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TeachElite-PSHE, Whole School, Science, Religion & Fun!

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We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.




We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.


6 Resources
Time Management l Timer Bundle A great selection of our countdown timers that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. This is a 3 minute timer. Each can easily be altered in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer. The items can all be selected, copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own or on top of any slide you wish! You and your pupils will love this addition to your lessons.


8 Resources
Grab this bundle while it is at this amazing price; a Fun and engaging way to break the ice! 8 Super fun resources are included in this pack… Marketplace Emoji Selector About Me Fakebook Template Ice Breakers Subject Debate Generator Boardgame TeachElite Timer Fun and interactive! We hope that you enjoy this resource! Please join our Facebook groups for teacher chat, networking and exclusive freebies. #teach #TeachRE #TeachChristianity #TeachJudaism #TeachScience #TeachPSHE & RSE We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us at TeachElite and click the ‘Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter and Facebook
Back to School Feedback

Back to School Feedback

Back to School Feedback Pack (AFL) This is a 11 page ( Worksheet ) booklet packed with useful feedback resources The worksheet s include: Progress Evaluation: This is to be used at the start of the year to reflect on last years progress and how pupils can improve. SMART Targets: This is designed to be used at the start of each term for pupils to set their own SMART targets based on reflection of their progress during the last half-term. Teacher Feedback Sheet: This is designed to be used when marking books as a summative feedback for pupils and parents. Peer Assessment Sheet: This is designed to be used for pupils to mark the work of their peers to enable them to gain confidence and to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the work produced. Self-Assessment Sheet: This is designed to be used for pupils to mark their own work of to enable them to gain confidence and to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the work produced. Teacher Quick Notes: This resource has been invaluable in our teaching. The pack includes three performance related quick notes that you should have printed and cut out in preparation for handing to the children at the end of the school day or lesson. It is suitable for any year group and any subject. There are three Quick Notes in total: Praise Improvement Disappointed Theses should be filled in with the relevant information about the child and handed to them at the end of the lesson/ school day. They are designed to be given to the pupil's parents as an indication of their performance. Exit Pass: This is designed to enable students to reflect on their learning within the lesson. They should be handed to the teacher on the way out of class. It is a method of gaining an insight into what pupils liked and disliked about the lesson and what they learned. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Supply Teacher kit

Supply Teacher kit

11 Resources
Supply Teacher / relief teacher / substitute teacher / cover supervisor Resource Pack Calling all supply / relief / substitute teachers / cover supervisors! Arrive prepared with this fun resource pack. Never ponder what to do with a class again with this Supply Teacher's Resource Pack. Included are 10 great resources to use in any subject! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Template bundle

Template bundle

5 Resources
AFL Template for Lessons AFL Pie Chart: An AFL activity sheet using a numeracy activity for use in all subject areas. Customisable to any topic. Based on a hierarchy activity. There are three differentiated sheets Higher, Mid and Lower. Check out our ‘How to drawer Graphs’ PPT for the instruction sheet on how to create Pie Charts as an instruction tool for pupils to go with this activity. Fact File Template: A template for pupils to use based on an organisation they are studying. Marking Codes Doodles: Here are 15 marking codes that will prove invaluable for you when marking your pupils’ digital work. Included in this bundle are the red, green and off white/grey codes. Simply drag the doodle into the document you are marking, right click the item and select the wrap text option, ensure that it is placed ‘In front of text’. You will be able to place this anywhere in the document with ease! Included in this resource is a PowerPoint with the explanation of the marking codes. Gone are the days when you have to print out pupils work and make short comments by hand! Reward Bingo: This resource is meant to be printed out onto A3 paper and displays in the classroom. This can be used as a reward for excellent work. We usually allow pupils to choose their own number and write their name in the space provided. Once the two sheets are full numbers are chosen at random and rewards are issued to the lucky winners. Teacher Feedback Sheet: For use when marking books as a summative feedback for pupils and parents. Think, Pair, Share: Template for pupils to work as individuals, pairs and groups on a task of your choosing. Random Name Generator: This is a fun way to ensure pupil participation in lessons. The PowerPoint is completely editable. It has space to up to 35 pupil names. Pupils names can be added to each slide and once in presentation mode, click anywhere on slide two and a name will be generated. N.B. the same pupil can be selected more than once on this presentation. Please visit and like our page: TeachElite Visit our TeachElite shop!
Brain Breaks

