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Squelch1's Shop

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(based on 64 reviews)

I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.




I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.
Year 1 Spelling Lists - covers full Y1 spelling curriculum.

Year 1 Spelling Lists - covers full Y1 spelling curriculum.

54 spelling lists for year 1. Each spelling list covers a specific rule/sound from the curriculum. Easy to use in class and can be used easily alongside other resources for learning spellings. Also useful to help you identify spelling rules to teach. Sheets can be sent home to help children with learning their spellings. These have also been used for recap work in year 2 and lower KS2 where required.
End of Year 4 SPaG Test

End of Year 4 SPaG Test

27 mark SPaG test for the end of year 4. Answer paper and mark paper included. The test covers: Writing and punctuating fronted adverbials Correct use of being/been Converting indirect/reported speech into direct speech Some year 4 spellings verbs Choosing appropriate co-ordinating conjunctions Correcting tense Correct use of were/where/we're Determiners Using subordinating conjuncitons and writing a subordinate clause.
KS2 Online Safety - Types of online communication - lesson/planning/assessment

KS2 Online Safety - Types of online communication - lesson/planning/assessment

We are learning to understand what different types of communication are available on the internet. Link to website for children to conduct their own research into types of online communication. Some questioning to develop children's thinking, particularly around which types of communication are most useful for what. Touches on being respectful, kind and polite online. Choice of activity for differentiation. Plenary is a self assessment, which is included. Lesson plan and PowerPoint included.
Computing (ICT) Assessment targets for Y1-Y6

Computing (ICT) Assessment targets for Y1-Y6

3 Resources
Assessment targets to help you plan and assess computing in years 1,2,3 and 4. Split into 4 easy to follow categories: E-Safety Digital Literacy Information technology Programming and Algorithms
Conjunctions (SPaG) 5 lessons and activities - Ancient Greeks  Theme

Conjunctions (SPaG) 5 lessons and activities - Ancient Greeks Theme

Explores what a conjunction is used for and the clauses created by using conjunctions, including coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. All lessons are themed for an Ancient Greece topic - not only do children progress in using conjunctions, they learn more about Ancient Greece (Gods, Heroes, Mythical Beasts, Places etc). This also support their writing development on the topic. Learning focuses around choosing appropriate conjunctions - a challenge for many children. Learning progresses throughout the lessons. Opportunity for discussion and reasoning (good for mastery). Opportunity for all children to be involved in lessons. Differentiated worksheets are provided for each lesson. Conjunction word mats included Learning is as follows: 1. We are learning to identify conjunctions and clauses. PowerPoint plus 3 differentiated work sheets. 2. Conjunction quiz (programmed with hyperlinks, so use in full screen mode and click on the helmets. Even the most challenging children in my class were very engaged with this. 3. We are learning to choose appropriate conjunctions. 3 levels of differentiated activities. 4. We are learning to use coordinating conjunctions 2 levels of differentiated activities. 5. We are learning to use subordinating conjunctions 3 levels of differentiated activities.
Roman Persecution of the Jews for KS2

Roman Persecution of the Jews for KS2

This is a lesson PowerPoint the explores some aspects of Jewish life in the Roman Empire and how the Jewish people came to be persecuted by the Romans. At the end of the PowerPoint are three different follow up tasks. Links well with topics on the Romans/Judaism.
KS2 Online Safety - Online Gaming Communication

KS2 Online Safety - Online Gaming Communication

We are learning to understand the dangers of communicating on online gaming. Lesson plan, PowerPoint and link to video to hook children and make learning relevant and real to them. Lots of deep thinking questions to encourage children to consider how they communicate in games; when it is and is not ok to communicate in games. Touches on online bullying and teaches children to block or report abuse. Focus on what personal information is and not sharing this in the online world. Choice of follow up task. Plenary provides opportunity for peer assessment. My class were absolutely hooked on this lesson and had fantastic discussions. They went home being much more aware of how to keep themselves safe when gaming.