Drama Teacher with over 10 years experience. A range of accessible and detailed resources to make Drama and Theatre teaching fun, inspiring and awesome. Any questions please ask!
Drama Teacher with over 10 years experience. A range of accessible and detailed resources to make Drama and Theatre teaching fun, inspiring and awesome. Any questions please ask!
A note from the author:
I have this poster on my studio walls as a fun and informative way for students to gain initial exposure to Augusto Boal.
Overview of Resource:
1 x Practitioner Poster - Augusto Boal
Practitioner Posters Pack (Bundle)
1x Poster
Please note:
Purchasing this poster allows you to amend and reproduce it for use in your school.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
An Introduction Booklet that I use in the first lesson with my Year 9 pupils to set goals, expectations and ground rules for ensemble making.
Introduction to Drama Resources (All Year Groups 7-13!) (also available as part of this bundle)
Resources Included:
Year 9 Introduction to Drama Booklet
Pages Include:
Pg 1 - Ensemble Member Profile
Pg 2 - Inspirational Drama Quotes
Pg 3 - Inspirational Drama Quotes
Pg 4 - Comedy Mask (or things we like to see in Drama)
Pg 5 - Tragedy Mask (or things we like to avoid in Drama)
Pg 6 - Pupil Contract
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
These resources provide a fun, informative and engaging start to drama and theatre studies in the academic year.
Overview of Resources:
A selection of resources for use with introduction to drama lessons.
1 x A Level Introduction to Theatre Studies Booklet
1 x A Level Student Led Workshop Task
1 x GCSE Introduction to Drama Booklet
1 x Year 9 Introduction to Drama Booklet
1 x Year 7 / Year 8 Introduction to Drama Booklet
1 x KS3 Marking Criteria & Assessment Forms
Please note:
Burying these resources means that you can adapt and reproduce them for your work in schools.
These resources are also available to purchase separately.
Buying this bundle means you save 50%
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I use these certificates to congratulate my wonderful students in both academic and co curricular drama & theatre, as well as for their hard work and dedication to school productions.
Overview of Resource:
These certificates are in the style of ‘Classic’. They are also available in:
35 x Drama Certificate Templates including:
ensemble work
kind human being
outstanding performance
audience interaction
classroom contribution
lighting design
delivering monologue
role model
supporting others
Please note:
I like to use a gold or silver marker to fill these in and to print them on cream/white card, both of which can be found from any quality school suppliers or stationery stores. I also print my school logo on the reverse of the card to brand it, therefore you might like to do the same.
These certificates are non-editable, apart from writing names of the teacher / director and student on by hand as they come in a PDF format (unless you have PDF editor software). If you would like additional options on the certificates please contact me or write a review and I will add additional certificates onto this resource pack. I will aim to complete any additions by 2 weeks after the review is posted.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I use this scheme of work with my high ability Year 7 class, as not only does it offer a historical perspective on theatre, but it also allows for complex exploration into characters, staging types, language and stage combat. The students seem to want to get fully involved in all aspects and I have developed this scheme over three years of teaching it. It involves a rich variety of activities, and supports the development of Shakespearean Language and promotes positive working relationships in my students.
These resources are suitable for KS3-5 teaching.
Objective Overview of Shakespeare SOW
§ To realise a variety of Shakespearean extracts in performance.
§ To visually and aurally create an assortment of locations and atmospheres based on Shakespearean plays
§ To grasp a sound understanding of Shakespearean language within the performance context
§ To analyse and explore major themes in relation to social, cultural, political and historical context within selected Shakespeare works
§ To consider the importance of names and personality traits in the exploration and representation of characters
§ To explore staging types, with particular reference to blocking, tension and audience interaction
§ To be able to demonstrate a range of stage combat techniques in a secure and safe manner
§ To consider the differences between Comedies, Tragedies and Tragi-Comedies
§ To create a group re-staging of an extract from the selected works, with a number of the previous lesson objectives influencing and aiding creative decisions
Shakespeare Plays explored:
The Taming of the Shrew (1593-1594)
Romeo & Juliet (1594-1595)
As You Like It (1599-1600)
Twelfth Night (1599-1600)
King Lear (1605-1606)
Macbeth (1605-1606)
In-depth Scheme of Work
Lesson Resources (Worksheets, Handouts, Whoosh! for Macbeth )
Scripts (extracts from a number of plays explored)
Assessment Instructions
Please note:
You may want to purchase the main scripts for the 6 plays selected (or you can find free versions online. I have included key extracts in the SOW.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this resources pack are images and information to aid students with devising a Brechtian piece of drama in conjunction with my Brecht SOW. I use this SOW and these resources with my Year 9 classes, but would work equally well with KS4 and KS5 classes and high ability Year 7/8 classes.
