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Three Billy Goats Gruff- Talk For Writing Sequence- 3 WEEK UNIT PLANNING AND RESOURCES- YEAR 1

Three Billy Goats Gruff- Talk For Writing Sequence- 3 WEEK UNIT PLANNING AND RESOURCES- YEAR 1

Planning and resources for the Three Billy Goats Gruff story. 3 week learning cycle but can be shortened or lengthened. This is aimed at Year 1 but could be extended for higher year groups. Planning and activities are EDITABLE to fit the needs of your class Resources include: Planning Sequence (Approximately 3 weeks but can be shortened or lengthened) Model Text Story Map Big Write Template (Wanted Poster) Magpie Words Activity Ordering the Story- Picture Cards
The Papaya That Spoke- Full Unit with Resources

The Papaya That Spoke- Full Unit with Resources

This is a complete Talk for Writing (T4W) unit pack to support the teaching of The Papaya that Spoke. This is aimed at Year 2/3 but could be edited for other year groups. The pack includes: Unit Overview Unit Powerpoint Model Text Ready-made Story Maps Working Wall Resources Lesson Activities
Sound and Patterns in Poems- Rhyming Words and Syllables KS2

Sound and Patterns in Poems- Rhyming Words and Syllables KS2

This lesson enables student to identify sound patterns in poems through rhyming words and syllables. The children can practice identifying these patterns in a range of poems (also attached in the files) to build their knowledge and understanding. Finally, the lesson finishes with them applying their understanding to their own poem about their pets. I used this in my mixed Y5/6 class but it can be adapted to meet the needs and abilities in your class. The poems attached also range in length and complexity to stretch and support learners.


RWI Phonics key chain. Each flashcard is approx 2 inches tall, 1.5 inches wide. I bought circle carabiner key chains to fasten them all together. Laminate and cut each set, hole punch and then attach to the carabiner! Sent home with the children to practice their phonics at home.
Talk for Writing- Non-Chronological Report Writing- FULL UNIT

Talk for Writing- Non-Chronological Report Writing- FULL UNIT

This is a full Year 2 unit of work based on non-chronological reports following the Talk for Writing approach. Highly engaging model text- The Snatchling will capture imaginations and inspire some excellent report writing! An innovation text has also been provided so you can innovate as a whole class if you wish! Fully planned and resourced ready for you!
Year 1/Year 2- PLANTS- Whole Science Unit Term- Planning, PowerPoint, Resources- 10 editable lessons

Year 1/Year 2- PLANTS- Whole Science Unit Term- Planning, PowerPoint, Resources- 10 editable lessons

Year 1/Year 2 Science full unit of learning with resources. 10 lessons have been planned and resourced but can be edited to meet the needs of your class. 1 LO: What do you already know about plants? 2 LO: Can I investigate plants around our school? 3 LO: Can I label and explain parts of a plant? 4 LO: Can I explain the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees? 5 LO: Can I explain how seed dispersal happens? 6 LO: Can I investigate what seeds need to grow? 7 LO: Can I investigate if my predictions were correct? 8 LO: Can I explain what plants need to grow? 9 LO: Can I explain what parts of the plants we eat? 10 LO: Can I explain how we get our food?


NC Outcome- Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer). Children are able to practice using the <, > and = symbols in a colourful worksheet that will brighten up their maths books!
PERSONIFICATION- Create a Season Poem Lesson and Activity

PERSONIFICATION- Create a Season Poem Lesson and Activity

POWERPOINT AND ACTIVITY SHEET INCLUDED This lesson and activity allows children to develop their understanding of personification through a SEASON POEM. Children identify features of their chosen season and create a poem through the use of personification. I used this with my Y5/6 class but it can be adapted to fit your needs.
NEW! The Three Billy Goats Gruff- Talk for Writing- Year 2- FULL PLANNING AND RESOURCES

NEW! The Three Billy Goats Gruff- Talk for Writing- Year 2- FULL PLANNING AND RESOURCES

Save yourself time! Here is everything you need to teach a full English Unit! This unit is focused on SETTINGS and follows the Talk for Writing approach. Full planning and resources for The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The unit is aimed at Year 2 but could be adapted to meet other year groups. Planning and activities are EDITABLE for the needs of your learners. Resources include: Planning that is easy to follow and saves you time! Fully comprehensive Power Point that aligns with the planning document Model Text Text Map Innovated Text Map Boxing Up Grid Plus lesson activities- all fully editable!
Addition and Subtraction Word Problems- Year 1- DIFFERENTIATED

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems- Year 1- DIFFERENTIATED

Addition and Subtraction word problems for Year 1/2. Differentiated into 4 abilities. Children can cut and stick each question into their books and work it out underneath! NC Guidance: "They discuss and solve problems in familiar practical contexts, including using quantities. Problems should include the terms: put together, add, altogether, total, take away, distance between, difference between, more than and less than, so that pupils develop the concept of addition and subtraction and are enabled to use these operations flexibly"
TOLSBY FRAME LABELS (Classroom Stations and Group Numbers)

TOLSBY FRAME LABELS (Classroom Stations and Group Numbers)

Tolsby Frame Labels Print these twice (front and back) and put into your Tolsby frames! I have these all around my classroom show the different stations and to show the children how many people can work at a certain activity. I DO NOT own the fonts/images/borders.
NUMBER BONDS TO- 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10- Pictorial and Abstract Representations

NUMBER BONDS TO- 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10- Pictorial and Abstract Representations

Develop mathematical fluency with these pictorial and abstract approaches to number bonds from 5-10. First activity is a bar model representation where the children use 2 different coloured pencils to show different ways to make the focus number. Second activity is a part part whole model which is represented in two different formats. This also allows children to be exposed to different representations based on the same idea. Third activity is a missing number activity that puts their pictorial understanding into practice by allowing them to complete a selection of calculations. These calculations are set out in two different ways- the first way with the answer first and then the second way with the missing number in the middle. Again, enabling children to increase fluency and challenge themselves.


Numbers 10 to 15. This colourful worksheet can allow children to practice their number bonds and develop their understanding of FACT FAMILIES. Children find the two addition and two subtraction calculations for each triangle and write it in the space underneath.