this to help them analyse what made the marriages a success or failure. Plenty of printable worksheets, tables and timelines included! This lesson can either be used in a unit of work about the Tudors and Henry VIII or as a stand-alone lesson covering Henry VIII and his six wives. It can also be used to help students analyse the art of the Tudors. This is a fully resources lesson which includes a warmup, starter task, engaging background information, various learning activities, challenge tasks and learning reviews. The lesson includes the following: Resource 1: A4 printable worksheets for students to create their own timeline of Henry’s marriages. Resource 2: Power Point Slide 1: Title slide – Why did Henry VIII have so many wives? Slide 2: Outline of the main lesson aims Slide 3: Lesson Warm Up Activity: Discussion questions about marriages today with challenge questions included. Slide 4-5: Lesson Warm Up 2: A true or false quiz about marriage in Tudor England – with answers revealed and explained. Slide 6: Starter Task – ‘Which Wife When?’ – Students have to name and order the six wives of Henry VIII. Slide 7: Background information about who the wives of Henry VIII were. Slide 8-9: Printable fact sheets about the wives of Henry VIII Side 10-11: Task: Fact File instructions and printable worksheet Slide 12: Analysis questions – Which marriages were the most and least successful and how can we measure this? Slide 13: Evaluation Question and Extended Writing – Why did Henry VIII have so many wives? Slide 14: Challenge Questions Slide 15-16: Learning Review Activity – Which wife? Answers revealed. Reviews are really important to me and if you have enjoyed the lesson, it would be great if you could do this. Many thanks if you spend some of your valuable time doing this and your feedback is highly valued. All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
GCSE History Revision Resource Pack - USA Conflict at Home & Abroad - Edexcel

GCSE History Revision Resource Pack - USA Conflict at Home & Abroad - Edexcel

These resources have been designed to be used to help students revise all of the main topics included in The USA, 1954-75: Conflict at Home and Abroad. Each resources is an A4 Power Point and where appropriate, the answers are given in the ‘notes’ section of each slide. This pack includes: 1: Civil Rights and Race Relations Timeline Fill Activity 2: Vietnam War Timeline Fill Activity 3: Civil Rights Key Individuals Match Up Task 4: Vietnam War Key Individuals Match Up Task 5: Civil Rights Groups Match Up Activity 6: Vietnam War Groups Match Up Activity 7: Civil Rights Key Events Summery Sheet 8: Vietnam War Key Events Summery Sheet 9: Vietcong Tactics Knowledge Organiser 10: Civil Rights Key Term Glossary Fill (x2 sheets) 11: Vietnam War Key Term Glossary Fill (x2 sheets) 12: Statistics Quiz 13: Exam Practice ‘Explain why’ task 14: Event Organiser Sheet (more suitable for lower ability) 15: The role of US President in Civil Rights and Vietnam 16: Civil Rights Knowledge Checker (taken directly from the specification) 17: Vietnam War Knowledge Checker (taken directly from the specification) Please note that all images (clipart/icons/photos) used in these resources are copyright free and in the public domain unless otherwise stated in the notes.
Thomas Becket Murder

Thomas Becket Murder

There are enough resources here to take up a couple of lessons about the murder of Thomas Becket. The lesson first examines the causes, events and consequences of the murder and then follows up with key questions about who was responsible for the murder. In this pack you will receieve: 1 x Fact sheet about the events of the murder of Thomas Becket (2 pages) 1 x Differentiated fact sheet about the events of the murder of Thomas Becket (2 pages) 1 x Question sheet about the events of the murder of Thomas Becket 1 x Main Power Point: Slide 1: Title Slide Slide 2: Think & Discuss - Who had the most power in the Middle Ages? Slide 3: Why might the king and the Church argue with each other? Slide 4: An outline of the lesson aims Slide 5: Starter Task - Students to study a manuscript illustration of the events and discuss what they think is happening (return to this at the end of the lesson to show progress) Slide 6: Fact Sheets Slide 7: Introduction to the Chronology Task based on the events Slide 8: A printable version of the chronology task for students to write on Slide 9: Answers to the chronology task revealed Slide 10: Blank storyboard Slide 11: Who was to blame for the murder of Thomas Becket? Slide 12: Learning Review - Return to the illustration for students to fully discuss the events they have learned. All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you. This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
GCSE History Edexcel - Early Elizabethan England UNIT 2 Bundle

