
DAZ/DAF Zahlen 1-100 Bingo
Zahlen 1-100 Bingo
18 different Bingo Cards with 40 numbers from 1 to 100
Calling cards from eins to einhundert

DAZ/DAF: Zahlen 1-30, Kreuzworträtsel, Zahlen in Worten schreiben
Zahlen von 1 bis 30, Kreuzworträtsel, Zahlen in Worten schreiben.

DAZ/DAF Kausalsätze (die Konjunktionen denn, weil und da)
Kausalsätze (die Konjunktionen denn, weil und da) Arbeitsblatt
Causal clause in German (the conjunctions denn, weil and da) Worksheet
3 pages explanations and exercises.
Answer key’s included.

Myths and Legends, Vocabulary Worksheet
Myths and Legends, Vocabulary Worksheet with the answer key
The words used in the worksheet are:
character, literature, climax, myth, comic strip, mythology, conflict, novel, creation, plot, fairy tale, poem, fictional, resolution, hero, setting, legend, supernatural, biography, god, king, villain, play, prince, theme, evil, box, mortal, humanity, earth.

DAZ/DAF Länder und Sprachen (German for Beginners)
Länder und Sprachen (Countries and Languages)
Page 1: table of countries and languages in German
Pages 2-3-4: exercises
Pages 5-6: answer key
Welche Sprachen spricht man in Italien?
In Italien spricht man Italienisch.
Wie heißt die Hauptstadt von Deutschland?
Die Hauptstadt von Deutschland heißt/ist Berlin.
Sprichst du Japanisch? / Sprechen Sie Japanisch?
▪ Ja, ich spreche sehr gut Japanisch.
▪ Ja, ich spreche ein bisschen Japanisch.
▪ Nein, ich spreche kein Wort Japanisch.

Idioms Crossword Puzzle-1
Idioms Crossword Puzzle (22 idioms)
For each idiom, there’s an explanation and an example sentence with one missing word. Idioms in the sentences are written in bold letters. To complete the crossword puzzle, the missing word in the idiom must be found.
Idioms used in the puzzle:
have a finger in every pie
turn the page
mind your own business
hit the books
in seventh heaven
have a heart of stone
build bridges
turn tail
a needle in a haystack
pull a rabbit out of your hat
a pipe dream
fill someone’s boots
give someone enough rope
someone’s ears are burning
get someone’s goat
my lips are sealed
reinvent the wheel
kick the bucket
like a flash
a piece of cake
be curtains for someone
mend fences

Summer Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle
Summer Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle
40 words
Answer key’s included.
The words used in the puzzle are:
August, barbecue, beach, bikini, camping, fan, flip-flops, frisbee, hat, hot, humid, ice cream, July, June, lemonade, outdoors, picnic, popsicle, sand, sandals, sandcastle, seaside, shorts, summer, sun, sunbathe, sunburn, sunglasses, sunny, sunscreen, sunshade, suntan, swim, swimming pool, swimsuit, travel, trip, vacation, warm, watermelon

Worksheets&Activities for The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Scholastic Junior Classics)
Worksheets&Activities for The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Scholastic Junior Classics)
This Worksheets&Activities packet is for use with Scholastic Junior Classic version of Irving Washington’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Worksheets&Activities for The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Students’ Pack - 30 Pages
Worksheets&Activities for The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Teachers’ Pack (Answer Key) - 30 Pages
30 pages worksheets & activities including:
Word Search Puzzles
Crossword Puzzles
Word Scramble Activities
Reading Comprehension Quizzes
Vocabulary Matching Activities
Making Sentences and Vocabulary Gap-filling Activity

Capital Cities in The World Crossword Puzzle
Capital Cities in The World Crossword Puzzle
25 capital cities
Helsinki - Finland
Brussels - Belgium
Tokyo - Japan
Vienna - Austria
London - England
Seoul - South Korea
Ankara - Turkey
Washington - The USA
Madrid - Spain
Copenhagen - Denmark
Berlin - Germany
Rome - Italy
Moscow - Russia
Bern - Switzerland
Beijing - China
Ottawa - Canada
Warsaw - Poland
Stockholm - Sweden
Lisbon - Portugal
Edinburgh - Scotland
Paris - France
Athens - Greece
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Brasilia - Brazil
Canberra - Australia

