Planning for the book ‘Greta and the Giants’.
Includes planning on retrieving information, linked to guided reading outcomes. letter writing and creating reports.
An editable wanted poster for KS1. Could be used alongside Literacy topics such as; Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Little Pigs.
Planning for a half term on the topic ‘where food comes from’. This could link to science or DT topics.
The planning include understanding how food is grown/ where it comes from, healthy food groups, foods from around the world and designing a healthy balanced pizza.
This resource provides two full weeks pf planning using the ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ text.
It involves interactive lessons as well as checking of Y1 NC statements.
Summer term Geography medium and short term planning for the Year 1 curriculum.
Includes the main objectives:
Have an understanding of the location of significant places in the context of their own locality. I can understand where I live in the local area. I can understand where my school is within the local area.
Can use simple fieldwork and observation skills to study the school and local areal. Can observe (look at) the school environment. Can devise a simple map and use basic symbols in a key. I can draw a simple map.
Accurately describe the location of features and routes on a map in the context of the school environment and local area. I can understand the route I take to school.
Can follow directional vocabulary and use directional vocabulary in the context of their own environment. Able to name the four points of a simple compass. Recognise a range of map symbols and understand their use.
To use simple compass directions (North, South, East and West) and locational and directional language to describe the location of features and routes on a map in the context of the school environment. Able to use compass directions to move around a map.
Devise simple maps and use & construct basic symbol in a key. I can draw a simple sketch map.
Use atlases and globes to identify the UK and its countries. Can use an atlas to find places in the UK and mark onto a blank map.
One weeks worth of literacy planning of the topic ‘Life Cyle of a Butterfuly’.
This planning contains teacher direction, outcomes and independents tasks for higher ability, middle ability, lower ability and SEN.
Planning for a half term (based around Christmas) on moving parts and mechanisms.
Planning includes; outcomes, teacher input, independent tasks and NC links.
Within the planning the topic covers making and using slider, lever, and wheel mechanisms. Moving on from this the children choose one to make their own card.
Planning document containing a weeks worth of English planning for Year 1.
Support, some challenge and oracy sections.
SMART document supporting weekly planning.
Resources to go with lessons.
Free resource of a story mountain.
To be used alongside Literacy planning when re-telling a story or planning a story.
This helps the children to see the beginning, middle and end of a story.
It can be used to draw pictures or write simple phrases from key elements of a story.