An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance.
You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone.
Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.
An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance.
You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone.
Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.
A complete lesson on the climate of Europe, focusing on map skills and locational knowledge. Includes a thorough teaching PowerPoint, video links, interactive activities, worksheets, answers, extensions and challenges.
This lesson is ready-to-go, written for a year 3 class, so suitable for years 3 and 4, but easily adaptable for years 5 and 6 (the extension tasks are suitably challenging).
Higher level questioning
Easy to mark
Written as part of a unit on Europe.
Check out my other popular Geography lessons on Europe:
Where is Europe?
Label Countries of Europe Lesson
Compare Cities in Europe
Mountains of Europe
Rivers of Europe
All reviews welcome.
A festive and easy to teach poetry week on ‘The Night Before Christmas’. Includes 5 engaging PowerPoints leading you through 5 complete lessons, differentiated lesson resources and a detailed plan.
An excellent week of English lessons for the build up to Christmas whilst maintaining focus and high quality outcomes.
The original and useuful resources make teaching enjoyable and easy. The video links in the PowerPoint inspire poetry writing and performance.
Each lesson is differentiated for two ability groups.
Each lesson contains a success criteria.
Higher level thinking challenges are provided.
Grammar starters cover handwriting, a or an, word classes, rhyming words and spellings.
A lovely, tried and tested week of learning about narrative poetry, rhyming couplets, poetry format and syllables.
Includes a range of activities and differentiated tasks. Children will compare and evaluate poems, identify features and then write their own narrative poem using the structure of ‘The Night Before Christmas’ with ideas from ‘The Snowman’.
Detailed weekly plan and all resources included.
All reviews welcome.
All you need for a week of reading lessons on summarising. Includes a detailed plan of the week, engaging teach-ready PowerPoint and all the necessary resources for UKS2. The animated 85 slide summarising reading Powerpoint takes you effortlessly through the week of 5 lessons.
Questions designed to develop higher order thinking skills and all activities focused on improving comprehension skills whilst enhancing reading assessment results.
Each day there are relevant and enjoyable starters, main activities and plenaries. Each lesson builds and expands on the previous one. All texts provided, a range of interesting genres and styles, fiction and non-fiction.
Differentiated resources and activities for four groups of children (green LA, yellow M/LA, blue MA, red HA).
Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable for all other KS2 classes.
You might also be interested in:
Whole Term of Reading Lessons Holiday Saver Bundle
Whole Term of Reading Lessons Teacher Survival Bundle
A complete geography lesson on the mountains of Europe. Includes a thorough teaching PowerPoint, interactive activities, worksheets, video, extensions and games.
Follow the ready-to-go PowerPoint to teach about the mountain ranges of Europe.
Map work
Famous peaks
Planned for years 3 or 4, easily adaptable for years 5 and 6.
Differentiated recording tasks provided with two extensions.
Photo analysis starter activity
Activities for all styles of learners
Scaffolded learning
Check out my other popular Geography lessons on Europe:
Where is Europe? lesson pack
Countries of Europe lesson pack
Compare Cities of Europe lesson pack
Climate of Europe lesson pack
Rivers of Europe lesson pack
A large eye-catching display for a KS2 English unit on 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes. Includes titles, questions, text extracts, interactive activities, vocabulary, images, text features and examples.
Designed to engage and interest your pupils, this display brings this glorious narrative to life. Emotive stills and haunting images, alongside challenging questions and engaging explanations.
- 2 Titles
- The poem broken down into lines and images this could also be used for a sequencing or analysis activity.
- 12 higher level thinking questions
- 2 interactive reasoning questions to answer on the display
- 24 key words (including themes of the poem)
- 8 important features of the poem
- 8 example cards of each poetry feature
- 3 interactive activities (matching, sorting, ordering)
All reviews welcome.
You can find many more reliable and useful KS2 English resources at my shop: Teachallenjoy
You might also be interested in my:
Modal Verbs Display
Persuasive Writing Display
The Piano Display
A complete assembly on storytelling, including a 24 slide PowerPoint, video links, interactive questions, extension tasks, reflection time and song to finish.
Use as an inspiring start to National Storytelling Week, 29th January - 4th February 2024.
What is a story?
What types of story are there?
How is storytelling different to reading a story?
Where do stories come from?
Storytelling - The Frog Prince
What do all stories have?
Can you copy stories?
Video links provided for children to go back into class and become familiar with a classic fairy tale or story and retell it, before adapting it to make it their own.
Perfect for KS2 primary age
Colourful, engaging, animated
Perfect for all learning styles
After the reflection time where children can connect to themselves and discover what stories mean to them, there is a story song (The Lion Inside) for children to watch and listen to as they quietly leave the assembly.