Information & Details about the 7/7 London Bombings
A selection of Images
Brechtian Techniques Sheet
Assessment Task Sheet
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
This is scheme of work is mainly for KS3 students, but would also suit KS4, to experiment with devising techniques, and how to craft their own drama. There is a group devising booklet that accompanies the assessment, and all students should keep a reflective journal/log of the devising process.
Objective Overview of Love & Hate
§ Students to create a devised performance on any aspect of the theme of Love & Hate, based on the stimuli provided (themes, text, poems, pictures etc.) and explorative devising techniques.
§ Students to develop skills in devising, physical theatre, group work, theatre creation, theatre structure, scriptwriting, transitions and communicating meaning for an audience.
§ Students to gain an introductory knowledge of physical theatre techniques.
A note from the Author:
I have adapted the comic master piece ‘Twelfth Night’ into a school production with an additional 20 Gods/Goddesses, 3 servants of Olivia, and 6 extra Feste’s.
My additional play ‘Illyrian Elysium’ tells the story of the 20 Gods/Goddesses above Illyria who cause havoc down below for the mortals, which lead to the story of Twelfth Night unfolding. Illyrian weaves effortless between Shakespeare’s scenes and adds depth and explanation for younger audience members. New characters include ‘Love’, ‘Silence’, ‘Music’, ‘Revenge’, ‘Harmony’, ‘Fire’…
Please note that the ‘Goddess’ parts may be exchanged for ‘Gods’ in a mixed school setting.
Twelfth Night Brief Synopsis
Viola has been shipwrecked in a violent storm off the coast of Illyria; in the process she has lost her twin brother, Sebastian. She disguises herself as a boy and assumes the name Cesario for protection. Thus disguised, Viola comes into the service of Orsino, the Duke of Illyria. Orsino is having little luck courting the Countess Olivia, who is in mourning for the deaths of her father and brother. Orsino sends Viola to Olivia’s court with love letters, and when she arrives, Olivia becomes intrigued by the impudent young “boy,” and contrives to get “Cesario” to return by sending her butler, Malvolio, after her with one of Olivia’s rings. Viola realizes to her dismay that Olivia has fallen for her Cesario rather than Duke Orsino — this is further complicated by the fact that Viola has started to fall herself for Orsino.
Elsewhere, Sebastian (Viola’s twin, presumed dead) comes ashore in Illyria thinking that Viola has drowned in the shipwreck. His devoted and loving friend, Antonio, rescued him from the surf, and continues to aid him—at some risk to himself, as Antonio fought against the Duke at one time. Meanwhile, in Olivia’s court, Sir Toby Belch (her uncle) has hoodwinked a foppish Sir Andrew Aguecheek into supporting him (and giving him money) by convincing him that he could be a suitor to Olivia. There is also a running feud between Malvolio and Belch, and with the help of Maria (Olivia’s cook), and the band of Feste Fools, Belch plots to make a buffoon of the butler. Maria writes a love letter to Malvolio that will make him think Olivia has fallen for him…And thus begins the realm of discord descending upon Illyria…
A note from the author:
Included in this resources pack are images and information to aid students with scripting a piece of drama in conjunction with my Different Voices SOW. I use this SOW and these resources with my Year 9 classes, but would work equally well with KS4 and KS5 classes and high ability Year 7/8 classes.
Information Pack on Russia’s Gay Propaganda Law to help groups script and devise their assessment piece for Drama.
Please note:
This can be combined with my ‘Different Voices’ SOW and is available in a bundle.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Included in this resources pack are images and information to aid students with scripting a piece of drama in conjunction with my Different Voices SOW. I use this SOW and these resources with my Year 9 classes, but would work equally well with KS4 and KS5 classes and high ability Year 7/8 classes.
Information Pack on Cyber Bullying to help groups script and devise their assessment piece for Drama.
