Hi, I am Lizzie a primary teacher with 10+ years of experience. I love teaching but the thing I hate is that Sunday becomes a work day. I believe that all teachers deserve to rest on Sunday. For the benefit of themselves and their students. Hence the creation of Teachers Love Sundaes.
The resources I create can be picked up and taught straight from. All lessons include key vocabulary, rewind , active learning throughout, problem solving generated learning , stem sentences and so much more !
Hi, I am Lizzie a primary teacher with 10+ years of experience. I love teaching but the thing I hate is that Sunday becomes a work day. I believe that all teachers deserve to rest on Sunday. For the benefit of themselves and their students. Hence the creation of Teachers Love Sundaes.
The resources I create can be picked up and taught straight from. All lessons include key vocabulary, rewind , active learning throughout, problem solving generated learning , stem sentences and so much more !
Thankyou for looking at my resource
This unit is made up of five lessons.
Each lesson Includes a fully comprehensive powerpoint and word resources catering a range of abilities.
Lesson 1 - To describe the differences between the town and the countryside
Lesson 2 - To locate and name the countries of the UK
Lesson 3 - To locate and identify the four capital cities - Cardiff and Belfast
Lesson 4 - To locate and identify the four capital cities - Edinburgh + London
Lesson 5 - To compare two capital cities
This unit uses the story of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse throughout.
All lessons start with active rewind (recap) tasks. These provide an informal assessment for teachers, remind children of their prior learning to help learning go into their long term memory and put relevant prior learning in the forefront of children’s minds as they acquire new learning.
Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the learning rather than forming sentences.
Independent task
In each lesson children will be built up to completing an independent task/s.
Every task has a helping hands task which aims to remove barriers to children accessing the main task such as using stem sentences to allow children to focus on their learning not the structuring of sentences.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Thank you for looking at my resource.
This is the final lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the past lesson or the further lessons. This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
Children will start by rewind (recapping) on prior learning. Children will recap on the four countries and capital cities of the UK. Children will actively engage in this by discussing which of the four capital cities they have visited they would most like to visit and why.
Children will use the story of The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse (A story ppt has been attached if teaching this without using the previous lesson). Children will be informed Grandma Mabel (who lives in London) has invited Uncle Luca from Brasilia to visit. She has assumed that Brasilia and London will be the same as they are both capital cities. Children will discuss with a partner if the Grandma Mabel is correct.
Children will learn about what comparison means. Children will watch and be provided with a range of facts about the features of Brasilia and London. A whole class running comparison chart will be created with multiple opportunities for children to engage in discussion about the similarities and differences.
Children will complete a written task where they write a letter to Uncle Luca explain the similarities and differences.
A helping hands task (supported task) is provided.
A chilli challenge is provided to extend learning. This should be given to all children. The ‘differentiation’ will be based on how children access the task.
Past/current vocabulary is explicitly taught and children are reminded of this at suitable and regular opportunities.
Stem sentences are provided throughout to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the geography rather than formation of a sentence.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
This is the third lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the past lesson or the further lessons. This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
This lesson has been split into two parts too reduce cognitive overload.
Part 1 - Cardiff and Belfast
Part 2 - London and Edinburgh
Children will start by rewind (recapping) on prior learning. Children will recap on the four countries of the UK. Children will actively engage in this by discussing whether they would like to visit Cardiff or Belfast using what they learnt in the previous lesson.
Children will use the story of The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse (A story ppt has been attached if teaching this without using the previous lesson). Children will be informed that Milo is from Scotland. Milo will inform children about the generic city features Edinburgh has and then will move on to its more unique features.
Following on from this children will reflect, then discuss which of the unique features they would most like to visit and why?
Children will then complete a written application task where they identify what country Edinburgh is the capital city of and which two unique places they would visit.
Children will then be introduced to Molly’s grandma Mabel. Just like Milo, Mabel will introduce some of the generic features of London and then show some of the unique features.
Children will again complete a written application task.
A helping hands task (supported task) is provided.
A chilli challenge is provided to extend learning. This should be given to all children. The ‘differentiation’ will be based on how children access the task.
Past/current vocabulary is explicitly taught and children are reminded of this at suitable and regular opportunities.
Stem sentences are provided throughout to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the geography rather than formation of a sentence.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
This is the third lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the past lesson or the further lessons. This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
This lesson has been split into two parts too reduce cognitive overload.
