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The History Academy

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(based on 227 reviews)

The History Academy's goal is to share best practice at an affordable price so that you can focus on your own priorities. Our resources have been written to a high standard and fine tuned in the classroom. During my 35 years in challenging schools, I have published resources for Heinemann, Pearsons, Hodder, Folens, BBC and Boardworks. If you would like to receive updates, create your own customised bundle or join our team, then contact us via our Facebook or Linkedin pages.




The History Academy's goal is to share best practice at an affordable price so that you can focus on your own priorities. Our resources have been written to a high standard and fine tuned in the classroom. During my 35 years in challenging schools, I have published resources for Heinemann, Pearsons, Hodder, Folens, BBC and Boardworks. If you would like to receive updates, create your own customised bundle or join our team, then contact us via our Facebook or Linkedin pages.
Literacy Cards / Writing Frame to 'Instruct.'

Literacy Cards / Writing Frame to 'Instruct.'

This literacy resource has been designed to help students to produce an instructive piece of writing or speech through a series of sentence starters. These cards can either be printed off as cards or as a worksheet which students can then refer to. When you download this resource, you will be able access a a full editable 7 page Word document with sentence starters to help students ‘instruct’ in a piece of extended writing. The resource is designed to take them through the various stages of constructing an argument from the introduction to the conclusion. For your convenience, I have also uploaded this file as a PDF. If you like this resource then why not check out our other resources on other areas of writing from recount, explain, discuss, debate, persuade, speculate and many more. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy Kind Regards Roy
Sacco and Vanettti

Sacco and Vanettti

This lesson looks at several key issues surrounding the trail of Sacco and Vanzetti and includes a wide range of contemporary and modern sources to help the learner make up their own min. The aims, objectives and differentiated outcomes are: Theme: The Dark side of the Boom Know: Who were Sacco and Vanzetti and what were they accused of? Understand: How fair was their trail? Understand: Why were some Americans afraid of the new immigrants? Evaluate: How tolerant was the USA in the 1920s? Skills: Cause, Consequence, Source Evaluation & judgement What Am I Looking For this lesson? Identify / Describe – Who were Sacco & Vanzetti? Explain – How fair was their trial and investigation ? Analyse – begin to form a judgement on how tolerant was US society in the 1920s? There are 6 activities built into the lesson including a snowballing starter, an OCR style source question with a pupil mark scheme, a persuasive speech literacy activity for their defence or prosecution, a Venn dig ram source analysis on contemporary reactions, an evidence review sheet on their innocence or guilt and finally an OCR 6 mark question with a mark scheme on 'why were Sacco and Vanzetti executed.' I have been observed several times with this resource and have had this lesson graded as outstanding. I have also included a persuasive literacy mat to help students phrase their speeches. If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow 'The History Academy' on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
History Teachers' Essential Tools

History Teachers' Essential Tools

9 Resources
We are excited to present this carefully sellected bundle of resources designed to enhance your learning experience. This collection includes a thoughtful selection of both free and paid resources, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your studies. To create this valuable pack of free resources, we had to include at least two paid resources to satisfy the guidelines set down by the TES. This combination guarantees that you receive high-quality material while also benefiting from the accessible resources we offer. Thank you for choosing the History Academy, and we hope you find these materials helpful. We have over 1000 lessons that you can download from the TES: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Roy_Huggins We also have YouTube Channel called the History Academy which has over 600 classroom history videos all carefully organised into curriculum themes via the channel playlists. Please follow this link if you would like to explore our free video resources: @historyacademy If you like any of these resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop where we have nearly a 1000 lessons you can download for less than the price of a good cup of coffee. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Roy_Huggins You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our dedicated You Tube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy We also have a dedicated YouTube Channel on the MIners’ Strike 1984: @MinersStrike1984 Kind Regards Roy
The USA in the 1920s

The USA in the 1920s

20 Resources
The bundle of outstanding resources includes everything that I have uploaded on the USA in the 1920s. They are suitable for a range of abilities from 14 to 18. Each resources comes with it's own description of how I would use it as well as aims and objectives. If you click on the resource you can download a preview as well as read the relevant information. By buying these resource buddle, you will be making a significant saving as some of the attached resources have already been buddled together and discounted. If you like these resources then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow 'The History Academy' on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
The Norman Conquest

The Norman Conquest

12 Resources
These oustanding resources have been developed by our team of experienced history teachers and field tested in their classrooms. They are based upon best practice and are a must have for any history teacher looking to resource their lessons on this topic, whilst have a wide range of differentiated strategies and ideas to add to their teachers toolkit. When your purchase these resources you will have enough resources for at least 12 hours of lesson time, more if you decide do the extension and homework exercises. If you would like to know more then click on the individual resource previews for more information or follow The History Academy on Facebook or Twitter. Our aim is simple, to produce high quality resources for the price of a cup of coffee or a happy meal, so that you can spend more time on the things that mater to you!
SMSC Card Sorts

SMSC Card Sorts

17 Resources
These excellent resources have bundled together to give you outstanding value. The over a range of social, moral, spiritual and cultural issues that relate to a number of subjects. If you would like to know more then please click on each resource. They are aimed at the fully range of ability. You can cut them out and put them into an envelop for students to sort or you can get them to cut, sort and stick them into their books. Failing that they can create a key or use highlighters and stick the whole sheet into their books. I have also produced an American version of these resources called Moral Philosophy, but this bundle is smaller and the resources included have been especially adapted for US schools. If you would like some further updates, then please follow me on the TES or facebook.
First World War

First World War

12 Resources
This bundle contains all of our resources that are currently available on the on the First World War. This is a work in progress as will will be adding more resources on this topic in the next few weeks and increasing the price respectively. We are currently offering you a discounted of at least 41%, but the early bird gets the worm so if you buy now ,you will get everything else that we add to this bundle for free when you check back for updates. To find out more about each resource, simply click on it to find out about its aims, objectives and a brief description of how you could use it in the classroom. If you like these resource then why not check out our other topics in our TES shop, where many have been bundled together to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
The Shadow of the Rose: Was Richard III a Hero or Villain?