Brain Breaks

Brain Breaks -Great for Back to School! Take a 5 minute break during your Transition sessions with this INTERACTIVE brain breaks resource. Super of team building!! Complete with music and two of our timers. A 5 Minute Loading Timer & a 30 Second Abstract Planet Timer. The activities included are designed not to relate to the session at all, but to have a complete 5 minute team building break during the session. Activities include: The Human knot where pupils must get into groups and form a ‘Human Knot’ and try to untangle themselves. Thumb Peace. Pupils must join hands and try to create the numbers 1-9 with their thumbs. Plus 10 more brain Break activities-ideal for revision. Includes a YouTube music clip for use as with a brain break activity. We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Revision Kit

Revision Kit

14 Resources
Revision: Revision Kit We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE. We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Christianity Revision

Christianity Revision

10 Resources
Christianity : Christianity Revision A bundle of last minute Christianity revision resources. We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Back to School Judaism Escape Room

Back to School Judaism Escape Room

This is a fully prepared INTERACTIVE Back to School escape room activity that can spice up any lesson. Pupils will have to come up with a 4 digit code to exit the classroom. Included in this resource is: Clear Aims & Objectives Differentiated Puzzles Fun challenges Interactive Promotes Collaboration Thinking Skills Online Jigsaw Puzzle Option or Printables We hope that you enjoy this resource! Please join our Facebook groups for teacher chat, networking and exclusive freebies. #teach #TeachRE #TeachChristianity #TeachJudaism #TeachScience #TeachPSHE & RSE We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us at TeachElite and click the ‘Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter and Facebook
Back to School Science