Part 1 - Cardiff and Belfast
Part 2 - London and Edinburgh
Children will start by rewind (recapping) on prior learning. Children will actively engage in this by discussing with a partner the features of town and country. Children will then work together as a class to name the four countries of the UK.
Children will use the story of The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse (A story ppt has been attached if teaching this without using the previous lesson). Children will be informed that Molly is from Wales and the capital city is Cardiff. Children will learn about some of the generic city features and then will be shown unique features found in Cardiff.
Following on from this children will reflect, then discuss which of the unique features they would most like to visit and why?
Children will then complete a written application task where they identify what country Cardiff is the capital city of and which two unique places they would visit.
Children will then be introduced to Molly’s Uncle Mike who lives in Belfast. Just like Molly, Mike will introduce some of the generic features of Belfast and then show some of the unique features.
Children will again complete a written application task.
A helping hands task (supported task) is provided.
A chilli challenge is provided to extend learning. This should be given to all children. The ‘differentiation’ will be based on how children access the task.
Past/current vocabulary is explicitly taught and children are reminded of this at suitable and regular opportunities.
Stem sentences are provided throughout to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the geography rather than formation of a sentence.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
This is the second lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the past lesson or the further lessons. This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
Children will start by rewind (recapping) on prior learning. Children will actively engage in this by playing an A-Z game where they will name features of a town and features of the countryside.
Children will use the story of The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse (A story ppt has been attached if teaching this without using the previous lesson). Children will be informed that Molly has only told Milo that she lives on earth. Children will discuss why this isn’t helpful for Milo to locate her. This will lead into learning about the countries of the UK. Children will spend time exploring google earth and how the UK and its countries are part of this.
Children will complete two tasks. The first will be naming the four countries on a blank map. Children will then be shown Molly and Milo’s relatives locations and name where they live.
A helping hands task (supported task) is provided.
A chilli challenge is provided to extend learning. This should be given to all children. The ‘differentiation’ will be based on how children access the task.
Past/current vocbaulary is explicitly taught and children are reminded of this at suitable and regular opportunties.
Stem sentences are provided throughout to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the geography rather than formation of a sentence.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
This is the first lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the further lessons. This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
Children will start by rewind (recapping) on prior learning. Children will actively engage in this by playing I spy with their immediate environment. Either inside or outside depending on the weather.
This will lead into teaching the terminology and concepts of location and observation. Children will develop their understanding by identifying a location in a picture and making simple observations. Children will start to develop their ability to describe differences by comparing different locations pros and cons.
Children will be read the story of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse and apply location, observation ,pros and cons to discuss the story.Children will use these concepts to start to differentiate between town and countryside.
Children will be introduced to the term feature. Children will looking at their closest town and countryside. Children will identify real life examples of the features of the town and countryside and will discuss how the mice from the story would see these as either a pro or a con.
Children will complete an independent task where they will compare town and countryside using a venn diagram. Examples are provided to help children understand how to use a venn diagram including a whole class exercise sorting a number of statements.
A helping hands task is is provided where children are given the statements to sort.
A chilli challenge is provided to extend learning. This should be given to all children. The ‘differentiation’ will be based on how children access the task.
Past/current vocbaulary is explicitly taught and children are reminded of this at suitable and regular opportunties.
Stem sentences are provided throughout to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the geography rather than formation of a sentence.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
This is a simplified story of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (12 slides) suitable for FS and KS1 .
This works really well as a stand alone story but also works well with a range of lessons such as reading retrieval and geography work comparing country and town.
The powerpoint is fully editable.
Thankyou for looking at my resources
This unit is made up of five lessons.
Each lesson Includes a fully comprehensive powerpoint and word resources catering a range of abilities.
Lesson 1 -To compare differences between things that are alive, used to be alive and never been alive.
Lesson 2 - To identify how living things depend on each other.
Lesson 3 - To find and name animals in a microhabitat and explain why they are suited to living there.
Lesson 4 - To identify animals and plants in world habitats.
Lesson 5 - To use a food chain to explain how animals get their food.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
All lessons start with active rewind (recap) tasks. These provide an informal assessment for teachers, remind children of their prior learning to help learning go into their long term memory and put relevant prior learning in the forefront of children’s minds as they acquire new learning.
Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the learning rather than forming sentences.
Independent task
In each lesson children will be built up to completing an independent task/s.
