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Quelle Heure Est-Il?
Powerpoint lesson on time (24 hour). Could take more than one lesson. Opportunities for mini-whiteboard activities throughout and nice game at the end. Worksheet to compliment lesson also attached.

¿Qué te gusta hacer? What do you like to do? FREE TIME **NEW 2016**
Y8 Spanish series of lessons designed for mixed ability with plenty of consolidation opportunities and challenge activities for the more able. Focus on new skills needed for 2018 and includes: recap of opinion phrases; INFINITIVES recap; Listening skills; Memory techniques; Word order and translations; Saying what I like and dislike to do in my free time; Extended writing using connectives; Speaking skills and pronunciation; Justifying opinions using adjectives; Re-drafting work / making improvements; Understanding others / listening for key words; reading skills; Based on Pearson book VIVA 1. Feel free to adapt and amend as necessary.

¿Te gustan las ciencias? Viva 1 Module 3 - Mi Insti - Unit 2 **NEW 2017**
Follow on lessons (approx 3) from ¿Qué estudias? looking at forming opinions about school subjects. Looks at how to ask questions as well as how to extend answers. Geared towards KS3, lots of consolidation and opportunities to develop extended speaking and writing skills. Based on viva 1 book - all pictures and activities copied from the book have been removed for copyright purposes and replaced with the page number.

Spanish present tense of AR verbs *NEW 2016*
Lesson designed for Year 7 or Year 8 low ability - introduction / recap of present tense with additional resources included on subject pronouns (adapted from Rachel Hawkes). Lots of structure and consolidation as well as grammatical explanations. Designed with the new GCSE in mind - instructions in Spanish, lots of consolidation activities.

As-tu des frères ou des soeurs?
Lesson to introduce / recap talking about brothers and sisters in French. Writing opportunities provided and sentence structure re-inforced.

Les Sports + opinions
Worksheet activity to consolidate talking about sports. Crossword with picture clues for pupils to complete followed by opportunity for written task using opinions.

Mon Petit Déjeuner - worksheet
Worksheet to compliment lesson (Mon Petit Déjeuner). Pupils translate breakfast items then label the pictures in French. Can be done as part of the Powerpoint or as a starter / plenary.

Joyeux Noel
Christmas worksheet which teaches pupils topic-related vocabulary. Compliments Joyeux Noel Powerpoint.

Mi Madre es Profesora - LESSON/JOBS/SER
Follow on lesson from 'Los Trabajos' - compliments Edexcel GCSE text book. Inlcudes revision of jobs, use of ser, listening and reading comprehensions.

Trabajas los Sábados? - LESSON/PART-TIME JOBS
Follow on lesson from 'Mi Madre Es Profesora'. Looks at giving info about part time jobs. Complimented by Edexcel GCSE text book. Inlcludes listening activity and opportunity for writing / speaking task.

Tienes Animales?
Powerpoint lesson for pets. Includes consolidation of sentence structure through translation activity (can be done on mini-whiteboard or on interactive board) and worksheet.

En la cafeteria - food and drink **NEW 2016**
Y8 Spanish series of lessons aimed at mixed ability learners but could be adapted further for more able / less able. Focus on new skills needed for 2018 and includes: Present tense regular verb recap; NOUNS for food and drink – intro; Memorising words - cognates; Recap on MSC and FMN articles; Using comer and beber with food and drink items; Word order and translations; Saying what I eat and drink – extended writing; Numbers to 30 recap; Numbers to 100 intro; Saying how much something costs; Intro to typical Spanish food; Listening – ordering food; The verb QUERER – stem changing / boot verbs; Saying what I want and asking someone what they want; Taking part in a conversation. Based on Pearson book VIVA 1. Feel free to adapt and amend as necessary.

Cultural lesson on Barcelona which compliments Mira 2 text book. Looks at things to see and do in Barcelona, revises past, present and future tenses, includes listening task (MIRA 2) and translation activity.

¿Qué estudias? Viva 1 Module 3 - Mi Insti - Unit 1 **NEW 2017**
Series of lessons (approx 3) teaching pupils school subjects and recapping the present tense of AR verbs. Lots of consolidation to reinforce vocabulary. Incorporates a range of activities covering all four skill areas. Geared towards KS3. Based on the Viva 1 text book - all pictures and activities copied from the book have been removed for copyright purposes and replaced with the corresponding page numbers.

Les Déscriptions
Powerpoint to introduce descriptions of personality in French. Follows on from Ma Famille. First activity you can make up your own questions based on prior lessons. Group match up activity and worksheet also included. Reading comprehension and extension writing task - could take 2 lessons.

Prepositions worksheet
Worksheet activity to consolidate the use of prepositions, compliments Powerpoint lesson. Pupils match expressions in Spanish and English then complete the sentences with the missing preposition. Extension provided for the more able - write three of their own original sentences using prepositions.

Mon Petit Déjeuner - breakfast items in French
Introduction to talking about what we eat at breakfast. A variety of activities in this lesson including; Group activities (match up and Rally Robin); Individual activity (worksheet); Listening activity.

Qué Tipo de Comida Te Gusta? - LESSON
Lesson looking at types of food (italian / chinese etc) and how to give opinions and justify in Spanish. A variety of activities including speaking opportunities, gap fill activity and writing task.