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identifying long and short vowel sounds worksheets for kindergarten

identifying long and short vowel sounds worksheets for kindergarten

printable long and short vowel sounds worksheets vowels are special letters in the alphabet, and they make two sounds! When a vowel sounds like its name, it’s a long vowel. If a vowel does not sound like its name, it’s a short vowel. This resource will help boost early reading skills and build confidence in young readers.
Circle the adjective with answers worksheet for grade 1

Circle the adjective with answers worksheet for grade 1

Printable circle the adjectives in each sentence worksheets is designed to help students identify adjectives in sentences. Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns, giving more information about them. This worksheet consists of ten sentences, each containing one adjective. The task for the students is to read each sentence carefully and circle the word that describes something, which is the adjective in the sentence.
Printable common noun and proper nouns worksheet for grade 1

Printable common noun and proper nouns worksheet for grade 1

common and proper nouns worksheets introduce proper nouns as the name of specific people, places or things; common nouns can be person, place or thing but are not names of specific people, places or things. Students are asked to decide which nouns are proper and which are common. **