Every task has a helping hands task which aims to remove barriers to children accessing the main task such as using stem sentences to allow children to focus on their learning not the structuring of sentences.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Thank you for looking at my resource. This resource includes a fully comprehensive powerpoint and word resources catering a range of abilities.
This is the final lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the past lessons or the further lessons. This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
Children will start by rewind (recapping) on prior learning. Children will actively engage in this by playing a true or false game where they stand if something is true and sit down if something is false. This will cover all of the key learning taught during this unit with a particular focus on thee knowledge that they will directly need to use in this lesson. This will ensure that children have this key knowledge at the forefront of their thinking when exploring their new learning.
To introduce the importance a food chain children will look at a lion. They will think and discuss why every living thing in the food chain is important for the lion.
Children will start by looking at completed food chains and will complete either an independent or guided description of a polar food chain. All children will be encouraged to identify what habitat the food chain is from using their prior learning.
Once children are confident describing a food chain they will move onto creating their own food chain. There will be a helping hands option - a scaffolded support for children who may find drawing and laying out a food chain difficult.
Past/current vocbaulary is explicitly taught and children are reminded of this at suitable and regular opportunties.
Stem sentences are provided throughout to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the science rather than formation of a sentence.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource. This resource includes a fully comprehensive powerpoint and word resources catering a range of abilities.
This is the fourth lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the past lessons or the further lessons. This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
Children will start by rewind (recapping) on prior learning. Children will actively engage in this by playing an A-Z game where they go around the class naming living things starting with each letter of the alphabet. Children will also recap on their prior learning of habitats and dependency of living things within a habitat. This will ensure that children have this key knowledge at the forefront of their thinking when exploring their new learning.
Past learning has mostly focused on habitats in children’s local area. Children will start to think about global habitats by discussing how habitats my vary.
Children will explore five main global habitats:
Children will using the skill of research to find out about these habitats. Children will use a range of sources which will be explicitly highlighted to children to build up their learning research sources of information. Children will build up their confidence in research. They will have three habitats which will be guided but increasingly involve more from the child than the teacher e.g the first habitat will have the research chart already filled in.
After completing the three guided habitats children will either move onto researching independently the final two habitats or work alongside the teacher.
Past/current vocbaulary is explicitly taught and children are reminded of this at suitable and regular opportunties.
Stem sentences are provided throughout to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the science rather than formation of a sentence.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
This resource includes a fully comprehensive powerpoint and word resources catering a range of abilities.
This is the third lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the past lessons or the further lessons .This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
Children will start by rewind (recapping) on prior learning. Children will actively engage in this by matching living things to habitats and discussing how a bee and a flower depend on each other.
This will lead into children being taught about microhabitats and minibeasts.
Children will complete an observation of microhabitats and minibeasts around school. Children will use their prior learning to explain why microhabits are suitable.
The scientific skills of observation and prediction will be explicitly taught and used.
Past/current vocbaulary is explicitly taught and children are reminded of this at suitable and regular opportunties.
Stem sentences are provided throughout to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the science rather than formation of a sentence.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
This resource includes a fully comprehensive powerpoint and word resources catering a range of abilities.
This is the second lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the past lesson or the further lessons .This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
Children will start by rewind (recapping) on prior learning. Children will actively engage in this by reasoning with a partner if a particular picture is living, used to be alive or never been alive.
Children will start to develop an understanding of the key concepts - habitats and dependency by reflecting on their own personal habitats. This will then lead into self reflection and partner discussions on why not all animals live in the same habitat as them.
Children will then learn about a number of animals and why their habitat is important to their survival.
This will lead into children doing their own investigation of the local habitats around school. Children will be explicitly taught about prediction and observation.
After completing these observations the concept of dependency and mutual dependency will be introduced. Children will look at a number of examples and then independently write about an example.
Stem sentences are provided throughout to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the science rather than formation of a sentence.
Children will complete either a independent task or a helping hands task.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
This resource includes a fully comprehensive powerpoint and word resources catering a range of abilities.
This is the first lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the further lessons .This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
Children will start by completing a number of quick rewind (recapped) tasks such as which is the odd one out. These will ensure that children have the key prior learning to fully understand this unit, provide a useful assessment of learning for the teacher and put the relevant prior learning/vocabulary in the forefront of children’s mind.
Key recapped learning - Material vs object, definition of animals , types of animals and definition of living things.