Please note:
This can be combined with my ‘Different Voices’ SOW and is available in a bundle.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I use this scheme of work my Drama class at a Special School and proved very popular and great for allowing the students to advance in their P levels. The students loved the characters, creativity and the sense of adventure. Will obviously need to be adapted for individual needs of the students.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
An Excel Spreadsheet to keep track of a Show Production Budget. Includes drop-down options and pre-inserted formula for ease of use.
Director of Drama Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
School Production Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Template Production Budget Tracker
Please note:
Purchasing this template allows you to amend and reproduce the spreadsheet in anyway that you wish.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Some of the resources from Arts Award directly are not very easy to use, nor are they easy to communicate to or made accessible for young people. Therefore, I crafted this checklist as an extremely invaluable tool to support my Silver Arts Award candidates in their organisation of evidence in their portfolio. I have been assessing the Arts Award for over 4 years now - Bronze, Silver & Gold.
Overview of Resource:
Use-friendly details and checklists of the evidence candidates require to pass the Silver Arts Award.
Handout checklists for the two units in the Silver Arts Award
Please note:
You must ensure that a member of your team is trained to assess your Arts Award candidates. Alternatively you can contact a local centre who can assess your candidates. Visit the Arts Award website for further details.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Some of the resources from Arts Award directly are not very easy to use nor are they easy to communicate to or made accessible for young people. Therefore, I crafted this handout as an extremely invaluable tool to support my Bronze Arts Award candidates in their ideas for and organisation of evidence of Part C in their portfolio. I have been assessing the Arts Award for over 10 years now - Bronze, Silver & Gold.
Overview of Resource:
User-friendly handout (breakdown and checklist) as a great start to stimulate ideas from candidates required to pass the Bronze Arts Award.
Part C Handout (breakdown and evidence checklist), Bronze Arts Award
Please note:
You must ensure that a member of your team is trained to assess your Arts Award candidates. Alternatively you can contact a local centre who can assess your candidates. Visit the Arts Award website for further details.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
A 50 Page Handbook on everything students need to excel in Public Speaking and Presentation Skills.
Public Speaking & Presentation Skills
Confidence Building
Vocal Skills
Project task
Character Vocal Speech Task
50 Page Guidebook
Please note:
Purchasing these resources allows you to amend and reproduce them in anyway that you wish.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this resources pack are images and information to aid students with devising a Verbatim & Documentary Theatre piece of drama in conjunction with my Verbatim & Documentary SOW. I use this SOW and these resources with my Year 9 classes, but would work equally well with KS4 and KS5 classes and high ability Year 7/8 classes.
A range of information on Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying Facts & Figures
Cyberbullying Comments and Opinions (some highly offensive)
A selection of Images
Assessment Task Sheet
Video link to use as a starter to the topic
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this resources pack are images and information to aid students with devising a Verbatim & Documentary Theatre piece of drama in conjunction with my Verbatim & Documentary SOW. I use this SOW and these resources with my Year 9 classes, but would work equally well with KS4 and KS5 classes and high ability Year 7/8 classes.
A range of information on the Pulse Nightclub Shooting in Orlando
Pulse Nightclub Shooting Facts & Figures
Pulse Nightclub Shooting Comments and Opinions (some highly offensive)
A selection of Images
Assessment Task Sheet
Video link to use as a starter to the topic
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20 pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Depression
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I used this to develop my department. Which included a new theatre, 4 new staff roles and greater budget, resources and power of the department in the context of my school.
Director of Drama Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Executive Summary
Section A: Academic Provision
Case Studies
Current Academic Position & Provision
Co-Curricular Workload
Academic Workload
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Academic Summary
Decrease in period allocation per week for Drama Department staff
An additional Drama Teacher
Retention of the Drama PGAT role
Creation of Deputy of Drama – Head of Co-Curricular Drama
Director in Residence
Section B: Technical Support
Case Studies
Current Position
Health & Safety
Design Skills
Proposed Responsibilities for the Technician
Section C: Administrative Support
Case Studies
Current Administration for the Drama Department
Proposed Administration for the Drama Department
Overall Proposal
Case Studies
Please note:
Purchasing this template allows you to amend and reproduce the report in anyway that you wish.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Two useful Template Trips packs for Parents and Pupils which cover a range of areas and are easily adaptable.
Edinburgh Fringe Trip - Parents Pack - Template
Edinburgh Fringe Trip - Pupils Pack - Template
Please note:
Purchasing this template allows you to amend and reproduce the packs in anyway that you wish.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!