Step by step resource showing the calculation of an insurance premium. The resource shows the calculation steps as well as the reasoning for doing so. Also explains key concepts like loadings, discounts, an actuary etc. with an example for students to attempt with space for their own workings. Cover page that can be edited as you wish.
Full household budget question with answer booklet included. (Answer booklet does not include insertions of each transaction, this is to test students on what expenditure falls into fixed, irregular, discretionary etc.) Fun relevant budget using a Simpson family with typical day to day transactions.
Mock newspaper article designed as a 2 page summary of both motivational theories. Diagram included to illustrate Maslow’s Hierarchy with a definition of each level of the hierarachy as well as an employee/employer example for each one. McGregor’s theory is divided up into theory X and Theory Y with 5-6 bullet points of the characteristics of each theory. Very simple outline of both motivational theories and a great resource to help retain basic information with visual queues as an aid.
Game/activity sheet designed for interactive lesson. 5 famous entrepreneurs are listed and described. One student at a time will use the queues to either describe the entrepreneur OR act out their new idenity. The student who guesses the entrepreneur correctly gets to act out the next one.
Completed template Tarsia puzzle for the chapter on understanding pay/wages/taxes. Print as many times as you like and cut to create a puzzle for students- the idea is students must be able to match the abbreviations/questions with answers to form the triangle on the sheet. Usually takes 30 minutes to complete in pairs- ideal for a think pair share exercise.
Fun and descriptive word search outlining the basic key words needed for an introductory lesson to business studies. Covers key words such as marketing, insurance, taxation, employment and initialisms like SWOT, SMART, HR and EU.
Infographic comprised of 3 different ethical situations in relation to businesses. 3 businesses/entrepreneurs have a conundrum that is outlined. Students can use this either as a ‘think pair share’ exercise or as a general class discussion exercise. Below each scenario on the inforgrpahic, there are 3 points for discussion in relation to the ethical scenario. The ethical scenarios are in relation to lying to consumers, withholding profits and personal gain.