Leading on from this children will be introduced to Ethan the explorer. Children will be informed that he thinks everything in a park is a living thing. Children will think and then discuss with a partner whether they agree / disagree with this. Stem sentences are provided to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the science rather than formation of a sentence.
After practicing with a partner children will complete the first independent task which is to identify if items in the park are living or not living .
This will then lead into a discussion about a bench. Is a bench living if its material is wood? Children will look at why a bench’s wood used to be living.
As a class children will discuss which materials used to be alive and which were never alive.
Children will complete the second independent task which is sorting items from a park into living, used to be alive and never been alive.
Children will complete either a independent task or a helping hands task.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the learning rather than forming sentences.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
This bundle includes 5 complete lessons with ppts, LOs and all resources.
Lesson 1 - To know what rituals are
Lesson 2 - To explore what Salat is and why it is important to Muslims
Lesson 3 - To explore the ritual of puja
Lesson 4 - To explore what happens during Holy Communion
Lesson 5 - To compare rituals from different religions
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Helping hand tasks aim to remove barriers that children experience allowing all children to access main learning.
Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the learning rather than forming sentences.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Lesson 1
In this lesson children will establish a concise definition of what a ritual is. To help children establish this complex concept they will start by looking at routines they complete. This includes a fun charades game for their school morning routine.
Children will then be introduced to the concept of rituals and direct comparisons and contrasts will be made with routines. Children will be exposed to some religious rituals to help them establish a clear understanding. Children will be informed that their future learning in this unit will delve deeper into specific rituals.
Lesson 2
Children will start this lesson by recapping on their learning about rituals. Children will work with a partner to differentiate between routines and rituals.
This will lead into a concise rewind of prior learning.
Children will learn about Salat with regular opportunities to consolidate learning through learning checkpoints.
Childern will complete two independent learning tasks. Including recalling facts they have learnt and designing a prayer mat.
Lesson 3
Children will start this lesson by recapping on their learning about rituals and Salat.
To help children understand the concept of puja they will start by thinking and discussing how they would welcome a special guest.
Children will learn about puja with regular opportunities to consolidate learning through learning checkpoints. A video link is embedded into the powerpoint to further support learning. However the powerpoint is substantive and viewing of the video isn’t needed to fully learn about puja.
Lesson 4
Children will start this lesson by recapping on their learning about rituals, Salat and Puja. To support learning for the next lesson in the sequence children will sort facts into Salat, Puja or both.
To help children understand the concept of Holy Communion they will think about special items they have that remind them of certain things.
Children will learn about the last supper and how this is represented in Holy Communion. A video link is embedded into the powerpoint to further support learning. However the powerpoint is substantive and viewing of the video isn’t needed to fully learn about Holy Communion .
Lesson 5
In this lesson children will start by comparing two then three balls to help develop an understanding of what comparing is and how to compare more than two. This will include comparing when 2/3 have something similiar.
Children will then have a thorough recap of the three rituals they have looked at. Puja, Salat and Holy communion.
Children will use the same table that they used for the balls to compare the three rituals as a whole class.
Children will then move onto comparing statements about the rituals with a partner. All resources are provided including the comparison table.
Thank you for looking at my resource.
Resources included
Powerpoint presentation
Resources including chilli challenge and helping hands.
This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
In this lesson children will start by comparing two then three balls to help develop an understanding of what comparing is and how to compare more than two. This will include comparing when 2/3 have something similiar.
Children will then have a thorough recap of the three rituals they have looked at. Puja, Salat and Holy communion.
Children will use the same table that they used for the balls to compare the three rituals as a whole class.
Children will then move onto comparing statements about the rituals with a partner. All resources are provided including the comparison table.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the learning rather than forming sentences.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
Resources included
Powerpoint presentation
Resources including chilli challenge and helping hands.
This is the fourth lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the further lessons or past lessons .This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
Children will start this lesson by recapping on their learning about rituals, Salat and Puja. To support learning for the next lesson in the sequence children will sort facts into Salat, Puja or both.
To help children understand the concept of Holy Communion they will think about special items they have that remind them of certain things.
Children will learn about the last supper and how this is represented in Holy Communion. A video link is embedded into the powerpoint to further support learning. However the powerpoint is substantive and viewing of the video isn’t needed to fully learn about Holy Communion .
Childern will complete two independent tasks. In the first task they will write about Holy Communion. The second task they will design a chalice.
