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I am an experienced primary school teacher in Yorkshire, who loves supporting other teachers by sharing high-quality resources.

I am an experienced primary school teacher in Yorkshire, who loves supporting other teachers by sharing high-quality resources.
Year 6 Post SATs Project (Design your own zoo)

Year 6 Post SATs Project (Design your own zoo)

This booklet includes a week of engaging activities with curriculum links to maths, geography, science, computing and DT. Example tasks include calculating the cost of running a zoo, finding a suitable plot of land, drawing a zoo map, creating a training slideshow for zoo staff, designing a cafe menu and organising an event to encourage visitors. It could be used for a whole class or for children who aren’t going on residential. There are two versions of the booklet included so you can choose whether children record their answers within the booklet or separately. Children will need access to the internet to complete the tasks. Like this resource? Check out my similar resources… Year 6 SATs Project (Design your own house) Year 6 SATs Project (Design your own bakery) Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com
KS2 RE: Judaism Full Scheme of Work

KS2 RE: Judaism Full Scheme of Work

This is a complete scheme of work for teaching KS2 Judaism. Each of the 8 lessons come with PowerPoint slides, lesson plans and a wide variety of interesting pupil activities. Teacher notes and answers are included to allow you to lead engaging and effective discussions with your class. The pack includes the following lessons: 1.) What are the main religions? 2.) What do Jewish people believe? 3.) What are the Ten Commandments? 4.) What is the role of a Rabbi in Judaism? 5.) What are the main celebrations in Judaism? 6.) Why are celebrations important to Jewish people? 7.) Why do some Jewish people keep Kosher? 8.) What is Judaism? (recap lesson) Pupils are encouraged to: Reflect on, express and justify their own opinions about other people’s views Develop respect, tolerance and empathy Improve their knowledge of world affairs Recognise their responsibilities in light of their learning Relate their learning to the wider world This resource will save you hours/days of researching and planning! Need a different resource? Check out KS2 RE: Buddhism Scheme of Work Like this resource? Leave a positive review and I will send you one of my other paid resources for free as a thank you. Just email resourcestreet1@gmail.com
Year 6 Post SATs Project (Design your own house)

Year 6 Post SATs Project (Design your own house)

This booklet contains several lessons with curriculum links to maths (addition and subtraction, multiplication, area and percentages) and geography. All information is included so pupils do not need access to the internet and should be able to complete relatively independently. Students calculate the cost of a house that they have designed themselves as well as the costs of the interior (sofas, chairs, curtains, lighting, paint etc). Example tasks include adapting the price of their house based on location and view, drawing floor plans and working out how much wallpaper to buy. It could be used for a whole class or for children who aren’t going on residential. Like this resource? Check out my similar resources… Year 6 Post SATs Project Design your own zoo Year 6 Post SATs Project Design your own bakery Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com
Full Day of Supply Cover Lessons Year 5

Full Day of Supply Cover Lessons Year 5

This is a pack of stand alone fully planned and resourced cover lessons aimed at Year 5. It includes morning maths, English. maths, spelling, design and technology and pshe. Wrong year group? Check out Full Day of Supply Cover Lessons Year 6 **Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com **
Year 6 Post SATs Project (Design your own bakery)

Year 6 Post SATs Project (Design your own bakery)

This booklet includes lots of engaging activities with curriculum links to maths (addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, perimeter and measurement), geography, computing, DT and English. Example tasks include designing a pizza on a budget, calculating the weight of ingredients, creating a tv advert for the bakery, producing a hygiene training slideshow, creating a piece of artwork for the wall of the bakery and replying to an email complaint. Students should be able to complete the tasks relatively independently. Access to the internet is not necessary, but might be helpful. There are two versions of this booklet (printer friendly and booklet) so you can decide how your students record their answers. Like this resource? Check out my similiar resources… Year 6 Post SATs Project (Design your own zoo) Year 6 Post SATs Project (Design your own house) Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com
Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages

Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages

A must-have resource for teaching equivalent fractions, decimals and/or percentages! They enable students to visually make connections. They are great for display, sticking in books, cutting up to make manipulatives or for support on desks. Like this resource? Leave a positive review and I will send you a free resource as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com
KS2 End of Year Activities (Design your own zoo)

KS2 End of Year Activities (Design your own zoo)