Back to School Science

16 Resources
A GREAT SCIENCE PLANNING UNIT Science - An Introductory Unit! Worth £47 Leave a review and get a free resource of your choice. This Science bundle contains 15 resources thats over 10 teaching hours. This is a great way to start any Science teaching year, all lessons are designed to meet 'Outstanding' inspection criteria. Resources include: Lesson 1: A presentation that takes pupils through the 10 rules for the Science lab. A great back to school refresher. Lesson 2: Hazard Symbols- This lesson introduces pupils to signs and symbols, why we have them in Science and specifically symbols that are found in the laboratory. Pupils are asked to look at every day symbols and their meanings and to discuss why we have symbols. They are then introduced to 9 hazard symbols and their meanings. This lesson comes with a blank hazard symbols mind map to complete during the lesson. They must then carryout research for homework and record it on this mind map (we print it onto A3 paper). In addition, there is a set of hazard flash cards for a recall and a doodle task. test can be printed and laminated for reuse. They are great for revision also! Lesson 3: Science Apparatus- This is an introduction lesson to demonstrate how pupils draw scientific apparatus in diagram form and the uses of these within the laboratory. This resource pack contains: A PPT (30 slides) & handouts (2) covering 10 different apparatus. Included in this resource is one of our timers complete with MUSIC. Activities include: Starter Task: Show Me Whiteboard activity Examples of how to draw each item in diagram form and tasks to support this. Plenary (Exit task) : Doodle Task Lesson 4: Volume- This is an introductory Science practical lesson to demonstrate how pupils measure volume and teaches them the importance of accuracy. This resource pack contains: A PPT (24 slides) and handouts (1 sheet) . Included in this resource is two of our timers complete with MUSIC. Activities include: Starter Task: Thinking Skills question Demonstration on how to accurately measure liquid. Experiment on measuring different volumes Plenary (Exit task) : Beat the clock Lesson 5: Time-This is an introductory Science practical lesson to demonstrate how pupils measure time and teaches them the importance of accuracy. This resource pack contains: A PPT (14 slides) and handouts (2 sheets) . Included in this resource is two of our timers complete with MUSIC. Activities include: Starter Task: Thinking Skills question Activity on on recording time digitally. Pupils will find out when completing the challenges that they won't be accurate. Therefore, they will want to repeat challenge reinforcing the need for repeat experiments to find averages. Experiment on measuring different times and two practical challenges. Plenary (Exit task) : Think, Pair Share- Please note…This Exit Task/Plenary is designed to draw out the findings of the measuring time activities. These being that the children will learn that using a stop click to seconds and hundredths of seconds will give them a precise time. However, this is not 100% accurate due to human error (reaction times). You should discuss how to improve on accuracy ( use of repeats and find an average). Lesson 6: Temperature-This is an introductory practical lesson to demonstrate how pupils measure temperature and teaches them the importance of accuracy. This resource pack contains: A PPT (12 slides) and handouts (2 sheets) . Included in this resource is two of our timers complete with MUSIC. Activities include: Starter Task: Thinking Skills question Activity on on recording temperature. Pupils are asked to estimate the temperature of certain items and plot them on their worksheet. Then they are given the answer and asked to plot the temperatures correctly. Experiment on measuring temperatures. Plenary (Exit task) : Slap it up- Pupils are asked to write something they have learnt in the lesson and a question they would like to ask and slap it up on the board before they leave. Lesson 7: Variables- This is an introductory lesson explaining the concept of variables within a scientific investigation. This resource pack contains: A PPT (12 slides) and handouts (1 sheets) . It is recommended that an experiment of your choice accompanies this PPT in order to reinforce the significance of variables. Included in this resource is two of our ultimate bubble timers complete with MUSIC. Activities include: Starter Task: Thinking Skills question. An activity that is to be