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Science Spot

Average Rating4.18
(based on 218 reviews)

I have been a science teacher in an urban School District for 7 years. During this time I have had the opportunity to experience teaching within classrooms at all levels of performance abilities, including full inclusion, and highly advanced classes. I have taught middle school science (both the 7th and 8th grade) and at the high school level (9th to 12th grade science) including Anatomy, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Physical Science I have a PA Professional Certi




I have been a science teacher in an urban School District for 7 years. During this time I have had the opportunity to experience teaching within classrooms at all levels of performance abilities, including full inclusion, and highly advanced classes. I have taught middle school science (both the 7th and 8th grade) and at the high school level (9th to 12th grade science) including Anatomy, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Physical Science I have a PA Professional Certi


Rounding: These rounding cootie catchers are a great way for students to have fun while practicing rounding to the nearest ten through the nearest million. How to Play and Assembly Instructions are included. There are 2 cootie catchers each with 8 practice problems (total of 16 problems) for students to practice rounding. ***** Enjoy this Lesson? Do a search for my other Cootie Catchers: ***** ♦ Reading Strategies: Authors Purpose Cause and Effect Character Traits Compare and Contrast with Pictures Compare and Contrast Creative and Critical Thinking Drawing Conclusions Fact or Opinion Figurative Language Fluency Generalizations Genre Identification Genre Types Idioms Inference Literary Devices Main Idea Metaphors Nonfiction Text Features Paraphrasing Parts of a Book Personification Point of View Predictions Reading Comprehension Reading Response Questions Restating the Question Sequencing Setting Similes Story Elements Summarizing Text Structures Text Structures: Informational Text Structures Theme Writing Prompts ♦ Vocabulary: Analogies (Grades 3-5) Analogies (Grades 6-8) Analogies (Grade 9) Antonyms Compound Words Context Clues Greek and Latin Roots Homophones Homonyms Multiple Meaning Words Prefixes Root Words Shades of Meaning Spelling Suffixes Synonyms Tone and Mood Transition Words ♦ Grammar: Adjective Identification Adjectives: Comparative and Superlative Adverbs Appositives Apostrophes Capitalization Clauses Commas Conjunctions Contractions Mentor Sentences Nouns: Common, Proper, and Plural Nouns: Collective Nouns: Common and Proper Nouns: Irregular Plural Nouns: Plural Nouns Nouns: Possessive Nouns Parts of Speech Prepositions Prepositional Phrases Pronouns: Identification Pronouns: Possessive Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Quotation Marks Sentence Types Sentences: Fragments and Run-Ons Sentences: Simple, Compound, and Complex Subject and Predicate: Complete and Compound Verb Identification Verb Tenses Verbs: Helping Verbs: Irregular Verbs: Subject Verb Agreement


Fall Math Activities: Fall Math Coordinate Graphing Bundle: This Bundle includes all of my Fall/ Autumn themed Coordinate Graphing activities, which are outlined below: All these lessons sell individually for $5; as a bundle they are 20% off, for $3.95! 1. Halloween Coordinate Graphing: 2. Autumn: Maple Leaf Coordinate Graphing 3. Autumn: Squirrel, Acorn and Maple Leaf Coordinate Graphing
Volume of Triangular Prisms Cootie Catchers

Volume of Triangular Prisms Cootie Catchers

Volume of Triangular Prisms: These cootie catchers are a great way for students to have fun while they practice their skills with calculating volume of a triangular prism. How to Play and Assembly Instructions are included. There are 2 cootie catchers in this product, each one having 8 problems for a total of 16 problems. Each problem has a picture of a Triangular prism with sides of various units. Step-by-Step answers are provided for each problem. *** Enjoy this Lesson? Do a search for my other Cootie Catchers: *** ♦ Grades 1-3: Addition Arrays Balancing Equations Coins Estimating Sums Expanded Form Fact Families Greater Than Less Than Long Division Missing Addends Multiplication Word Problems Number Bonds Word Problems Skip Counting Subtraction Telling Time ♦ Grades 3-5: Balancing Equations Capacity Comparing Decimals Decimals Elapsed Time Expanded Form Exponents Fact Families Factors & Multiples Fractions Fractions on a Number Line Greater Than Less Than Greatest Common Factors Least Common Multiple Long Division Mean, Median, Mode, & Range Metric Measurement Mixed Numbers Multiplication Number Patterns Order of Operations Percents Place Value Prime & Composite Numbers Prime Factorization Probability Properties of Mult. Rounding Word Problems ♦ Grades 6-8: Customary Measurements Fractions: Add & Sub, Decimals, & Percents Fractions: Equivalent & Reducing Fractions Greater Than Less Than Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers Integers Operations with Fractions Rational Numbers Ratios Simple Interest ♦ Geometry: 3D Shapes Angle Pair Relationships Area of a Circle & Composite Figures Circumference of a Circle Missing Angles Perimeter Polygons Pythagorean Theorem Quadrilaterals Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms Volume & Surface Area of Cylinders Volume of Cones, Rectangular Prisms, & Triangular Prisms ♦ Algebra: Absolute Value Combining Like Terms Distributive Property Equations Evaluating Expressions Inequalities Linear Equations Polynomials Proportions Quadratic Equations Scientific Notation Simplifying Expressions Slope System of Equations Two Step & Multi Step Equations Writing Expressions
Metric Measurement Cootie Catchers