Following the huge success of Year 6 Post SATs (Design your own zoo) , I have created a version suitable for Years 3 to 6, which students can complete relatively independently while you prepare for next year! This booklet includes a FULL WEEK of engaging activities with curriculum links to maths, geography, science, computing and DT. Example tasks include calculating the cost of running a zoo, drawing a zoo map, working with the perimeter of enclosures, creating a training slideshow for zoo staff, designing a cafe menu and organising an event to encourage visitors. There are two versions of the booklet included so you can choose whether children record their answers within the booklet or separately. Children will need access to the internet to complete the tasks. Like this resource? Check out KS2 End of Year Activities Design your own bakery Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com
KS2 End of Year Activities (Design your own bakery)

KS2 End of Year Activities (Design your own bakery)

This booklet includes a week of engaging activities with curriculum links to maths (addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, perimeter and measurement), geography, computing, DT and English. It is aimed at Years 3 to 6. Example tasks include designing a pizza on a budget, calculating the weight of ingredients, creating a tv advert for the bakery, producing a hygiene training slideshow, creating a piece of artwork for the wall of the bakery and replying to an email complaint. Like this resource? Check out my other resources such as End of Year Activities (Design your own zoo) Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com
Design and Technology Cookery Scheme KS2

Design and Technology Cookery Scheme KS2

This is a full scheme of work with seven lessons aimed at Years 3 and 4, in which students design and make high fibre bread. Pupils are taught to understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet and prepare and cook a product using a range of cooking techniques (which are national curriculum objectives) during the following lessons… To understand the principles of a healthy and varied diet To increase the amount of fibre in a meal To use sensory vocabulary to describe dried fruit To analyse existing bread products To design a bread product that meets the specification To make a high fibre bread product To evaluate your bread product The scheme includes an optional taste testing session in which children use sensory vocabulary to describe the food. Also, children could follow a recipe in groups without adult support with the pictorial instructions that are included (in two versions for traditional bread method and packet bread mix). The instructions have ensured that my whole class practical cookery sessions are really calm. Wrong year group? Check out my KS1 resource Design and Technology Cookery Scheme KS1 Like this resource? Leave a positive review and I will send you one of my other paid resources for free as a thank you. Just email resourcestreet1@gmail.com
Year 6 Post SATs Project (Saving money for a mortgage)

Year 6 Post SATs Project (Saving money for a mortgage)

This resource could be used as a post test project, as an end of year activity or during money week to teach about saving money for a purpose. A PowerPoint, bank statement and tasks sheet is included. These are used to guide students through the process of identifying where an example person could be saving money by focusing on what she needs, shopping around for the best deals and buying less. Students then get chance to find a house using property websites to suit her budget. Pupils will need access to the internet. Suitable for upper KS2 and above. **Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com **
Full Day of Supply Cover Lessons Year 6

Full Day of Supply Cover Lessons Year 6

This is a pack of stand alone fully planned and resourced cover lessons aimed at Year 6. It includes morning maths, English, maths, spelling, RE and geography. Wrong year group? Check out Full Day of Supply Cover Year 5 **Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com **
KS2 Music Scheme (Use musical notations)

KS2 Music Scheme (Use musical notations)

This full scheme includes seven lessons, which focus on teaching reading and understanding music in a simple and accessible way. You do not need any musical subject knowledge to teach these lessons since all information and answers are provided. I have used these lessons with Years 3 and 4, but they could be used in Year 5 and 6. It includes these lessons… To understand the rhythmic values of crotchet, quaver and semi quaver To understand the note values of crotchet, quaver and semi quaver To describe tempo using Italian terms such as allegro and andante To describe dynamics using Italian terms such as piano and forte To read lines in the treble clef To read spaces in the treble clef To write and perform a short piece of music (optional extra) Each lesson comes with PowerPoint slides and activities. No preparation or marking necessary. The majority of activities can be filmed and sheets are designed to be peer marked. Musical instruments can be used, but are not necessary. The scheme covers the following national curriculum objectives… Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts Improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the inter-related dimensions of music Use and understand staff and other musical notations Like this resource? Leave a positive review and I will email one of my other paid resources to you as a thank you. You could get two full schemes for only £5! Just email resourcestreet1@gmail.com
Design and Technology Cookery Scheme KS1

Design and Technology Cookery Scheme KS1

This is a full scheme of work with seven lessons aimed at Years 1 and 2, in which students design and make high fibre bread. Pupils are taught to understand the principles of a healthy and varied diet (which is a national curriculum objective) during the following lessons… To understand the principles of a healthy and varied diet To increase the amount of fibre in a meal To use sensory vocabulary to describe dried fruit To analyse existing bread products To design a bread product that meets the specification To make a high fibre bread product To evaluate your bread product The scheme includes an optional taste testing session in which children use sensory vocabulary to describe the food. Also, children could follow a recipe in groups without adult support with the pictorial instructions that are included (in two versions for traditional bread method and packet bread mix). The instructions have ensured that my whole class practical cookery sessions are really calm. Wrong year group? Check out my LKS2 scheme Design and Technology Cookery Scheme KS2 Like this resource? Leave a positive review and I will send you one of my other paid resources for free as a thank you. Just email resourcestreet1@gmail.com
Maths Subject Knowledge Training KS2