Powerpoint word banks are provided for the independent task…
Children will complete either a independent task or a helping hands task.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the learning rather than forming sentences.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
Resources included
Powerpoint presentation
Resources including chilli challenge and helping hands.
This is the third lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the further lessons or past lesson.This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
Children will start this lesson by recapping on their learning about rituals and Salat.
To help children understand the concept of puja they will start by thinking and discussing how they would welcome a special guest.
Children will learn about puja with regular opportunities to consolidate learning through learning checkpoints. A video link is embedded into the powerpoint to further support learning. However the powerpoint is substantive and viewing of the video isn’t needed to fully learn about puja.
Childern will complete two independent learning tasks. Including recalling facts they have learnt and designing a shrine mat.
Powerpoint word banks are provided for the independent tasks.
Children will complete either a independent task or a helping hands task.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the learning rather than forming sentences.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
Resources included
Powerpoint presentation
Resources including chilli challenge and helping hands.
This is the second lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the further lessons or past lesson.This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
Children will start this lesson by recapping on their learning about rituals. Children will work with a partner to differentiate between routines and rituals.
This will lead into a concise rewind of prior learning.
Children will learn about Salat with regular opportunities to consolidate learning through learning checkpoints.
Childern will complete two independent learning tasks. Including recalling facts they have learnt and designing a prayer mat.
Children will complete either a independent task or a helping hands task.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the learning rather than forming sentences.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thank you for looking at my resource.
Resources included
Powerpoint presentation
Resources including chilli challenge and helping hands.
This is the first lesson in a sequence.The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the further lessons.This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable.
In this lesson children will establish a concise definition of what a ritual is. To help children establish this complex concept they will start by looking at routines they complete. This includes a fun charades game for their school morning routine.
Children will then be introduced to the concept of rituals and direct comparisons and contrasts will be made with routines. Children will be exposed to some religious rituals to help them establish a clear understanding. Children will be informed that their future learning in this unit will delve deeper into specific rituals.
Children will complete either a independent task or a helping hands task.
The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the learning rather than forming sentences.
Powerpoint guide
Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc
Red slides - Teacher led tasks
Blue slides - Reflection time
Yellow slides - independent application
Thankyou for looking at my resource.
This unit uses the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to not only engage learners/provide a fun theme but importantly enhance scientific understanding through investigations such as is a beanstalk a tree?
In this unit children will be given a mystery seed from the bean seller in the story (teacher’s choice) and will every week use their increasing knowledge to investigate what the plant is.
The story will be embedded in other areas of the unit for instance children will use reasoning to decide if a beanstalk is a tree.
A ppt of 20+ slides is provided for every lesson and a word document of resources is provided including an overview of what teachers need to prepare in advance. Each lesson gives children an opportunity to reflect on their plant with questions that adapt based on their knowledge of the unit. A good example of this is in week four, children will be asked if they think their mystery seed is a tree.
In lesson 1 the story of Jack and the Beanstalk is provided alongside the lesson slides.
The aim of this unit is to limit the preparation needed for the teacher. The lesson slides can be picked up and taught fully from either by a teacher with a solid understanding of the prior and future learning of a given class or by a teacher who may be covering an isolated lesson. The lessons are fully editable allowing teachers to edit based on individual class needs.
Lesson 1 -To describe and compare seeds, bulbs and plants.
Lesson 2 - To name and compare the parts of plants.
Lesson 3 - To name and identify common garden and wild plants.
Lesson 4 - To name and identify common trees.
Lesson 5 - To name and identify common fruit and vegetable plants.
Every lesson starts with a rewind task. These are varied and provide an opportunity for the teacher to quickly asses what children have remembered and any potential gaps in knowledge. This also puts relevant prior learning in the forefront of children’s minds ready to apply to new knowledge .
This then starts the effective build up of learning through carefully designed small steps. Children are actively involved in their learning throughout with opportunities to reflect, talk with a partner as well as engage in whole class discussions.
Reasoning and oracy opportunities are embedded throughout. With stem sentences provided to ensure children are able to eloquently express their understanding and focus on the science.
Lessons are designed to ensure all learners are on the ‘journey’ together. Helping hands provide additional support to ensure children are accessing the main learning where as chilli challenges aim to expand/challenging children’s learning with open ended exercises. Challenges are provided to all learners. The ’ differentiation ’ is based on how children access the challenge.
Vocabulary is explicitly taught and is repeated throughout the unit to ensure embedded learning.