All reviews welcome.
Check out my other assemblies on special occasions, linked to English:
Book Day
World Poetry Day
National Speech and Debate Day
Inspire your school with an assembly designed for Book Day on a 26 slide PowerPoint. Includes higher order questions, interactive activities, inspiring video link, many classic books, author quotes, follow up activities and much more.
What is Book Day?
What famous people like to read? Video
What can we read?
Where can we read?
When is reading useful?
Who is the funniest author? Vote
Match the author to the book
Top Tips for choosing a new book
What book has this as the opening line? Guessing game
Favourite Characters - Optional Fashion Show
Looking Forward
Written for KS2. This assembly takes about 20 minutes to complete.
Follow the engaging and colourful PowerPoint for a ready-to-go assembly. Animations, images, video and more will inspire every child to keep reading.
Use the range of activities to structure the assembly and share some high quality books that are recommended for children of KS2.
Could also be used as a lesson, as it includes 3 differentiated writing tasks:
Draw and describe your favourite character
Write a book review of your favourite book
Use 3 favourite characters to write a new story
Printable templates included.
Enjoy and celebrate this important day.
Check out my other popular assemblies on special occasions:
World Poetry Day
National Speech and Debate Day
National Storytelling Week
Over 300 English report comments statements so you can quickly complete your primary English report comments. Select from this extensive bank to create individual differentiated paragraphs. Simply choose the right comment to suit each child, one from each of the 11 sections. There are enough comments to create personalised paragraphs of comments for a whole class of 30. Created with a large variety of phrases, openings and language so you can describe each pupil in a precise, eloquent and efficient way.
High Quality
English report comments written for KS2 and easily adaptable for KS1. They are perfect for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 as they cover:
reading targets
word work
story writing
different genres
grammar and punctuation
spelling and handwriting
writing targets
There are four different ability groups included with at least 80 comments in each, so a minimum of 320 different statements for your reports.
Easy to Use
They are all available in girl and boy version saving you having to change any pronouns. All names are shown with 3 stars so you just have to find and replace to insert names. All year groups are shown with 3 dots so you can replace them quickly as well.
Save Time
Teaching is busy enough without report writing as well, save time whilst doing a good job. Easily copy and paste these thoughtful comments to create personalised and admired reports.
Check out these other handy end of year resources:
General Report Comments
Maths Report Comments
Geography Report Comments
A complete geography lesson teaching the countries of Europe. Includes a thorough teaching PowerPoint, interactive activities, worksheets, answers, extensions and videos.
Follow the ready-to-go PowerPoint to teach about using an atlas, Europe, European languages and flags.
Use the differentiated map worksheets to enable success for every child. Extensions are provided for fast finishers and those hungry for even more.
Answers on PPT
Teach as part of a geography unit on Europe. Check out the other lessons:
Where is Europe?
Compare Cities of Europe
Climate of Europe
Mountains of Europe
Rivers of Europe
A week of detailed lessons on writing recounts for KS2, PPT, Plan and resources all included. Differentiated activities, quick and effective starters and plenaries and lots more…
Differentiation provided for three groups - two challenges provided for every lesson
Engaging starters and plenaries designed to grab your pupil’s attention
Modelled texts provided highlighted to show how you construct paragraphs in recounts
Word banks provided to support and extend pupils
Editing skills developed
Peer and self assessment opportunities
Animated and clear PPT
Expand your pupil’s vocabulary and enhance their writing techniques whilst writing about personal events.
Engaging activities, opportunities for individual, paired and group work. Written for year 5 but relevant for year 6 and easily adaptable for years 3 and 4.
All reviews welcome.
To go with this unit download my Features of a Recount Display
A complete KS2 angle display including titles, interactive questions, images, angle types, tips, key words, strategies and reminders. Contains 37 elements. A visual and colourful angle display for your classroom which can also be used in a maths toolkit or as support cards during lessons.
All ready to print and put up so your pupils are engaged, enthused and excited about angles.
Bright and visual posters of essential angle facts.
This extensive display, includes:
3 titles to choose from
Question and answer bubbles explain key aspects of this topic.
A question flap with an answer inside
5 easy steps to measure angles
10 simple steps to draw angles
Key word cards to label an angle and protractor
Real life images with a range of angles in to show pupils how this links to life outside of school.
Colour-coded images and captions showing and explaining these key angles:
acute angle
right angle
obtuse angle
straight line
reflex angle
complete turn
45, 135, 225, 270, 315 degrees on cards
angles on a straight line
angles around a point
Colour-coded examples showing and explaining equal angles:
when two lines intersect
when a line intersects a parallel line set 1
when a line intersects a parallel line set 2
Colour-coded examples showing and explaining interior angles of shapes and regular polygons:
Enthuse your children with learning angles, help them remember these important facts with ease.