The Shadow of the Rose: Was Richard III a Hero or Villain?

Delve into the historical reputation of one of Englands most controversial kings, Richard III with this fun and engaging card sort activity! Designed for high school students, this lesson sparks critical thinking and lively debate, as learners explore the complex legacy of one of England’s most controversial monarchs. Was Richard III truly the villain portrayed by Tudor propagandists like Shakespeare, or was there more to his story? The main activity provides a set of cards containing statements and evidence highlighting both heroic and villainous traits attributed to Richard III, allowing students to analyze his role in history from multiple perspectives. The Word document download includes two heading cards (“Hero” and “Villain”) along with twenty information cards to be sorted under them, fostering collaborative discussion and analysis. You will also be able to access a supporting 28 slide PowerPoint that has been designed to facilitate the lesson. It contains aims, objectives, starters, plenaries, links to quality assured video links, information slides on his popularity, legal reforms, seisure of power and the murder of the Princes in the Tower as well as templates, writing frames, tasks and activities to support either a speech or an extended writing exercise. We have also included an answer feedback sheet as well as uploaded all the everything again l in PDF format,to make them easier to print and share with your students. Please see the detailed preview: The aims and objectives of this lesson are: Theme: The Wars of the Roses? Know: What role did Richard III play in the Wars of the Roses? Understand: Why he is seen by some as a hero and by others a villain? Evaluate: Was Richard III a hero or a villain? Skills: Source Analysis, Cause, Consequence & Collaboration WILF – What Am I Looking For? Can You Describe: Who Richard III and why is his reputation controversial? Can You Explain: Can You Evaluate: Was Richard III a hero or a villain? If you find this lesson engaging, consider exploring our other resources on similar topics in our TES shop. Connect with The History Academy on Instagram, X, YouTube, and Facebook for the latest updates and discussions about how you’ve utilized this resource or to ask any questions. We are dedicated to producing affordable resources priced comparably to a good cup of coffee, allowing you more time for the activities you love. By purchasing our resources, you support our shared values of fairness and integrity, ensuring that all our authors receive a living wage. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube Channel, featuring over 600 free videos: @historyacademy. Dive into our playlist on quality-assured video clips related to significant historical themes on this topic and much more. Kind Regards
Speaking Frame for cause and effect

Speaking Frame for cause and effect

This fantastic little speaking frame is designed to help students explain cause and effect by providing them with a series of prompts that they can use to develop their speaking and listening skills. It could be used in many different subjects from a history to science. Like all the resources in this series, its great strength is its simplicity. Please check out some of my other resources. When you download this resource, you will be able access a a fully editable single page Word document with prompts to help students describe and explain cause and effect in a speculative talk. For your convenience, I have also uploaded this file as a PDF. If you like this resource then why not check out our other resources on other areas of writing from recount, explain, discuss, debate, persuade, speculate and many more. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy Kind Regards Roy
Speaking Frame - Exploratory & Speculative Talk

Speaking Frame - Exploratory & Speculative Talk

This free resource contains some useful phrases to help students give an exploratory or speculative talk as part of developing their speaking and listening skills. It is designed to be printed off and used as prompt sheet to help give students a range of different phrases. When you download this resource, you will be able access a fully editable 1 page Word document with sentence starters to help students speculate and explore as part of their speech writing. For your convenience, I have also uploaded this file as a PDF. If you like this resource then why not check out our other resources on other areas of writing from recount, explain, discuss, debate, persuade, speculate and many more. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy Kind Regards Roy
Oracy - Speaking Starters

Oracy - Speaking Starters

This great resource speaks for itself - it contains a series of PowerPoint slides which can be printed off for display purposes or used as cards to help students improve their debating skills. The sentence starters include: To agree To disagree To Generalise To Make Exceptions To Ask Explanations To Make Connections To Ask to Clarify If you like this resource then why not check out our other resources on other areas of writing from recount, explain, discuss, debate, persuade, speculate and many more. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy Kind Regards Roy
Literacy: A Writing Frame to Discuss / Debate

Literacy: A Writing Frame to Discuss / Debate

This literacy resource has been designed to help students to either discuss or debate in either a speech or a piece of writing. The cards can either be printed off as a worksheet or cut out to be used as set of literacy cards in the classroom. Please note that they are designed to be used in a British classroom so run it through your US spell checker. When you download this resource, you will be able access a a full editable 7 page Word document with sentence starters to help student discuss and debate in a speech or a piece of writing. The resource is designed to take them through the various stages of constructing an argument from the introduction to the conclusion. For your convenience, I have also uploaded this file as a PDF. If you like this resource then why not check out our other resources on other areas of writing from recount, explain, discuss, debate, persuade, speculate and many more. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy Kind Regards Roy