GCSE History Edexcel - Early Elizabethan England UNIT 2 Bundle

8 Resources
This bundle includes the following lessons designed for Key Topic/Unit 2 of Early Elizabethan England GCSE History: Lesson 10: The Revolt of the Northern Earls Lesson 11: The Ridolfi, Throckmorton and Babington Plots Lesson 12: The role of Francis Walsingham Lesson 13: Why Mary, Queen of Scots was Executed Lesson 14 Increasing tension between Spain and England Lesson 15: Robert Dudley in the Netherlands and the actions of Francis Drake Lesson 16: Philip’s invasion plans and causes of the Spanish Armada Lesson 17: The reasons for the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
Spanish Armada 1588

Spanish Armada 1588

**The lesson covers the main events of the invasion from the Spanish Armada setting off from Lisbon to the final wreckage of the Spanish ships around the coast of Scotland and Ireland. ** Using the resources and fact sheets, students will be able to track the events on their own tracking map. This knowledge will then allow them to begin explaining the reasons for the Spanish defeat. This single resource contains: 1 x main lesson PowerPoint 1 x A4 tracking map for students to complete 1 x BONUS Spanish Armada crossword The lesson contains plenty of activities, printable resources, starter and plenary tasks, engaging background information and discussion points for both high and lower ability students. All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. Thank you.
Domesday Book - Norman Conquest

Domesday Book - Norman Conquest

**This lesson examines William’s use of the Domesday Book as a method to take further control of England. ** As with all of my resources, everything you need for the teaching of this topic is included and so there is no need for additional text books or resources. With this purchase you will receive: Worksheet 1: An A4 fact sheet all about the Domesday Book Worksheet 2: A student task sheet including various levels of questions. Main PowerPoint Presentation: Slide 1: Title slide – To explain the role of the Domesday Book during the Norman Conquest of England Slide 2: A Think and discuss task about the methods the UK government today uses to collect information about its people Slide 3: A fill in the missing term activity based on William’s actions during the Norman Conquest so far – answers revealed Slide 4: An illustration of a scene of the Domesday survey – students given inference based questions from it Slide 5: Background information about the Domesday survey Slide 6: Background information about the Domesday survey questions Slide 7: An alterative online research task about the Domesday Book data today and UK Census Slide 8: A short clip from BBC Teach about the Domesday Book Slide 9: How to structure an answer to a question about the importance of the Domesday Book Slide 10: A creative writing optional task Slide 11: Learning Review – 10 questions from the lesson Slide 12: Learning Review – answers revealed to the 10 questions All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you. This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
Elizabethan Education - Early Elizabethan England - GCSE History Edexcel - Lesson 19

Elizabethan Education - Early Elizabethan England - GCSE History Edexcel - Lesson 19

NEW 2025/6 SPEC: Students examine Elizabethan Education in Dame Schools, Petty Schools, Grammar Schools, Apprenticeships and education at home for the nobility. They also explain the reasons why education became more important in Elizabethan England. The lesson resources include: 1 x A4 Workbook Style Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT) 1 x Main 18 slide Power Point Lesson The main lesson includes: Slide 1 - Title slide Slide 2 - An outline of Elizabethan Society Slide 3-4: As you enter activity - alphabet of modern school subjects Slide 5: Class clips with questions Slide 6-7: Starter Task - Education key word match up with answers and printable sheets Slide 8: Starter Task 2 - Picture source analysis Slide 9: Background information about Elizabethan Education Slide 10-11: Elizabethan education worksheet Slide 12: Elizabethan schools and home education printable worksheet Slide 13: Explaining the increased importance of education in Elizabethan England. Slide 14-16: Sample exam questions Slide 17-18: Fact Sheets This lesson has been updated in line with the amended specification and exam questions ready for the 2025/6 examinations. All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you. This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.