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Our resources are written by experienced sixth form practitioners, capitalising on their backgrounds in pastoral care, careers education, honing study skills and building wider awareness of the world in readiness for adult life.




Our resources are written by experienced sixth form practitioners, capitalising on their backgrounds in pastoral care, careers education, honing study skills and building wider awareness of the world in readiness for adult life.
Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day

This lesson links to Human Rights Day on 10 December and helps students to find out more about the history and the future of the move to ensure Human Rights around the world. There are numerous opportunities for discussion and the teaching notes include a link to duplicate a survey on forms to begin to get students thinking about the topic.
Transgender Awareness Week

Transgender Awareness Week

This lesson is designed for Transgender Awareness Week and looks at its purpose, issues surrounding transgender and the importance of advocacy and support. It includes optional discussion, video and articles to consider and the Teaching Notes include a link to duplicate an introductory quiz on Microsoft Forms to gauge understanding prior to the session. The plenary slide allows for a summing up and to gain understanding of what students have gleaned.
November bundle

November bundle

8 Resources
These lessons meet the needs of key dates in November, but also contribute to your PSHE programme.


As Remembrance Day approaches in November, this is a lesson to reflect on the origins of the day, to consider how it is commemorated and why and to think about the significance of the red poppy, purple poppy and white poppy. It includes discussion points throughout and the Teaching Notes include a link to duplicate a preliminary survey on Microsoft Forms. It also reflects on the lessons learned and gives students opportunities to think about both personal meaning and meaning for society. It is a complete lesson, but wholly adaptable to allow for different time frames available, so please adapt to make it work for your schedule.
Supporting Men's Health and Wellbeing

Supporting Men's Health and Wellbeing

4 Resources
These resources combine to support issues with Men’s Health and seeking help and support. The Suicide Prevention lesson is adapted from our lesson for World Suicide Prevention Day, but can be used at any point in the calendar.
Men's Health

Men's Health

This lesson is inspired by the Movember movement, but deals with men’s health issues which warrant discussion at any point in the calendar, i.e. prostate and testicular cancer, mental health issues and suicide prevention. The teaching notes include a link to a preliminary survey and the penultimate slide ends on a plenary to measure understanding. The presentation includes points for discussion and suggests links to videos which would support discussions. The quiz sheet allows students to note their findings as they go along, as there is quite a lot of information to take in in this lesson. THe final slide includes links to further information.
Women's Health

Women's Health

4 Resources
This bundle includes lessons on: Women’s Health Breast Cancer Awareness Osteoporosis Menopause Awareness
Eye Health - Health Issues

Eye Health - Health Issues

This lesson was put together with World Sight Day in mind, but could be used at any juncture in your programme. It deals with understanding around eye health, how to protect your eyes at work and study and consideration of careers around eye health. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate a brief introductory survey on Teams.
October bundle

October bundle

9 Resources
These resources can be used for events in October such as World Artist Day, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Space Week, Osteoporosis Day, Smile Day and World Financial Planning Day, World Sight Day
Be Brave Bundle

Be Brave Bundle

7 Resources
This bundle focuses on mental health and supporting young people to know that it’s OK to be open about their worries and to have some idea of where and how to seek further help
The Kindness Bundle

The Kindness Bundle

4 Resources
This bundle includes 4 lessons focussing on the positive impact of friendship, smiling, kindness and volunteering. While 2 of them also fit with awareness days they can easily be adapted to fit anywhere in your programme.
Smile Day

Smile Day

This resource is designed to coincide with Smile Day on 6 October, but could be adapted to fit in elsewhere in your sixth form programme. It would very much complement our Is Kindness the New Superpower lesson. The lesson includes opportunities to discuss the power of a smile and the personal right to smile or not, as well as introducing the notion of the positive aspects of acts of kindness. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate a preliminary survey on Forms and the lesson ends with a plenary slide and links to further reading.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October

This lesson is about raising that awareness and looks at why there needs to be an awareness month and provides opportunities for discussion around fundraising for charities, preventative meaures, the value of exercise and how to make it possible and even looks at considering working in this area and looking at related courses. It reminds that this is not just a female issue and the value of early detection. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate a survey on Forms to ascertain how aware students are in advance of the lesson and the plenary slide allows to understand what they have taken away.
Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

This is never going to be an easy topic, so I have taken a lot of advice from relevant charities supporting the day to make sure I get the language right. The presentation includes opportunities for discussion and the teaching notes include a link to duplicate an introductory survey, to ascertain how likely students would be to seek help, how prepared they feel to support others and to find out how aware they are of what help is available. The Ppt is wholly adaptable to your time frame, and given the sensitive nature of the topic you can choose what you want to include. The theme is on thinking about the language used to discuss the topic to reduce stigma and create a safe environment for someone to open up.
Work experience and volunteering bundle (Enrichment support)

Work experience and volunteering bundle (Enrichment support)

2 Resources
This 2 part bundle includes a powerpoint on the value of work experience and tips on how to find a placement, and a powerpoint on the value of volunteering, to celebrate International Day of Charity at the start of September, but also at any time to demonstrate the value of volunteering, for the mental health of the volunteer, to help people in need, and to build skills such as empathy, teamwork, showing initiative, which are of value in the world of work and sought in job and university applications.
Consent - World Sexual Health Day

Consent - World Sexual Health Day

This lesson is designed to coincide with World Sexual Health Day on 4 September, and deals with understanding more about sexual health and consent. The lesson can fit in with your PSHE/RSE programme, given that 4 September is early in the term. There are multiple opportunities for discussion. The Teaching Notes include a link to duplicate a survey on Forms to ascertain understanding prior to the lesson.
September bundle

September bundle

14 Resources
This bundle combines getting the academic year off to a good start with prime dates in September and contributes both to building study skills and resilience and to building awareness of the wider world and how students can contribute as citizens of the adult world.
Emergency Services

Emergency Services

This lesson coincides with Emergency Services or 999 Day in September, but in recognition that this is already a busy time of year, can easily be adapted to fit elsewhere in your plan. It talks about the services, how to make an emergency call, what constitutes and emergency and includes links to videos and additional reading is included at the end after the plenary slide. THe teaching notes include a link to duplicate a survey on forms to ascertain understanding of the subject before you begin.
Organ Donation

Organ Donation

This lesson is designed to either coincide with Organ Donation Week in September or fit in with your general LifeSkills/PSHE programme. It includes a presentation and teaching notes, which include a link to duplicate a survey on Forms to get students thinking about the topic and some of the issues which will arise. There are opportunities for discussion and to broaden awareness and blood and bone marrow donation are also mentioned. The penultimate slide includes plenary questions and the final slide links to further reading.