Use as a display, toolkit or support.
All reviews welcome.
You might also be interested in my other popular angle resources:
Drawing angles with games and the context of aliens
Measuring angles in the context of football
A complete geography lesson on rivers in Europe. Includes a thorough teaching PowerPoint, interactive activities, worksheets, word bank, extensions, videos and plenary game.
Follow the ready-to-go PowerPoint to teach about identifying, describing and comparing rivers in Europe.
What is a river?
How is it formed?
Parts of a river
Rivers on maps of Europe
Europe River facts
What are Fjords?
Planned for years 3 or 4, easily adaptable for years 5 and 6.
Differentiated recording tasks provided so children can label a map of Europe with the main rivers. Includes 3 extensions.
Activities for all styles of learners
Scaffolded learning
Check out my other popular Geography lessons on Europe:
Where is Europe?
Countries of Europe
Compare cities in Europe
Climate of Europe
Mountains of Europe
A detailed PowerPoint ideal for an assembly or lesson on this important day of December 2nd. Includes a 42 slide engaging and animated PowerPoint, video link, writing templates and writing examples and links to other useful websites on this day. Teach your pupils about the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery.
Lots of opportunities for discussion and higher level thinking. All concepts explained clearly.
Discuss and answer these key questions:
Why is this day special?
When did it start?
What is the UN and its Charter?
Who are the General Assembly?
What is slavery?
Is there slavery today?
How does modern slavery happen?
What the symbol represents today? Why?
Do you agree with these famous quotes about slavery?
How do people celebrate today?
How can we bring a stop to slavery?
Print out these engaging tasks for the children to complete in a lesson:
Task 1 - Design a symbol to represent this day, use the ideas provided.
Task 2 - Write a poem to raise awareness of modern slavery.
Task 3 - Write a short story about starting your dream job and what you would do if you came across inequality or people being taken advantage of in the workplace.
Writing templates provided.
Relevant for KS2 and KS3.
Also useful for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition on August 23rd and for the start of a topic on the Slave Trade.
All reviews welcome.
Find more engaging and good value assemblies in my Teachallenjoy Shop
An engaging KS2 assembly to celebrate World Poetry Day in your school.
Includes a 36 slide PowerPoint, 8 famous poets from around the world, 8 poems, map skills, higher level thinking questions and role models.
This assembly teaches the children about 8 famous poets from around the world introduced with a short biography and a famous poem they have written. All the poems are short, relevant for KS2 and inspiring. Includes map skills, higher level thinking questions and inspirational writing role models.
Each country has a map, flag and landscape picture to develop geographical understanding as well.
Reasoning questions and answers about each poem are provided and time at the end of the assembly to reflect and look forwards.
Celebrate World Poetry Day every year on March 21st to encourage diversity, a shared understanding and endangered languages around the world.
Use this assembly to inspire your pupils to become writers whilst developing their understanding of how everyone in the world has the same questions and feelings. Show them how poetry can capture the creative spirit of the human mind.
All reviews welcome.
You might also be interested in my packs of poems and lessons:
India Culture Poem Collection
Arctic Tundra Poem Collection
5 Reading Lessons on Writing Poetry
5 Reading Lessons on Performing Poetry
30 spelling lessons to cover 6 weeks in term 1, years 5 and 6. This extensive pack includes daily lessons on PowerPoints, spelling rules, engaging activities, dictations and all the resources you will need.
Teach spellings for a whole term to boost your pupil's achievement in year 5 and 6. Lessons suit all learning styles, with a range of activities such as active, written, oral etc.
This bundle also includes a visual display of the spelling words to pop up on the wall so you can easily refer to them throughout each week.
Find easy to use PowerPoints and lessons all ready to go, be organised every day for 6 weeks! Use these engaging and memorable sessions to make your pupils confident with their spellings and successful in their assessments!
Enjoy teaching the words from the year 5/6 new curriculum spelling list in a logical and well planned way. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy term.
Quickly print the dictation to assess each week and be amazed at the progress and capability of your spellers!
All reviews welcome.
All other terms also available on tes by Teachallenjoy.
A complete lesson pack on UK coastal areas and change over time. Includes lesson plan, starter activity, 34 slide PowerPoint, photo analysis, written activity, plenary and challenge.
Download this detailed and engaging lesson covering the physical and human features in UK coastal areas and how they change over time.
Whole Lesson
Teach KS2 with this easy-to-use lesson containing a thought provoking starter and an interesting input full of images to prompt high quality dialogue about geographical features.