completed in pairs to reinforce understanding of the key terms studied this lesson. Plenary (Exit task) : this is our Back To School - Starter and Plenary Prompt Selector INTERACTIVE resource which is alone worth £3! Lesson 8: Bunsen Burner- This is an introductory lesson on the Bunsen burner. Pupils will have the opportunity to use a bunsen burner and if successful gain a certificate and a Bunsen Burner License. This pack contains PPT: 17 Sides Work Booklet: 8 Pages. Pupils will be taught about the history of the Bunsen burner. There is an opportunity for the teacher to model how to set up the bunsen burner. They will then have to create a flowchart on setting up a Bunsen burner. Once this is complete, pupils will take it in turns to peer assess each other on accuracy and safety. Included in this pack are A4 certificates and credit card size bunsen burner licenses. The exit task is based on our interactive 5W activity. The 5w selector will select one of the 5ws (who, what, where, when or why) and the teacher should pose questions based on this selection about the Bunsen Burner. Pupils can fill in the 5w sheet as the plenary/exit task progresses. Lesson 9: The Fire Triangle - A PPT based on a practical lesson on the fire triangle. Pupils will have created paper houses previously to burn during the lesson. Burning the paper houses practically demonstrated the fire triangle. Includes a bell task, discussion point, peer assessment, and a Pull The Udder One plenary, a tutorial on how to draw bar graphs with a differentiated bar graph worksheet. Lesson 10: Graphs - This is an introductory lesson Teaching the pupils the different types of graphs that we use in science. By the end of this lesson pupils will have an understanding of the different types of graphs and when to use them. This resource pack contains: A PPT (23 slides) and handouts (3 sheets) . Activities include: Starter Task: Thinking Skills question. Explanations and examples of a Bar chart, different examples of line graphs and pie charts. Pupils will be asked to complete plotting activities based on data provided to them. Plenary (Exit task) : this is our Interactive Emoji Selector resource which is alone worth £3! Additional Resources: Interactive Emoji Selector - This is a really fun AFL Activity!Teacher Instructions: You can copy and paste the Emoji selector slide into any presentation you wish or use the slide as a standalone resource. Click on the spin button to start the selector and the stop button to stop it. You can reset the selector at any time to restart the process. Class Instructions: The Emoji Selector will generate three emotions. You must press ‘spin’ to start the selector and ‘stop’ to stop it spinning. The pupils will have to give reasons as to how each of the selected emotions relate to the lesson. I.e. if the selector lands on ‘Happy, Frustrated & Shocked’ the pupils have to give one thing that made them happy, one thing that frustrated them and one thing that shocked them during the lesson. Starter and Plenary Prompt Selector - This is a really fun INTERACTIVE resource , complete with MUSIC and our very popular 60 second Ultimate Bubble timer!! You can copy and paste The Starter and Plenary Prompt Selector slide into any presentation you wish or use the slide as a standalone resource. To make the selection, click on the spin button to start the selector and the stop button to stop it. You can reset the selector at any time to restart the process. Pupils need to have a sticky note each for this task in order that they can 'slap it' on the board with their answer. Teacher Feedback Sheet- For use when marking books as a summative feedback for pupils and parents. Science Reward Jars - This PowerPoint Contains two reward jars for use in science lesson. The aim of this is to positively reinforce good behaviour. A great Visual behaviour management strategy! Simply press the right arrow key to add an item to the jar and the left arrow key to delete it. Science Vocabulary Booklet- An A-Z vocabulary booklet that is left blank for pupils to write specific vocabulary that they need to know. The majority of pages are dedicated to a letter. were as come letters (Y & Z, for example) share a page. The booklet is 39 pages long, this will allow you to have it printed back to back in magazine form as either an A5 (printed on A4 paper) or A4 booklet (printed on A3 paper). We hope that you enjoy this resource bundle! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
Back to School Activity

