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Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.




Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.


For every positive change you make in your life, something else changes for the better. A lovely Christian-based assembly to promote positivity and happiness. Approximately 20 minutes in length. Ideal for 6 to 11 years. 14 slides - fully editable and easy to deliver. . Order of slide show: Title Slide: “Making Positive Changes to Your Life”. Slide 2: A brief introduction. Slides 3 to 9: Five positive changes you can make in your life. Slide 10: A positivity chart! The children can track their own positivity progress using this chart. Just print off slide 10 and give it to the class teachers (or children) after the assembly. Slide 11: An interactive and inspirational story of happiness and positivity. Slide 12: Follow-up questions from the video. Slide 13: A ‘Thank You’ song (with music and lyrics). Slide 14: A prayer of thanks.
Assembly: Friends

Assembly: Friends

FRIENDS ASSEMBLY A simple & effective ‘Friends’ Assembly. 10 - 15 minutes long. Includes a short story about friendship, 2 songs and a prayer. Fully editable.
Dilemmas - Class Assembly

Dilemmas - Class Assembly

Dilemmas - Class Assembly Approximately 20 minutes long. Script and PowerPoint attached. 3 dilemmas to act out … plenty of parts for the whole class! Fully editable.
Humans & Animals - Growth and Development

Humans & Animals - Growth and Development

Topic: Humans & Animals - Growth and Development. A PowerPoint showing the main stages of human (and animal) growth & development. 14 slides. Suitable for 5 + (depending on ability). Slide 3: Human Growth. Slide 4: Babyhood. Slide 5: Childhood. Slide 6: Adolescence. Slide 7: Adulthood. Slide 8: Human and Animal Development. Slide 9: Human Development. Slide 10: Sheep Development. Slide 11: Elephant Development. Slide 12: Horse Development. Slide 13: Dog Development. To complement the slide show, I have attached a 6-page activity booklet/test for children aged 6+. . Also attached is a much more in-depth PowerPoint about Human Growth and Development for parents and teachers. 32 slides. Slide 3: What is human growth and development? Slide 5: Growth and Development Ages 0 to 3. Slide 10: Growth and Development Ages 4 to 5. Slide 15: Growth and Development Ages 6 to 8. Slide 21: Growth and Development Ages 9 to 12. Slide 26: Growth and Development Ages 13 to 17.
Growing Breasts - Puberty

Growing Breasts - Puberty

An excellent PowerPoint to use when teaching pubescent and pre-pubescent girls about breasts. 30 slides CONTENTS: Slide 3: What are breasts? Slide 6: Growing breasts Slide 9: Buying a bra Slide 12: Getting the right bra Slide 17: Wearing a bra Slide 20: Questions & Answers Slide 29: What do Doctor’s Say? Fully editable.
Sex Education - PowerPoint

Sex Education - PowerPoint

Sex Education - PowerPoint. Age range: 9+ 24 slides. Slides 3 to 9: Key Points & Top Tips to read before starting the presentation. Slide 10: Start of presentation. Slide 11: What do you think sex is? Slide 12: How are babies made? Slide 16: What is masturbation? Slide 18: Why do people have sex? Slide 20: Q & A Slide 21: Male and Female Reproductive Systems – For reference only.
Teeth - PowerPoint

Teeth - PowerPoint

Teeth - PowerPoint A lovely presentation about TEETH. 27 slides. Integrated activities to review and assess learning. Lots of information about teeth, their functions, bacteria, tooth decay and caring for your teeth. Fully editable.
Boys growing up and getting to know their bodies

Boys growing up and getting to know their bodies

A 17-slide PowerPoint aimed at pubescent and teenage boys. All questions answered. A fully editable, sensible and well-pitched presentation. Ideal for teachers or parents. Slide 3: Your penis Slide 5: What is an erection? Slide 6: Night time erections Slide 7: A typical erection Slide 8: Erections at awkward times Slide 11: Too many erections Slide 12: Wet dreams Slide 13: How to avoid erections Slide 14: Masturbation
Teeth and Eating - 40-Slide PowerPoint

Teeth and Eating - 40-Slide PowerPoint

Teeth and Eating - 40-slide PowerPoint. A great 40-slide 'Teeth and Eating’ PowerPoint presentation that teaches: Food groups. A balanced diet. Teeth. Tooth decay. Looking after teeth. Lots of integrated activities ( just print off the appropriate slides). The activities are great for assessing and reviewing learning. Ideal for Key Stage 2 (or upper KS1). Fully editable.
Health and Exercise - Lifestyle and Activity Levels

Health and Exercise - Lifestyle and Activity Levels

A 13-Slide PowerPoint + 2 Physical Activity Worksheets Contents of PowerPoint: Exercise Muscle Power Heart and Lungs Pulse Rate Resting Pulse Rate Exercise and Pulse Rate Muscles and Oxygen The Pumping Heart The Heart and Blood . Also included is a physical activity chart - to identify the physical and non-physical activities your student’s do in a week. This activity is ideal for all children, adolescents AND adults. Once completed, IF your student’s think their physical and non-physical activity levels need adjusting, they can design a new chart that aims to improve their overall lifestyle and wellbeing. Ideal for 7+ but can easily be adapted to suit all age groups. All resources are fully editable.


An accurate and child-friendly presentation for children about HIV and AIDS. Slides 7, 8 and 9 can be printed off for your students to complete. Fully editable.
Time for Tai Chi - 3 minute routine

Time for Tai Chi - 3 minute routine

Begin each day with a relaxing 3-minute Tai Chi routine with your class. Alternatively, find 3 minutes during the day where you feel your students need recharging, refocusing or just need to calm down a little. This 3-minute routine is accompanied with relaxing Tai Chi music and the slides move automatically once the routine begins. All of the movements and stances must be completed slowly and smoothly with the teacher reading out the key points on each slide. Suitable for children aged 5 – 11 years.
Compromise & Concessions

Compromise & Concessions

Compromise & Concessions A great activity booklet to develop character and resolve disputes. 2-page booklet. Activities: Match each dispute with the correct compromise Write about a time when you had a dispute with a PARENT at home. Then write about a time you had a dispute with a FRIEND at school. Describe the concessions for each in order to compromise. Fully editable!
Assembly: Work Together, Learn Together - Kindness

Assembly: Work Together, Learn Together - Kindness

Assembly: Work Together, Learn Together. 15 - 20 minutes long. Song, discussion opportunities, short story script and prayer included. Preparation: Ask groups of children to demonstrate (through role play) how they work together, e.g. in the classroom (helping with tasks); at lunchtime (good manners) and on the playground (playing fairly). These role plays will be shown during the assembly. You will also need 2 broom handles (or metre sticks) for the story. Fully editable.
KS1 Assembly: Honesty

KS1 Assembly: Honesty

** Theme: Honesty. ** 15 - 20 minutes (approx.) ** A short cartoon, story, some sayings, a ‘new’ song called ‘Yesterday’s Dream’ and prayer. ** Fully editable.