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L'argent de poche - LESSON POCKET MONEY

L'argent de poche - LESSON POCKET MONEY

Lesson on pocket money. Revises high numbers using mini whiteboard activity and looks at jobs pupils might do at home to earn their pocket money such as 'je fais du babysitting' etc. Rally Robin activity for group work to consolidate vocabulary and activity from Metro Rouge book. Nice reflection at the end.
Dans Ma Ville - LESSON

Dans Ma Ville - LESSON

Lesson introducing / re-capping places in a town. Re-inforces sentence structure and includes lots of opportunities for mini-whiteboard activities to consolidate.
Le Déjeuner et Le Repas - LESSON FOOD AND DRINK

Le Déjeuner et Le Repas - LESSON FOOD AND DRINK

Follow on lesson from breakfast items. Focuses on the use of je mange / je bois / j'aime manger and j'aime boire. Introduces food and drink items for lunch and dinner. Lots of opportunity for group activities including translations to re-inforce sentence structure. Homework task set to consolidate at the end.
Qué Vas A Hacer? - WORKSHEET

Qué Vas A Hacer? - WORKSHEET

Worksheet to re-inforce formation of the near future tense. Pupils translate sentences then using the help sheet (page 2) write some sentences of their own using the near future tense. Compliments lesson of same title.
Les Tâches Ménagères - LESSON HOUSEWORK

Les Tâches Ménagères - LESSON HOUSEWORK

Lesson on housework. Pupils start by tryng to identify phrases in French without having previously seen the vocabulary. Listen and repeat activity to follow with lots of repetition to consolidate. Also revises expressions of time so pupils can state how often they do things to help at home. Small written task at the end followed by repetition of first activity to show pupil progression.
Les Magasins

Les Magasins

Worksheet looking at shops and places in a town. 3 activities included: 1) Pupils use a dictionary to look up 10 shops and translate into English. 2) Pupils label the pictures in French. 3) Pupils use the map of the high street to complete the sentences - revision of prepositions.
Dans Ma Chambre - WORKSHEET

Dans Ma Chambre - WORKSHEET

Worksheet to compliment lesson on items in a bedroom. Pupils translate the words into English then label the pictures. Written activity to consolidate sentence structure at the end.
Qué Comes Para El desayuno? - LESSON

Qué Comes Para El desayuno? - LESSON

Lesson to introduce breakfast items which includes a match up activity, present tense revision and translations. Written exercise at the end could be done for homework. Worksheets to compliment lesson also required - these have been added with the same title.
Las Películas - LESSON

Las Películas - LESSON

Lesson which looks at types of films and giving opinions about which films pupils like and dislike. Variety of activities including: match up group activity / quiz / writing activity / worksheet / giving opinions / justifying opinions and sentence structure reinforced.
Dans Ma Maison - WORKSHEET

Dans Ma Maison - WORKSHEET

Worksheet to compliment lesson introducing rooms in a house. Pupils translate rooms into English then colour code according to whether the word is masculine or feminine. Then label the pictures in French.
Las Fechas

Las Fechas

Worksheet to revise dates for Y7 - two different versions as differentiated. Excellent starter activity or would work well as a plenary.
Cómo es tu ciudad / pueblo - LESSON

Cómo es tu ciudad / pueblo - LESSON

Lesson which looks at how to describe the place where you live. Looks at the differences between city and town and goes over adjectival endings. Re-caps giving opinions also.
Me gusta el espanol - school subjects + opinions

Me gusta el espanol - school subjects + opinions

Revision / consolidation of school subjects and giving opinions. Was originally created for y10 but could be adapted for KS3 classes. Includes games, listening activity and opportunities for written work. Complimented by Edexcel GCSE Higher textbook (this is where the listening activity has come from).
Qué hay en tu ciudad? - LESSON

Qué hay en tu ciudad? - LESSON

Lesson to follow on from 'Cómo Es Tu Pueblo / Ciudad?'. Looks at places in a town. Match up exercise that can be done in groups, pairs or as an individual activity. Re-caps using 'hay' and looks at an exemplar piece of level 4 writing. Pupils finish by writing a paragraph to say what is in their town - extension: use the future tense to make it a level 5 piece of work.


Comprehensive food and drink vocabulary challenge to compliment lessons on mealtimes. Can be done as a paired or group activity. In pairs each pupil has a sheet and has 5 minutes to try and translate as many items as possible, after 5 minutes they swap papers and have another 5 minutes. Or divide class into small groups and give each group a pack of post-it notes. They then have to translate as many items of food and drink as possible (without a dictionary) writing each item on a post-it and sticking them to the desk.