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Bundle - Puzzles Jigsaws Celebraciones & Medio ambiente

Bundle - Puzzles Jigsaws Celebraciones & Medio ambiente

2 Resources
2 puzzles/jigsaws with vocabulary on the topic of Celebrations (in Spanish and English) and 2 on Enviroment (in Spanish and English). Students can enjoy building the image while learning/revising vocabulary. Suitable for FCSE. 2 puzzles con vocabulario del tema Celebraciones (en español e inglés) y 2 sobre el tema Medio ambiente (en español e inglés). Los alumnos pueden pasarlo bien construyendo las imágenes mientras aprenden o repasan vocabulario. Ideal para FCSE.
Bundle (5) Make up a story / Inventa una historia

Bundle (5) Make up a story / Inventa una historia

This resource consists of 5 worksheets, each one with 4 photos. Next to each photo there are 3 questions that the students need to first translate, and then use their imagination to answer. The questions include present, past and future tenses. This activity can be useful, especially for GCSE students, to help them improvise when tackling creative writing/speaking. Please be aware that this resource offers the original 2 “Make up a story” activities (available for free in the store) plus 3 completely new ones in the same format. It also includes all the Spanish versions. It can be used as classroom work, both individual ans grouped. Este recurso consiste en 5 fichas, cada una con 4 fotos. Cada foto tiene al lado 3 preguntas que los estudiantes deberán primero traducir, y luego responder usando su imaginación. Las preguntas incluyen presente, pasado y futuro. Esta actividad puede ser útil, especialmente para estudiantes de GCSE, para ayudarles a improvisar cuando se enfrenten a actividades de escritura creativa y/o de comunicación verbal. Este “bundle” ofrece las dos fichas originales “Inventa una historia” (disponibles gratis en la tienda) más 3 fichas completamente nuevas con el mismo formato. Incluye también todas las versiones en inglés. Se puede usar para trabajo de clase, tanto individual como grupal.
Puzzle Medio ambiente - Environment

Puzzle Medio ambiente - Environment

Puzzle with vocabulary related with Environment. It comes in Spanish and English version. Great as an alternative or crafty activity for KS3, bottom sets GCSE or FCSE Spanish. Also for primary or after school clubs. It can be a great activity to introduce vocabulary to students. Puzzle con vocabulario relacionado con proteger el medio ambiente. Versión en español e inglés. Genial como actividad alternativa o creativa para KS3, sets bajos de GCSE o FCSE Español. También para primaria o clubs extra escolares. Puede ser una gran actividad para introducir vocabulario a los alumnos.
Make up a story - 2

Make up a story - 2

A second part to the resource “Make up a story”. This activity consists of 4 new photos. Each photo has next to it 3 questions that the students need to first translate (if non-English natives), and then use their imagination to answer. The questions include present, past and future tenses. This activity can be useful, both for students of the English language (non-natives), to help them improvise when tackling creative writing/speaking and for English native speakers to develop their creativity. This resource exists in its Spanish version, named “Inventa una historia - 2”.
Make up a story

Make up a story

This activity consists of 4 photos. Each photo has next to it 3 questions that the students need to first translate (if non-English natives), and then use their imagination to answer. The questions include present, past and future tenses. This activity can be useful, both for students of the English language (non-natives), to help them improvise when tackling creative writing/speaking and for English native speakers to develop their creativity. This resource exists in its Spanish version, named “Inventa una historia”.