Back to School Activity

This Back to School About Me Activity is a great transition activity for pupils in a new class or school to let their classmates and teacher know a little bit about them. Alternatively, this can be used a s a back to school transition resource. This resource includes instructions on how to make an Origami Booklet out of either A4 or A3 paper. The second part of the lesson includes instructions on ho to complete the ‘About Me’ booklet. We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br />
Back to School  Behaviour

Back to School Behaviour

7 Resources
Awesome Praise & Behaviour Management Bundle. In this fantastic Back to School bundle are SEVEN awesome resources: Everything you need for a great start to the year. Reward Bingo: This resource is meant to be printed out onto A3 paper and displays in the classroom. This can be used as a reward for excellent work. We usually allow pupils to choose their own number and write their name in the space provided. Once the two sheets are full numbers are chosen at random and rewards are issued to the lucky winners. RewardJars-Behaviour Management: This PowerPoint Contains two reward jars to use with your pupils to positively reinforce good behaviour. A great Visual behaviour management strategy! Simply press the right arrow key to add an item to the jar and the left arrow key to delete it. Behaviour-o-meter: A great visual way of letting your class know how well they are behaving!! A visual PowerPoint display that you can use with your classes for behaviour management. We have included an editable and an uneducable version purely due to the fonts we have used. There are also Poor, improvement and Excellent behaviour certificates that can be printed out and given to the child to take home. These can be edited on the PowerPoint if you wish to add a reason for certification, for example. A PDF version is available for ease of printout also. Tree Climb Activity: Join Alfie the Alien as he climbs to the top of the tree to reach his spaceship. This is a really fun editable resource with 10 points of movement. This can be used as a visual reward tool. Press the right arrow to move up the tree and left arrow to move down. Alternatively, use this as a visual tool for question time-the same principle applies. Either way your pupils will love this resource! Noise-O-Meter: This is a great visual way of letting your class know just how loud they are!! This visual PowerPoint can be used with your classes for noise management. There are instructions in the PPT on how to use this INTERACTIVE resource. Please note, This doesn't automatically measure the noise levels within the classroom. It is for the teacher to determine whether the noise levels are acceptable and to click the appropriate segment for the relevant message to be displayed. Quick Notes: This resource has been invaluable in our teaching. The pack includes three performance related quick notes that you should have printed and cut out in preparation for handing to the children at the end of the school day or lesson. It is suitable for any year group and any subject. There are three Quick Notes in total: Praise Improvement Disappointed Theses should be filled in with the relevant information about the child and handed to them at the end of the lesson/ school day. They are designed to be given to the pupil's parents as an indication of their performance. We hope that you enjoy this FREEBIE resource! Back To School : Behaviour Management/ Classroom Management INTERACTIVE! Rewards and Sanctions-This is a great addition to your back to school toolkit! This fully interactive resource is designed to help you keep record of the behaviour of each pupil during your lesson. Most schools now have a rewards and sanctions policy. This resource has been designed for you to use as a visual aid during the lesson that enables you and your pupils to see how many points they are being awarded and (if necessary) how many warnings they have received. The PowerPoint includes two tutorials for you to know exactly how to use this resource to its maximum capacity. There are two versions of the Rewards and Sanctions page. It is entirely up to you which you use. In essence they both have the same capabilities, but different visuals. The interactive slides can be copied and pasted into your own presentation or can be used as a standalone resource. Each time you add a class list to this resource, it is advisable that you save it under that class name. Please leave a comment if you have the time, it would be much appreciated. Follow us on Facebook for all the latest resources and offers: TeachElitec. Why not check out our other resources. Available in our shop: TeachElite
back to School Mental Health Debates