Idioms Board Game with 84 Idiom Task Cards - Figurative Language
Idioms Board Game with Idiom Task Cards
1- game board
2- 84 idiom task cards with questions on idioms
3- instructions for the teacher and another game idea with idiom task cards
4- instructions for students
Idioms used on the cards:
have a sweet tooth
have a skeleton in the closet
cry wolf
a storm in a teacup
behind bars
have butterflies in your stomach
have a fire in your belly
treat someone with kid gloves
like a red rag to a bull
be sold on something
a dead duck
smell a rat
cool as a cucumber
a smart cookie
break the ice
break a leg
(buy) a lemon
the apple of someone’s eye
put your foot in your mouth
watch your mouth
early bird
it’s all Greek to me
excuse my French
it takes two to tango
see eye to eye with someone
an eye for an eye
under the weather
not someone’s bag
have feet of clay
get your head down
live hand to mouth
use your loaf
face the music
keep your chin up
find your feet
a couch potato
keep a straight face
my lips are sealed
be curtains for someone
cost an arm and a leg
in seventh heaven
chase rainbows
the salt on the earth
get your goat
turn the page
get your foot in the door
a piece of cake
have a finger in every pie
hit the books
have a heart of stone
build bridges
turn tail
have a lot on your plate
pull a rabbit out of your hat
kick the bucket
a pipe dream
it’s raining cats and dogs
like herding cats
there’s no room to swing a cat
live a dog’s life
like a dog with a bone
be all eyes
be all mouth
your heart is in your mouth
someone’s ears are burning
give someone enough rope
be off-colour
over the moon
mend your fences
be in the hole
bring home the bacon
reinvent the wheel
go broke
down in the dumps
tighten your belt
lose your cool
a cold fish
turn a deaf ear
get up on the wrong side of the bed
wear your heart on your sleeve
go Dutch
look for a needle in a haystack
fill someone’s shoes
+ 9 more idioms on the board:
a blessing in disguise
turn the corner
kill two birds with one stone
hit the jackpot
be in a tight corner
a cross to bear
hold all the aces
life’s full of ups and downs
a step forward

DAZ/DAF Die Familie, Kreuzworträtsel (German / Deutsch)
Die Familie, Kreuzworträtsel
A fun activity to review vocabulary on family members in German.
Answer key’s included.
*Familie, Familienmitglieder, DaZ, DaF, Deutsch, Wortschatz.

DAZ/DAF Zahlen, Uhrzeiten (German for Beginners)
Numbers, telling the time in German
Zahlen, Uhrzeiten
4 pages explanations and exercises!
Answer key’s included.
a) Informelle Uhrzeit
b) Formelle Uhrzeit

DAZ/DAF Familienmitglieder, Possessivartikel, Wortstellung
Familienmitglieder, Possessivartikel, Wortstellung (German for Beginners)
Family members, possessive adjectives, word order in German
5 pages grammar tables, examples, and exercises!
Answer key’s included.

Summer Outdoor Activities Flashcards (11 Cards)
Summer Outdoor Activities Flashcards
11 activities:
to swim
to play tennis
to play volleyball
to jump on a trampoline
to skateboard
to go fishing
to ride on a swing
to fly a kite
to slide on a waterslide
to ride a scooter
to spin a hula hoop

My Body / Body Parts Worksheet
My Body / Body Parts, Worksheet (with the answer key)
The words used in the worksheet are head, hair, neck, face, chest, shoulder, arm, stomach, belly, hand, finger, leg, knee, ankle, foot, eye, ear, mouth, lips, nose, forehead, chin, eyebrow.
1- Body parts writing activity
2- Word search puzzle
3- Word scramble puzzle

ESL/EFL Idioms Crossword Puzzle-5 (20 idioms)
Idioms Crossword Puzzle-5 (20 idioms)
For each idiom, there’s an explanation and an example sentence with one missing word. Idioms in the sentences are written in bold letters. To complete the crossword puzzle, the missing word in the idiom must be found.
The answer key’s included.
Idioms used in the puzzle are:
I’ll sleep on it
the jury is out
be in two minds
on the fence
pass with flying colors
go to the dogs
fall at the first hurdle
be in the bag
Pandora’s box
an Achilles heel
the Midas touch
a round-table discussion
written in the stars
move heaven and earth
thank your lucky stars
on top of the world
give the game away
cover your tracks
keep someone in the dark
spill the beans
*ESL, EFL, figurative language, idioms, crossword, puzzle, fun, English

Professions Crossword Puzzle
Professions Crossword Puzzle
Answer key’s included.
Professions used in the puzzle are: painter, pediatrician, nurse, veterinarian, teacher, model, cook, photographer, cameraman, politician, singer, dancer, butcher, greengrocer, pharmacist, tennis player, sculptor, cashier, florist, harpist, conductor, repairman, pilot, journalist, waitress, chemist, doctor, tailor

Farben, Poster
Farben, Poster
Die Farben: schwarz, weiß, grau, braun, blau, grün, rot, gelb, rosa, lila, orange.
Images used in the poster are created by macrovector / Freepik

Renkler, Poster
Renkler, Poster: kırmızı, mavi, sarı, yeşil, turuncu, mor, kahverengi, siyah, beyaz, gri, pembe.