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The digestive system KS3

The digestive system KS3

Aimed at mixed ability year 7 class Starter: label the digestive system, green pen mark Main: Move around the room and find information about the key organs of the digestive system HA/MA/LA sheets to fill in Write a food story of food moving through the digestive system Plenary: peer assess food story, marking sticker included
Cells, tissues and organs KS3

Cells, tissues and organs KS3

Aimed at mixed ability year 7 class, some resources from other areas of tes Starter: Put key words in size order and discuss Main: discuss what cells tissues, organs are and examples Organ systems worksheet to fill in using information around the room LA version of cut and stick match up the organ, system and function Extension: research extension questions about the organ systems (sheet provided) Plenary: tweet something you have learnt today
Microscopes practical KS3

Microscopes practical KS3

Aimed at mixed ability year 7 class Starter: work out magnification Main: Complete practical looking at onion epidermis and cheek cells practical sheet to fill in Plenary: Peer assess their practical work
Microscopes KS3

Microscopes KS3

Aimed at a mixed ability year 7 class 5 mins Differentiated questions to see what students know already about the microscope   Main History of the microscope task – HA/LA version HA comprehension task about history, LA cut and stick to put in order Show students parts on real microscope then cut and stick activity to label microscope parts – HA/LA version available as well as support sheets  - go through answers Extension: magnification calculations Plenary 5 mins Tweet something you have learnt today
Plant cells, tissues and organs KS3

Plant cells, tissues and organs KS3

Aimed at mixed ability year 7 class - some resources from other areas of TES Starter: memory task, draw and label a plant cell with all they can remember Main: draw and label root hair cell and palasaide cell, write the function and adaptations use information around the room to fill in diagram of cells in a leaf and how they help photosynthesis extension questions at each station Plenary: exam questions
Animal cell specialisation KS3

Animal cell specialisation KS3

Aimed at a mixed ability year 7 class Starter: What does specialised mean? Main: research task move around the room to find out about specialised animal cells differentiated worksheet answer questions about the cells differentiated task to compare different cells Plenary: Exam questions
Unicellular organisms KS3

Unicellular organisms KS3

Aimed at mixed ability year 7 class Starter: how many cells make up the human body Main: key definitions uni/multi cellular task to move around the room and find out about different unicellular organisms Comparison task to compare organelles in unicelllular organisms Plenary: summary questions based on the lesson
Plant and animal cells KS3

Plant and animal cells KS3

Aimed at a mixed ability year 7 class 10 mins Spider diagram of anything students already know about cells Discuss this with students Give students an empty diagram of a plant and animal cell, one per table. Work together to try and label all of the organelles. Explain the term organelle Green pen mark, then given students their own copy for their books that they need to fill in. Print match up grid for students, cut up the function of organelles and place around the room. Students move around the room to find the function of each organelle Green pen organelle worksheet Students draw venn diagram, identify what a plant/ animal cell has and which organelles they share Plenary  5 mins Students identify whether the statements are true or false
B4.3 The heart

B4.3 The heart

Biology Aqa trilogy, B4.3 Aimed at a mixed ability class Starter: exam question based on previous lesson on blood vessels Main: 2 minute video to introduce heart double circulatory task Then differentiated task on the heart to label Plenary : exam question on labelling the heart