
Me gusta el espanol - school subjects + opinions
Revision / consolidation of school subjects and giving opinions. Was originally created for y10 but could be adapted for KS3 classes. Includes games, listening activity and opportunities for written work. Complimented by Edexcel GCSE Higher textbook (this is where the listening activity has come from).

Mi Tiempo Libre
PowerPoint presentation to introuce free time phrases. Grammar points included as well as listening activity and translation exercises. Worksheets to acompany PowerPoint also included - paired / group activity (match up) and individual activity (label).

Lesson to re-cap clothes. Originally created for Y9 group but could easily be adapted for other classes. A variety of activities including match up / translations / re-inforcement of indefinite and definite article / present tense of AR verbs (llevar) / translation game and homework activity.

Los Deportes
Powerpoint lesson introducing sports with 'juego al' and 'hago'. Worksheet to consolodate included with a listening exercise and also two smartnotebook activities.

¿Qué se puede hacer en la ciudad? - What can you do in the city? **NEW 2016**
Y8 Spanish lesson aimed at more able learners but could be adapted for lower ability pupils by adding in more consolidation activities of key vocabulary. Focus on using SE PUEDE + INF but also re-caps future tense and the use of PARA + INF. Opportunities for pupils to create their own SE PUEDE sentences as well as an introduction to the holiday activities taken from the Pearson Viva 2 book. Peer assessment with success criteria also included as well as the chance for pupils to redraft their work based on their feedback. Feel free to adapt / amend as necessary.

La Comida - LESSON
Lesson on mealtimes and food items. Follow on from breakfast lesson. Looks at verbs used in Spanish such as DESAYUNAR / ALMORZAR / CENAR etc. Also looks at sentence structure and extended sentences using phrases such as SIEMPRE / A VECES.

Qué Comes Para El Desayuno? - WORKSHEET
Worksheet to compliment lesson of same title. Pupils must correctly label the breakfast items in Spanish and English then write a sentence to state what they like to eat for breakfast.

Les Vêtements - WORKSHEET
Worksheet to compliment lesson of same title. Pupils match up the word with pictures. Re-inforce masculine and feminine nouns by getting pupils to colour-code boxes at the bottom of the page.

Mi Uniforme Escolar
Lesson to introduce / revise items of clothes and revision of present tense verbs. Worksheet to complete as part of lesson.

Comprehensive food and drink vocabulary challenge to compliment lessons on mealtimes. Can be done as a paired or group activity. In pairs each pupil has a sheet and has 5 minutes to try and translate as many items as possible, after 5 minutes they swap papers and have another 5 minutes. Or
divide class into small groups and give each group a pack of post-it notes. They then have to translate as many items of food and drink as possible (without a dictionary) writing each item on a post-it and sticking them to the desk.

Qué Comes Para El desayuno? - LESSON
Lesson to introduce breakfast items which includes a match up activity, present tense revision and translations. Written exercise at the end could be done for homework. Worksheets to compliment lesson also required - these have been added with the same title.

Battleships grid designed to re-inforce near future structure (IR + a + INF). Can easily be modified to fit any topic, this one was created to link into the topic of free time activities for Y8.

Lesson on family members, follows on from brothers and sisters. Opportunity for group work / paired work through the starter and worksheet to consolidate also included.

Dans Ma Chambre + Prepositions - LESSON
Two lessons on one Powerpoint. Lesson 1 - introduction to items of furniture. Includes lots of consolidation of sentence structure. Lesson 2 - looks at prepositions enabling pupils to give a detailed desciption of their bedroom.

Se Busca!
Lesson to consolidate physical descriptions and describing others. Blank WANTED poster also included.

L'argent de poche - LESSON POCKET MONEY
Lesson on pocket money. Revises high numbers using mini whiteboard activity and looks at jobs pupils might do at home to earn their pocket money such as 'je fais du babysitting' etc. Rally Robin activity for group work to consolidate vocabulary and activity from Metro Rouge book. Nice reflection at the end.

Meine Stadt - IN TOWN
Powerpoint lesson on places in a town. revises grammar points - DER, DIE and DAS plus listening activity.
NB: As I have no German qualifications please check this resource carefully as there may be the occasional error.

Joyeux Noel - LESSON
Christmas Powerpoint with various group and individual activities culminating in pupils designing their own French christmas card.
* Feel free to adapt, amend or change as you see fit, or have a go at your own using the backgrounds at the end of the PPT. Facts found on the internet so may not be 100% accurate (as kindly pointed out below!)