A sensory story based on exploring hot and cold.
Children to choose the direction the story goes in. Resources needed are everyday household items or available at low cost from any supermarket.
Communication boards to support the following stories:
Dinosaurs love Underpants
Oi Frog!
Press Here
Tadpoles Promise
That’s not my car
The Queen’s Hat
10 in the Bed
Three Little Pigs
Communication boards ranging in complexity (3 different levels) to support children to feedback on the work, play, event or activity they have been doing.
Days of the week strip with separate home and school symbols which can be velcro’d/blu-tacked onto the strip to support understanding of when the child is in school and when they are at home.
Space above the days of the week for an arrow to be used so children can see where in the week they are.
Useful for school closure/home learning and half term preparations as well as back to school or managing the school week.