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Solubility KS3

Solubility KS3

Suitable for year 7/8 Recall starter Followed by explaination and practice of the new keywords solute/solvent/solution Questions and tasks provided with answers mini practical to do with solubility, does it dissolve or not? Questions for follow up to the practical Recall plenary
Pure and Impure

Pure and Impure

Suitable for KS3 Includes: Recall starter Pure and impure including particle diagrams Pure and impure boiling points practical investigation to investigate purity


Suitable for KS3 Includes Recall starter Element mixture or compound particle diagrams and task Mini demo or practical to show how we can separate mixtures Written task to explain how properties can help us separate mixture Peer assessment grid recall plenary


Suitable for KS3 Includes: Introduction to compounds Particle diagrams of elements and compounds Naming compounds with two and three elements Mini practical to compare elements and compounds All answers included


Appropriate for KS3 Recall starter, followed by an introduction to elements and particle diagram Including a mini practical to get students thinking about key properties of elements
C7.1 exothermic and endothermic reactions

C7.1 exothermic and endothermic reactions

Aimed at foundation students - Does not include required practical Starter - B3 retrieval starter practice Main – Think pair share (+write down) how can you tell if a chemical reaction has taken place? Copy key facts about conservation of energy Explain endo/exo thermic and students fill in vocab labs Find uses and examples of endothermic/exothermic reactions then complete exam questions Mark exam questions, students green pen Plenary Plenary – what have you learnt today
Paper one chemistry revision

Paper one chemistry revision

Complete paper one chemistry revision Inspired by Dr Edmunds Each section has a fact sheet to fill in, page numbers are highlighted from the foundation revision CGP booklet. Facts are based on the level 4 requirements from the kerboodle scheme of work. The booklet contains the answers to the fact sheets there are then practice questions with answers for each section
History of the periodic table KS3

History of the periodic table KS3

Differentiated retrieval starter questions. Go through answers Main – Add periodic table to key words, watch video about history of periodic table Using differentiated sheets, create timeline of history of the periodic table Label modern periodic table and answer questions Plenary Carton elements – identify the carton character
C12 revision sheet

C12 revision sheet

C12 - the earths resources summary sheet Aimed at students with targets of level 4’s page numbers are from CGP foundation revision guide
C12.6 reduce reuse recycle

C12.6 reduce reuse recycle

Aimed at low ability students, targets of level 4s Starter: recap on stages of LCA Main: link up key words to defintions for three R’s Pictures on board of different items, what are they made of ? can they be recycled? Discuss three R’s with students using textbooks students then make an information sheet using the success criteria on the powerpoint Plenary: 6 mark question about the the three r’s
C12.5 Life cycle assessments

C12.5 Life cycle assessments

Aimed at low ability students, targets level 4 Starter: differentiated starter questions Main: watch the video about a yogurt pot,thin about its journey fill in grid showing the different stages of the LCA use textbooks to support Class vote - which do they think is the most enviromentally damaging paper or plastic bags Carry out LCA of paper and plastic bags using textbooks evaluate which they think is most enviromentally damaging Plenary: question to list the stages of the LCA
C12. treating waste water

C12. treating waste water

For low ability students. targets level 4 Starter: differentiated stater based on prior learning of the topic answers on following slide Main: think pair share: where do we get waste water from video: watch a video, try and pick out what the stages of treatment for waste water are differentiated worksheets, to explain the process of waste water treatment Extension: differentiated extension questions Plenary: copy and complete two sentences