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Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.




Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
Talk For Writing - Explorers Unit of Work - 6 to 9 years

Talk For Writing - Explorers Unit of Work - 6 to 9 years

A complete unit of work with all resources. 16 lessons. Age range: 6 to 9 years (depending on ability). Title: Explorers. Genre: Action/Adventure/Exploration. Model Text: The Enchanted Envelope. Stimulus/Hook Text: ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. Cold and Hot Task included. . Resource 1: A complete Unit of Work. Ideal for 6 to 9 years. 16 lessons (4 to 5 weeks of lessons). The unit plan is divided into 3 main sections: Imitation, Boxing Up and Innovation. Cold and Hot task ‘suggested activities’ included. Fully editable. . Resource 2: An ‘Explorers’ text called ‘The Enchanted Envelope’. 548 words (2 pages). Genre: Action / Adventure / Exploration. The text is divided into 4 main parts: Introduction, Build-up, Main section and Ending. Difficult vocabulary highlighted. Fully editable. . Resource 3: A picture stimulus and ‘Hook’ text. Picture and Audio Text included. . Resource 4: 3 sets of ‘What does it Mean?’ worksheets. On each worksheet, students have to read the sentence (or phrase) from the text, guess what it means and find the actual meaning. These worksheets are excellent for introducing new vocabulary. Fully editable. . Resource 5: A storyboard for one of the activities. Fully editable . Resource 6: An innovation activity booklet. 6 pages - 5 worksheets. Fully editable.
EAL, EFL, ESL English Proficiency / Oral Screening Form - NOW UPDATED!!

EAL, EFL, ESL English Proficiency / Oral Screening Form - NOW UPDATED!!

Updated July 2022. A fully editable 9-page oral screening form to assess English proficiency. The aim of this screening form is to: Establish English language proficiency; to identify a student who requires EAL, EFL, ESL support and to identify topic areas a student may need to develop. Before carrying out the screening form, it is helpful to say to the child, ‘During the task, I will circle some areas that you find a bit tricky. This is to help me know which areas I need to focus on in class so that I can make your English even better!’ By saying this, the child will be reassured (and put at ease) from the start. . The following 23 topic areas are assessed: Colours Numbers (0 – 9) Numbers (10 – 20) Body parts Head / Face Clothes Household objects School Shapes Action words Domestic Animals Weather words Food - Basics Food - Fruit Food - Vegetables Fast food Wild Animals Gardening Positional Words Days of the week Times of the day Months of the year Professions / Jobs


4 sets of differentiated worksheets to help your student’s formulate sentences. Stage 1 worksheet: ‘Make a Sentence’ Write sentences based on the 6 themes listed on the sheet. To help the writer, each theme has a set of words provided. . Stage 2 worksheet: ‘Silly Sentences’ Task 1: List 4 nouns and 4 adjectives in the table provided. Task 2: Write 4 sentences using the words. Each sentence must contain a noun and adjective from the table. . Stage 3 worksheet: ‘Peculiar Passage’ Task 1: List 3 nouns, 3 adjectives and 3 verbs in the table provided. Task 2: Write a passage using ALL the words. After finishing the passage, give it a title. . Stage 4 worksheet: ‘Short Story’ Task 1: List 3 nouns, 3 adjectives, 3 verbs and 3 adverbs in the table provided. Task 2: Write a short story using ALL the words. After finishing the story, give it a title and draw a picture to complement it. . Fully editable worksheets.
Dictionary Skills - Clarification Activity

Dictionary Skills - Clarification Activity

Dictionary - Clarification activity Just write down (no more than 4) unfamiliar/new words on the worksheet then ask your student’s to predict what they mean. Then, ask your student’s to find the actual definition of each word using a dictionary. Finally, ask your student’s to create their own sentence with the word. Fully editable. Suitable for all ages.
KS1 Personal Dictionary / Word Book

KS1 Personal Dictionary / Word Book

My children love having their very own dictionary / word book to use in class. Just print off and staple together. I normally laminate the front and back cover (to add robustness). There’s enough space on each page for 15 additional spellings (I’ve put 1 in myself with a picture to match).
Dictionary Work (5-page booklet)

Dictionary Work (5-page booklet)

A 5-page dictionary work booklet. Task 1: Put words in alphabetical order (stepped activity - 3 pages). Task 2: Find the meaning/definition of words (2 pages). Ideal for 7+ (depending on ability). Fully editable.
Knowledge Rating Scale - Vocabulary Exposure & Assessment

Knowledge Rating Scale - Vocabulary Exposure & Assessment

WHY USE A KNOWLEDGE RATING SCALE (KRS)? It’s a great way to introduce new VOCABULARY at the start of a lesson or unit of work. It’s a great way to assess your student’s knowledge of vocabulary. It’s a great way to identify your learning groups for a lesson or unit of work. . INSTRUCTIONS: . Just type in (or get the children to write) the vocabulary you want them to learn. The example shown is for a ‘Moving and Growing’ topic in science. Ask the children to complete the table indicating the following: I have seen or heard of this word. I can say this word. I can tell you what this word means. I can use this word in a sentence. I don’t know this word. Children who tick the last box indicating, ‘I don’t know this word’ can become your focus group. Fully editable.
Imaginary World Descriptions - Describe the Settings

Imaginary World Descriptions - Describe the Settings

Activity: Describe the imaginary worlds. Students must write a description of each setting as though it is a paragraph in a story. Students should use adjectives to describe the scene. What are the characters doing? Where are they going? Who lives there? Students must try to create a mood and ‘paint a picture with words’ for the reader so that they can easily visualise each setting in their heads.


Fantastic Mr Fox - THE TERRIBLE SHOVELS! A great activity when introducing Chapter 4. Focus: To write a story. Activity: Imagine YOU are Mr Fox and YOU are trapped in your fox hole (your den). Three farmers are trying to get you with their diggers. Can you escape? Fully editable.
Fantastic Mr Fox - THE SHOOTING!

Fantastic Mr Fox - THE SHOOTING!

Fantastic Mr Fox - THE SHOOTING! Great activity once you’ve read chapter 3 (The Shooting). Focus: To punctuate. Activity description: To punctuate the sentences correctly. Fully editable.
Teeth & Eating Poems

Teeth & Eating Poems

Teeth & Eating Poems 12 slides. Teeth Poems - slides 3 to 6. Eating Poems - slides 7 to 12. Appropriate for KS1 or KS2. Fully editable.
Fantastic Mr Fox - Conversations

Fantastic Mr Fox - Conversations

Fantastic Mr Fox - CONVERSATIONS 2 worksheets. Focus: To write out a conversation. Worksheet 1: Deciding what to steal. Mr Fox and his wife are talking about what they are going to steal from Boggis, Bunce or Bean! Have a go at writing their conversation. Worksheet 2: How to KILL Mr Fox. Boggis, Bunce and Bean are talking about their plans to KILL Mr Fox! Have a go at writing their conversation. Fully editable.
Fantastic Mr Fox - DESCRIBING MR FOX!

Fantastic Mr Fox - DESCRIBING MR FOX!

Fantastic Mr Fox - DESCRIBING MR FOX! Focus: To describe. Great activity once you’ve read chapter 2 (Mr Fox). Activity description: Write 6 words to describe Mr Fox (e.g. cunning, handsome, clever etc.) then write about him in the space below. Fully editable.


Fantastic Mr Fox - THE TERRIBLE TRACTORS! A great activity after reading Chapter 5. Focus: Comprehension skills. Activity: Answer the questions in this 3-page booklet. All questions are based on chapter 5. Fully editable.