back to School Mental Health Debates

Great for a back to School Mental Health lesson, tutor time or a dropdown day! This includes 50 debate topics. They can either take the form of a question or a statement (some of these are very common misconceptions) . They include many thought provoking topics. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br /> <br /> You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br /> <br /> and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/


9 Resources
This Bundle Includes 4 of our tutor time /assembly / collective worship resources. Tutor Time / Assembly Pack - October: Tutor Time Pack - October is another of our INTERACTIVE tutor time resources. It contains a range of different tasks that can be completed during Tutor Time. If this is used throughout the school, it is designed to be cascaded through lessons throughout the week. The PPT contains 38 slides. Included in these slides are: Key dates for the month of October, Word of the Week (x 4) Literacy Task for the Week (2 separate tasks) Numeracy Task For the week (2 separate Tasks) Debate topic (4 debate questions, each based on the word for the week). This is useful for instilling literacy and numeracy maintaining continuity throughout the school. You can either print off the word of the week placemat and laminate it and then, each week, stick a different word on it. This also comes with our 30 second countdown timer, our 60 second bubble timer for use with literacy and numeracy activities and our 5 minute Loading Timer. Black History Month : Assemblies / Tutor Time / Collective Worship THIS IS A WHOLE MONTH’S WORTH OF TUTOR TIME for BHM + 1 ASSEMBLY. 1 Assembly and 4 x Tutor Time sessions This pack contains 1 Assembly resource and 4 separate Tutor Time resources for Black History Month. All PowerPoints are fully resourced with YouTube links and activities to discuss the topic in question. Assembly pack contains a PPT (9 Slides) and a handout for you to make notes on each slide should you so wish. The assembly introduces pupils to the background of Black History Month. It includes a link to a YouTube clip educating them on BHM in the UK and people’s thoughts on this. Pupils are also made aware of the influential figures Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. This resource includes inspirational quote and an OPTIONAL Christian prayer. The pupils exit this assembly listening to the ‘I have a dream Speech’. Tutor Time pack contains 4 x Fully Resourced PPT (20 slides in total) Worksheets (3 A4 sheets) The Topics to be discussed are: 1. History of Slavery 2.Martin Luther King Jr. 3. Malcolm X 4. Should Black History Month be Celebrated? The resource booklet to accompany this pack contains an Emoji Graph, 5W s sheet and Venn Diagram worksheets. This resource also contains two of our plenary activities- The Interactive 5W activity and the Opinion line activity. COMPLETE WITH MUSIC. Diwali: Diwali: 2 x Tutor Time / Collective Worship / Autumn activities This pack contains 2 separate Tutor Time resources for Diwali. All PowerPoints are fully resourced with YouTube links and activities to discuss the topic in question. The PPT consists of 14 slides and work booklet consists of 2 sheets. Tutor Time 1: This introduces pupils to the significance of Diwali and directs you to a youtube clip on Rama and Sita. Pupils have to make a cartoon strip based on this session. Tutor Time 2: This develops pupil’s knowledge of Diwali and introduces them to one of the decorations used during this festival, the Toran. Pupils have to design and decorate their own Toran. Halloween and Day of the Dead Assembly /Tutor Time / Collective Worship Pack This resource pack contains + 1x Assembly and 2 x tutor time sessions. It also includes our Halloween / Day of the Dead Pin Skeleton worth £2.50. BONUS RESOURCE: A 2 Minute Full Moon Timer We have also included our FREEBIE Design your own Halloween Costume to run as a competition alongside the assembly and tutor time activities. All PowerPoints are fully resourced with YouTube links and activities to discuss the topic in question. Assembly pack contains a PPT (20 Slides) and a handout for you to make notes on each slide should you so wish. The assembly introduces pupils to the history of Halloween. It includes a link to a YouTube clip educating them on Halloween and its history. This resource includes inspirational quote and an OPTIONAL Christian prayer. There is a True or False activity entitled ‘Boo or False’ with 6 facts about Halloween. The pupils can ‘Boo’ for a true statement and groan like a zombie for a false statement. Tutor Time pack contains 2 x Fully Resourced PPT (16 slides in total) Worksheets (9 A4 sheets) The Topics to be discussed are: 1. History of Halloween-Fully resourced with you tube clips and activity sheet. 2.Day of the Dead COMPLETE WITH MUSIC. Fully resourced with a pin skeleton activity. The resource booklet to accompany this pack contains a fact file for tutor time 1 and all the resources you need to create a Day of the dead pin skeleton. Whole School Resource: Emoji Selector: This is a really fun AFL Activity! Teacher Instructions: You can copy and paste the Emoji selector slide into any presentation you wish or use the slide as a standalone resource. Click on the spin button to start the selector and the stop button to stop it. You can reset the selector at any time to restart the process. Class Instructions: The Emoji Selector will generate three emotions. You must press ‘spin’ to start the selector and ‘stop’ to stop it spinning. The pupils will have to give reasons as to how each of the selected emotions relate to the lesson. I.e. if the selector lands on ‘Happy, Frustrated & Shocked’ the pupils have to give one thing that made them happy, one thing that frustrated them and one thing that shocked them during the lesson. If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Back to School Activity

Back to School Activity

Back to School Team building Activity Design the ultimate video game… ​ Thia resource is designed for an end of term team building session. ​ It includes: ​ Bell Task, YouTube Clip, Discussion Points, Teambuilding Activity, Worksheet, Tweet This plenary, ​ We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br />
Lesson Planning Essentials

