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Ancient Greece Creative Writing KS2
A copy of a myth WAGOLL with scaffold sheet
A copy of a myth WAGOL L simplified for EAL
Creative writing personifcation worksheet
Creative Writing setting describing using senses
Ancient Greece Word mat
Features analysis (booklet containing 5 myths and a worksheet

Non-chronological report Spy Gadget
x1 Word mat of sentence starters
x1 Word mat of technical vocab relating to spy gadgets
x1 Non-chronological report planner
A great resources especially when used with my WAGOLLs.
I usually start by showing the children my watch design and then they create their own. We complete a guided write about the watch. They then have a go at designing their own spy gadget and attempt to write their own report.

Ancient Greece Alphabet Worksheet
A worksheet I adpated from online to be used on Ancient Greece Day. We will write our own names on to parchment using this alphabet.
Keynotes Education Crossgate Cornwall PL15 9SX

Ancient Greece Myth Describing the Setting
Ancient Greece Myth Describing the Setting using the senses.