Metric Measurement Cootie Catchers

Metric Measurement: These cootie catchers are a great way for students to have fun while they practice their skills with metric measurement using length. How to Play and Assembly Instructions are included. There are 2 cootie catchers in this product, each one having 8 problems for a total of 16 problems. Problems Include: 1. Students select the choice that has the same length of the given measure 2. Students compare two measures of length with different units 3. Students choose the most appropriate unit of length *** Enjoy this Lesson? Do a search for my other Cootie Catchers: *** ♦ Grades 1-3: Addition Arrays Balancing Equations Coins Estimating Sums Expanded Form Fact Families Greater Than Less Than Long Division Missing Addends Multiplication Word Problems Number Bonds Word Problems Skip Counting Subtraction Telling Time ♦ Grades 3-5: Balancing Equations Capacity Comparing Decimals Decimals Elapsed Time Expanded Form Exponents Fact Families Factors & Multiples Fractions Fractions on a Number Line Greater Than Less Than Greatest Common Factors Least Common Multiple Long Division Mean, Median, Mode, & Range Metric Measurement Mixed Numbers Multiplication Number Patterns Order of Operations Percents Place Value Prime & Composite Numbers Prime Factorization Probability Properties of Mult. Rounding Word Problems ♦ Grades 6-8: Customary Measurements Fractions: Add & Sub, Decimals, & Percents Fractions: Equivalent & Reducing Fractions Greater Than Less Than Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers Integers Operations with Fractions Rational Numbers Ratios Simple Interest ♦ Geometry: 3D Shapes Angle Pair Relationships Area of a Circle & Composite Figures Circumference of a Circle Missing Angles Perimeter Polygons Pythagorean Theorem Quadrilaterals Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms Volume & Surface Area of Cylinders Volume of Cones, Rectangular Prisms, & Triangular Prisms ♦ Algebra: Absolute Value Combining Like Terms Distributive Property Equations Evaluating Expressions Inequalities Linear Equations Polynomials Proportions Quadratic Equations Scientific Notation Simplifying Expressions Slope System of Equations Two Step & Multi Step Equations Writing Expressions
Speed, Velocity and Acceleration Escape Room

Speed, Velocity and Acceleration Escape Room

This breakout escape room is a fun way for students to test their knowledge of the speed, velocity and acceleration. Full "Letter" sized cards as well as smaller sized cards are provided. Contents: ♦ Teacher Instructions with Usage Guide and FAQ ♦ 20 Multiple Choice Questions ♦ 5 Decoders for each of the 5 Levels ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Large Sized Cards and Smaller ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room
Simple and Compound Interest Game: Escape Room Math Activity

Simple and Compound Interest Game: Escape Room Math Activity

This breakout escape room is a fun way for students to test their skills with simple and compound interest. Contents: ♦ Teacher Instructions and FAQ ♦ 3 Levels to decode: Multiple Choice, Message Decoder, and a Maze ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room
Surface Area and Volume of Prisms and Cylinders: Geometry Escape Room Math

Surface Area and Volume of Prisms and Cylinders: Geometry Escape Room Math

This breakout escape room is a fun way for students to test their skills with volume and surface area of prisms and cylinders. Contents: ♦ Teacher Instructions and FAQ ♦ 3 Levels to decode: Multiple Choice, Message Decoder, and Maze ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room
Multi Step Equations Escape Room

Multi Step Equations Escape Room

This breakout escape room is a fun way for students to test their skills with multi-step equations. Contents: ♦ Teacher Instructions and FAQ ♦ 3 Levels to decode: Maze Decoder, Tarsia Puzzle, and Message Decoder ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room