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Functional Skills Entry Level 1-3 Writing criteria tick list

Functional Skills Entry Level 1-3 Writing criteria tick list

Criteria grids to support assessment for learning of Entry Level English writing work, students can also use these to assess themselves against the criteria. NCFE Functional Skills- Entry Level 1-3 and Level 1 Originally created for a post 16 class working at Entry Level 1-3 and Level 1


Links to Meditation, breathing exercises and mindfulness videos on Youtube. Originally made for an SEN class where we do mindfulness every morning, so all accessible for children with low abilities. Includes a Pinwheel PDF for the pinwheel breathing.
CVC spelling worksheets- 6 weeks, SEN, PECs

CVC spelling worksheets- 6 weeks, SEN, PECs

6 spelling practise worksheets, designed for an SEN class, for weekly spellings. Includes PECs for the words to aid understanding for low level students. Includes- ad, ag/am, an, ap/at, ut/ug and ed/eg words. Includes a word list so spellings can be sent home if necessary.
NCFE Employbaility

NCFE Employbaility

Originally made for a KS4 SEN class for the NCFE Level 1 Employability unit: Understanding Mindset. Includes around 6 lessons (but this can easily be edited) and includes work on the mindset qualities, Honesty Commitment Accountability Flexibility
Christmas colourful semantics

Christmas colourful semantics

6 pictures and 6 basic sentences to be created using colourful semantics. I have included a template of the colours in order that can be stuck in books for students who need to use the colours to identify which words should go where.
Creative writing worksheet

Creative writing worksheet

I used ideas from a creative writing powerpoint on here and made it into an A3 worksheet to extend it to a lesson activity. Originally uysed with KS3 Y8 and 9 SEN pupils
Choosing a holiday

Choosing a holiday

I made this for a level 1 BTEC Travel and Tourism lesson where students had to read the profiles and decide on a suitable holiday for that person, we also did a role play after here the students would pretend to be the characters and the travel agent had to recommend 3 different holidays written by the students and decide which they would go on.
Growth mindset & positivity SEN ASD

Growth mindset & positivity SEN ASD

Originally made for an SEN class to explore mindset. I’ve used the videos from Classdojo, and includes 5 worksheets with questions on each episode/chapter to prompt discussion. Worksheets include widget symbols.
About me board game for SEN

About me board game for SEN

A really simple board game I’ve used with SEN classes, uses widget symbols to aid understanding. Can be used as a transition activity for 2 students to get to know each other or to build social skills in asking questions and listening to the answers.
Colourful semantics for CVC words SEN ASD

Colourful semantics for CVC words SEN ASD

Colourful semantics to go with 23 CVC words. I split these into 4 words per week (one week, has 3 words) and we work on spelling these words and using them in sentences, but this can be easily adapted if you wanted to use more words per week. I have included colourful semantics boards, from the basic Who, What doing, What, to more complex Who, What doing, What, Where, Why. I have laminated these for my class and differentiate so some of the students complete only the 3 word sentences and some complete the 4 or 5 word sentences, but using the same pictures. I have included 3 pictures of examples of students using the boards and words (I hav blanked out student names)
Social skills- friendship. Scheme of work/ Medium term plan

Social skills- friendship. Scheme of work/ Medium term plan

Originally made for a KS3 SEN class. A MTP on social skills focusing on friendships. Includes a peer buddy ticklist completed at the end of every lesson. I found and downloaded resources from here, and other websites, but hopefully gives some ideas for social skills lessons or interventions.
Ancient Egypt- Introduction lesson

Ancient Egypt- Introduction lesson

A quiz worksheet and power point with all the answers on to go through after. Used as a quick intro lesson to the Ancient Egypt topic. Originally for a KS3/KS4 SEN class.
Autism Awareness Week- presentation & activities

Autism Awareness Week- presentation & activities

This was for a small PSHCE lesson for Year 7 students. It’s brief, and doesn’t go into too much detail but has a drawing task, and you can make a sensory task (I just used a box and cut a hole in it), to keep them engaged. It has links to the NAS website, which is for 2018 but can be updated, and to a youtube clip about the creator of Pokemon, which some students might like.