All resources

Cómo Eres?
Powerpoint lesson for descriptions (hair and eyes). Can be used as introduction - Y7 or consolidation for other year groups. Worksheet included and opportunities for speaking practice provided.

Tienes Animales?
Powerpoint lesson for pets. Includes consolidation of sentence structure through translation activity (can be done on mini-whiteboard or on interactive board) and worksheet.

Mis Hermanos
Interactive lesson to revise talking about brothers and sisters. Grammar points include: using thrid person singular and plural of TENER and LLAMARSE / possessive adjectives.

Tienes Hermanos?
Lesson for Y7 to introduce talking about brothers and sisters. Worksheet activity and listening also included. Speaking opportunities provided as a plenary.

La Corrida de Toros
Display pictures with key words and descriptions for bullfighting. Includes 'el toro', 'el matador' and 'el traje de luces' amongst others.

Tarsia jugsaw game where pupils work in groups to create a pyramid by matching basic conversation words and phrases in Spanish and English. Takes a bit of time to prepare but once you have a set they can be used again and again.

Match cards in Spanish and English that can be used to teach or consolidate basic conversation words and phrases in Spanish.

En Clase
Words for items in a classroom in English and Spanish. Can be cut up and given out to pupils who then have to find the person with the matching pair.

Worksheet: label classroom items and colour-code masculine / feminine / plural words.

Las Fechas
Worksheet to revise dates for Y7 - two different versions as differentiated. Excellent starter activity or would work well as a plenary.

Los Trabajos
Revision of jobs for KS4. Powerpoint to complement Edexcel text book. Worksheets with gap fill activities as well as translation exercises. Starter match up activity excellent done in pairs or groups.

Las Vacaciones
Revision of countries plus listening / reading / writing activities. Speaking opportunities also provided.

Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?
Consolidation lesson which incorporates a listening activity / survey to practice speaking skills / storyboard activity. Starter activity worksheet also included filling in missing vowels.

Los Deportes
Powerpoint lesson introducing sports with 'juego al' and 'hago'. Worksheet to consolodate included with a listening exercise and also two smartnotebook activities.

A Qué Hora Vas Al Cine?
Powerpoint to revise time and free time activities including a listening track and written exercises.

Qué Hora Es?
Powerpoint to follow on from ‘Mi Tiempo Libre’ introducing time in 12 hour format. Revision of free time expressions to start followed by time phrases and mini-whiteboard activities at small intervals. Linguascope worsheet also attached to use as consolidation / homework.

Mi Tiempo Libre
PowerPoint presentation to introuce free time phrases. Grammar points included as well as listening activity and translation exercises. Worksheets to acompany PowerPoint also included - paired / group activity (match up) and individual activity (label).

Adónde Fuiste De Vacaciones?
Introductory PowerPoint to the topic of holidays. Revision starter activity (match up) which can be done in pairs / as a group. Vocabulary sheet also included. Listening activity and translation exercises plus a game to consolidate at the end.