Use the mixture of independent, paired and group work to provide opportunities for discussion, in depth reflection and evidence for assessment.
Enjoy some free time while the children enthusiastically get on with the written activity and question each other when completing the challenge activity.
Finish the lesson with an effortless plenary for children to share their learning and present the challenge work, this lesson is all ready to go to enthuse your pupils about UK coasts.
Find all the physical and human features of coasts explained clearly and reinforced with images and diagrams. Read and print a detailed lesson plan and all the resources needed.
Consolidate the children’s learning using ICT. Offer two reasoning extension activities to challenge the children and deepen their understanding of Geography.
National Curriculum Objectives:
Learn about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments,
Learn about the interaction between physical and human processes, formation, use of and change of landscapes and environments.
All reviews welcome.
A logical follow up lesson would be here covering human impact on coasts.
You might also be interested in these high quality Geography lessons:
Journey Through Surprising Russia
Tour Breathtaking Scandinavia
Visit the Grand Yosemite National Park
A whole week of year 2 reading comprehension lessons on The Giraffe And The Pelly And Me. Includes teaching PowerPoint, paired and group activities, scaffolding, differentiation, sequenced learning, challenge and answers.
Five complete lessons which develops the children’s understanding of the book and their ability to answer comprehension questions.
Every lesson includes:
Teaching points
Pages to read
Independent activities
This week focuses on the comprehension questions which ask you to find a word with a similar meaning to a quote from the text. The teaching points emphasise the importance of looking back over what you have read and using what you know.
Colonel Code Breaker appears everyday to give the children handy tips and help them become confident at decoding tricky words.
All activities are differentiated into 3 ability groups, with printable sheets provided separately to support every child.
Enjoy teaching reading with this accessible and engaging famous book by Roald Dahl, excite your pupils with the charming characters whilst they expand their vocabulary.
You can find lots more useful resources at my Teachallenjoy Shop
Or you might be interested in these handy resources:
Year 2 Reading Corner Display
Year 2 Reading Assessment Questions
A complete lesson on erosion on the UK coast, teaching the concepts of bays headlands, arches, stacks, stumps, caves and much more. Engaging resource pack with differentiation, answers, videos and animations.
Includes a PowerPoint leading you through the whole lesson and all the necessary resources.
Covers these national curriculum objectives:
- Learn about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments,
- interaction between physical and human processes,
- formation, use of and change of landscapes and environments.
Written for UKS2 but can easily be used by all year 3, 4, 5 and 6.
An engaging starter, mixture of independent, paired and group work.
Plenty of opportunities for class dialogue and for children to share ideas.
Full of interesting images to prompt discussion about geographical features.
An extension activity included to challenge the higher ability.
Plenary available for children to share their learning and present the challenge research.
All reviews welcome.
For more useful and reliable Geography lessons, plans and resources follow the links below:
- Human Impact on Coasts KS2
- UK Coasts Physical Features KS2
- Journey Through Russia, Physical Features KS2
- Scandinavia Unit KS2
- Yosemite National Park Unit KS2
You can also find many more inspiring and engaging KS2 resources for a wide range of subjects at my shop: Teachallenjoy
A complete bank of discussion text sentence openers. Includes a variety of words grouped into useful types. All that you need for expanding vocabulary and heightening progress during a discussion text unit.
Types of openers included:
Openers for additional points of view
Openers for opposing points of view
Openers for discussing opinions
Generalisation openers
Openers referring to time
A variety of extra openers
They are bright and colourful so would be perfect for a display, toolkit or word bank.
Print as either PowerPoint slides or aA4 format.
Check out my popular lesson packs on discussion texts:
Week 1 Explore and Learn About Discussion Texts
Week 2 Write Your Own Discussion Text
All the spelling words and rules that year 5 and 6 need to know. Available in different formats for all of your spelling needs. Designed to save time, enhance progress and increase pupil independence.
- Colour year 5/6 spelling word bank
- Black and white year 5/6 spelling word bank
- Year 5/6 spelling word bank with tick boxes
- Teaching PowerPoint with 11 slides
These sheets could be used as an teaching tool, assessment tool, homework support or stuck into books to support writing.
All reviews welcome.
For daily lessons on how to teach these rules follow this link:
Here you will find year 5/6 spelling lessons for the whole year:
Term 1 Weekly Spelling Lessons and Dictations
Term 2 Weekly Spelling Lessons and Dictations
Term 3 Weekly Spelling Lessons and Dictations
Term 4 Weekly Spelling Lessons and Dictations
Term 5 Weekly Spelling Lessons and Dictations
Term 6 Weekly Spelling Lessons and Dictations