Maths Subject Knowledge Training KS2

The learning behind every Year 6 maths national curriculum objective is modelled in this training PowerPoint. Examples include how to divide proper fractions by whole numbers, how to use long multiplication and division, how to describe linear sequences and how to calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles, When I started working as a maths lead, I realised that most staff were apprehensive about their maths subject knowledge. This was particularly up to the level of Year 6 students and especially in areas such as fractions, algebra and ratio, which they had forgotten from school. Teachers and TA’s found this training really useful when it was given as part of INSET days and staff meetings. It was later given to students and parents to help with home revision. Like this resource? Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com
KS2 Design and Technology Scheme of work

KS2 Design and Technology Scheme of work

Students design and make their own lighthouse using materials that they have brought in from home. This full scheme contains seven fully planned lessons, which require very little marking. It is aimed at Years 3 and 4, but could be used in Years 5 and 6. The scheme contains the following lessons… 1.) To understand how individuals in D&T helped shape the world 2.) To make a simple circuit 3.) To make a strong and stable prototype lighthouse 4.) To analyse existing lighthouses 5.) To design a lighthouse 6.) To make a lighthouse 7.) To evaluate a lighthouse It covers the following national curriculum objectives… Use research and design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, cross-sectional and exploded diagrams and prototypes Select from and use a wider range of materials and components, including construction materials, according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities Investigate and analyse a range of existing products Evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work Understand how key events and individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world Apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex structures Understand and use electrical systems in their products (e.g. series circuits incorporating switches and bulbs). Need a cookery scheme? Check out Design and Technology Cookery Scheme KS2 Like this resource? Leave a review and I will send you another paid resource as a thank you. Just email resourcestreet1@gmail.com
Fundraising Sponsored Spell (German)

Fundraising Sponsored Spell (German)

This pack includes everything you need to raise money for your school while the students learn how to spell particular foods in French! Win win! Students choose to learn one of three spelling lists at home and ask family and friends to sponsor them for trying hard. They are then tested on their French spellings at school. By purchasing this resource, you receive all of the word lists, a letter to parents, a sponsorship form and participation certificate. Every document is editable. This pack is also available for French Fundraising Sponsored Spell (French) and Spanish Fundraising Sponsored Spell (Spanish). Like this resource? Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com
Fundraising Sponsored Spell (French)

Fundraising Sponsored Spell (French)

This pack includes everything you need to raise money for your school while the students learn how to spell particular foods in French! Win win! Students choose to learn one of three spelling lists at home and ask family and friends to sponsor them for trying hard. They are then tested on their French spellings at school. By purchasing this resource, you receive all of the word lists, a letter to parents, a sponsorship form and participation certificate. Every document is editable. This pack is also available for Spanish Fundraising Sponsored Spell (Spanish) and German Fundraising Sponsored Spell (German). Like this resource? Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail,com
Fundraising Sponsored Spell (Spanish)

Fundraising Sponsored Spell (Spanish)

This pack includes everything you need to raise money for your school while the students learn how to spell particular foods in Spanish! Win win! Students choose to learn one of three spelling lists at home and ask family and friends to sponsor them for trying hard. They are then tested on their French spellings at school. By purchasing this resource, you receive all of the words lists, a letter to parents, a sponsorship form and participation certificate. Every document is editable. This pack is also available in French Fundraising Sponsored Spell (French) and German Fundraising Sponsored Spell (German). Like this resource? Leave a positive review and I will send you a free lesson as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com
LKS2 Reading comprehensions (Jewish celebrations)

LKS2 Reading comprehensions (Jewish celebrations)

This is a set of five reading comprehension tasks with answers, which focus on retrieving information, vocabulary and inferences. Each text has ten questions with it. Each comprehension is about a different Jewish celebration (Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Passover, Hanukkah. Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah), so they could be used alongside learning in RE. These resources could also be used for reading lessons, for homework and/or as supply cover. Like this resource? Leave a positive review and I will send you a free resource as a thank you. Just email Hannah at resourcestreet1@gmail.com