Lesson Planning Essentials

5 Resources
Teacher’s Essentials Toolkit This is a great INTERACTIVE resource bundle to kick start the new academic year. This bundle includes: Our two BEST selling resources the ‘Starter and Plenary Generators’ and more for the barging price of £5 (Bundle price £19-SAVE £14) Back to School- Starter Generator-Fully Interactive: This is a fully INTERACTIVE presentation with animation and MUSIC. The PPT consists of 37 Slides and a 7 page booklet. Use the Starter Generator Wheel on slide 3 to select one of the 10 starters within this presentation. Press the ’Start’ Button to spin the wheel and the ‘Stop’ button to select a number. You can then click on the coloured segment selected to take you to that particular starter. If you wish to be taken back to the Starter Generator wheel, there is a signpost on the dividing page at the end of each starter task. Once the starter has been completed press the ‘Start the Lesson’ sign to take you to the generic title page. Each starter should last around 5-10 minutes. Please note…Some of these starters require printouts-Supplied alongside this PowerPoint. It is suggested that copies are printed in bulk in preparation for use. 1. Doodles 2. Think, Pair, Share 3. Give me 5 4. Pupil Questionnaire 5. The Rainbow Game 6. Beat the Teacher 7. 5Ws 8. Question Matrix 9. Verbal Tennis 10. Act it Out Back to School - Plenary Generator: WOW!! WORTH £50/ $100. THIS IS A MUST HAVE FOR ANY TEACHER - ANY SUBJECT, ANY AGE! This is priced @ £3 as an introductory offer - for a limited time only. RRP £50. This is a fully INTERACTIVE presentation with animation and MUSIC. The PPT consists of 70 Slides Use the Plenary Generator Wheel to select one of the 10 plenaries within this presentation. Press the ’Start’ Button to spin the wheel and the 'Stop’ button to select a number. Each plenary should last 10 minutes. Please note…Some of these plenaries require printouts-Supplied with this resource. It is suggested that copies are printed in bulk in preparation for use. List of plenary Activities: 1. Tree Climb Activity 2. Pass the Bomb PLEASE NOTE: there are two versions of this resource so as to include ‘Beat the Clock’ alternative to ‘Pass the Bomb’ as we realise that this could be a sensitive activity for some pupils. 3. Letter Investigator 4. Beat the Clock – Balloon Timer 5. Opinion Line 6. Chatterbox /Cootie Catcher 7. Memory Game 8. We Say, You Play 9. Reverse Cognition 10. Emoji Graph Final Task: Exit Pass Back to School - Behaviour-O-Meter:A great visual way of letting your class know how well they are behaving!! A visual PowerPoint display that you can use with your classes for behaviour management. We have included an editable and an uneducable version purely due to the fonts we have used. There are also Poor, improvement and Excellent behaviour certificates that can be printed out and given to the child to take home. These can be edited on the PowerPoint if you wish to add a reason for certification, for example. A PDF version is available for ease of printout also. Back to school! Diplomatic rules for learning: An activity designed to get pupils thinking about classroom etiquette. Pupils are questioned on the importance of rules and what rules they feel are important in the classroom. The activity starts with individual thoughts on an important classroom rule and filters down to group ideas then a whole class consensus on the topic. by the end of the lesson the class will have decided on five rules for learning. Included are two worksheets- Group rules for learning (based on 4, 5 or 6 pupils in the group) & Class rule for learning-the final 5 rules decided by the class. ***Timings can be altered on each slide based on form time or lesson time limits.*** Back to School - Noise-O-Meter: This is a great visual way of letting your class know just how loud they are!! This visual PowerPoint can be used with your classes for noise management. There are instructions in the PPT on how to use this INTERACTIVE resource. Please note, This doesn’t automatically measure the noise levels within the classroom. It is for the teacher to determine whether the noise levels are acceptable and to click the appropriate segment for the relevant message to be displayed. We hope that you enjoy this resource bundle! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/?ref=bookmarks
Back to school Kit

Back to school Kit

6 Resources
Planning revision lessons over the next few weeks? look no further! The ULTIMATE Lesson afl kit for your class-perfect for selecting activities to test knowledge. Great activities for giving feedback to pupils too. If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE.<br /> <br /> We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br /> <br /> You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br /> and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Lesson Planning

Lesson Planning

12 Resources
This is an unmissable bundle that contains 11 of our resources that you can use in any lesson. ESPECIALLY GREAT FOR stirring abit of excitement up during TRANSITION LESSONS! The Back To School Lesson Kit Contains loads of great PowerPoints and Worksheets!


10 Resources
Newly Qualified Teacher ( NQT & RQT ) ANY SUBJECT, ANY AGE, ANY OCCASION! NQT's never be stuck for resources for your lessons! There is something for every subject and every occasion in this pack. We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE. We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/