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Test Tube Science

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I am an experienced Teacher of Science at KS3,4 and 5 covering Biology, physics and Chemistry. In my corner of TES you will find a range of resources for Secondary Science Teaching including revision mats, lesson plans and Youtube Videos that can be embedded in your own lessons. Many of the resources are offered free Check out https://www.youtube.com/@testtubescience for all my videos




I am an experienced Teacher of Science at KS3,4 and 5 covering Biology, physics and Chemistry. In my corner of TES you will find a range of resources for Secondary Science Teaching including revision mats, lesson plans and Youtube Videos that can be embedded in your own lessons. Many of the resources are offered free Check out https://www.youtube.com/@testtubescience for all my videos
Bar Charts and Line Graphs Introduction Y7

Bar Charts and Line Graphs Introduction Y7

A 2 lesson set to introduce Bar charts and Line Graphs to year 7s, although could be used for Y8 and 9 classes also Contains a fairly student led activity set in 2 lessons revolving around categoric and continuous data. Starting with Bar Charts, and going on to Line graphs, including LA differentiation ideas and Ha extensions It is expected that this 2 ppt lesson will span 2 1 hour lessons. 1 for Bar Charts and 1 for Line graphs although it is possible for a very high ability class to cover both in one lesson (Perhaps with some small amount of trimming)
History of DNA lesson plus resources Y9 in 9C1 module

History of DNA lesson plus resources Y9 in 9C1 module

This lesson offers an extremely student led hour going over the history of the discovery of DNA including the story of Watson and Crick vs Franklin and Wilkins The ppt comes with fact sheets to support the lesson with a research task that runs for around 30-40 minutes as required. All editable and covering the 9B1 topic of Genetics
Year 9 C1 - Variation Lesson plus resources

Year 9 C1 - Variation Lesson plus resources

This lesson contains a lesson ppt on Variation from Module 9C1 and the required resources to support the lesson in word so you can edit as per your requirements This lesson, when given with pace, can be delivered in a 1 hour session. It could, however, be used at a slower pace across a double lesson or two separate periods. it is targeted at year 9, however, it could also be used as a year 10 revision lesson
Inheritance of Sex Lesson for Y9 Full Lesson plus resources

Inheritance of Sex Lesson for Y9 Full Lesson plus resources

This lesson offers a very student led experience for Year 9s on the inheritance of sex in topic 9B1,(can also be used for Year 10 revision, especially for foundation classes) including the resources required. A very easy lesson to run and enjoyable for the students as it gets them up and moving
Y8 Properties of light lesson plus resources

Y8 Properties of light lesson plus resources

This lesson contains a full lesson powerpoint on the properties of light aimed at Year 8 syllabus, although could be used for Y9 or revision for Key Stage 4 also, especially Foundation classes. It covers Ray diagrams, Transparent, Translucent and Opaque and has big student led sections to improve understanding. A very simple lesson that is goof for LA, MA and LA students and acts as a good foundation for lessons on Reflection and refraction.
Year 7 Introduction to Variation and Genetics

Year 7 Introduction to Variation and Genetics

This powerpoint is a simple introduction to the concept of Variation for use with Year 7 groups, although it could be used for Year 8 also. You could even take some parts of this to present to year 9, especially lower level groups. This free resource has been used a number of times with my Year 7s and 8s to great effect and has allowed me to scaffold up to other genetic concepts fairly easily. It includes a number of examples of variation including the peppered moth, the Dodo and a more complex antibiotic related example for more able students. Presented on primarily a blue background to assist dyslexic students Please do rate the resource and I hope it helps you
Life Cycle of a Star - Life to Death Star Formation

Life Cycle of a Star - Life to Death Star Formation

This powerpoint resource is a full 1 hour lesson on star formation, from start to finish, including Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, Nebulae, white dwarves and Black holes, Red Giants and Main sequence stars. Explains in full the movement of a star from its formation through to its final incarnation as a white dwarf or Black hole. This is a very “talky” lesson, so the addition of a few exercises - dependant upon your student audience, could support it
Space Physics - Planets, Stars, Dwarf Planets & Definitions

Space Physics - Planets, Stars, Dwarf Planets & Definitions

In this complete lesson resource, there is an Hour lesson (Or 2 lessons if you wish to stretch and add extra activity), on the definition of planets, stars and dwarf Planets, as well as informative video links and exercises to help students understand the effect of a body’s mass on the weight of an object. Animated with stunning visuals
Y8 Reflection Lesson including some active practical activity

Y8 Reflection Lesson including some active practical activity

This 1 hour lesson targeted at Y8 syllabus (although very applicable for Y9 and also KS4, especially Foundation students) covers reflection of single and multiple light waves, angles of incidence and angles of reflection. It is quite student led and will allow for a greater understanding of how light rays reflect off a mirror. it also covers the concept of periscopes and why ripples on water cause distorted images
Y8 Refraction lesson, building on reflection

Y8 Refraction lesson, building on reflection

This lesson, targeting Y8 (although applicable to Y9 and Key Stage 4 Revision, especially Foundation students) covers the concept of refraction building on the previous lesson on Reflection (also uploaded for free in this shop). Includes a good video resource plus class exercises, including a green pen revisitation exercise from Starter to Plenary. Scaffolds from reflection using angles of incidence, refraction and normals Also offers some practical real world applications of this phenomenon, including lenses in glasses.
Year 8 Sound Waves through different media

Year 8 Sound Waves through different media

This lesson gives an interesting and student led journey on sound waves and how they move through liquids and solids. This could be expanded to included gasses also, but focusses on the particle model for waves. Aimed at Year 8, this could also be used for other KS3 classes and even Foundation KS4 Used several times with success, including an opportunity for marking a piece of work in class, either by peer review or by teacher
Reactivity of Metals and Atomic Structure Revision Lesson with Mat

Reactivity of Metals and Atomic Structure Revision Lesson with Mat

This Resource includes a revision mat for Topics 9C1 and 2 “Reactivity of Metals” and “The Atom” (including the formation of Ions). There is also an accompanying powerpoint presentation that can be used to guide the revision lesson if you wish. I find that this helps facilitate the learning in a more synchronised way, and support can be given more easily should there be a number of people misunderstanding a single section. This Mat and ppt has been used on more than one occasion with great success
Space Revision Mat and Powerpoint KS3

Space Revision Mat and Powerpoint KS3

This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation and associated resources for a revision lesson on the Space topic for Key Stage 3, most commonly taught in year 8. It includes a Revision Mat, Word Search Starter, KeyWord bingo Break and a PowerPoint that will take the students through the revision mat in a controlled and supportive way. The Lesson supports key learning areas such as The Seasons Earths orbit around the Sun Relative distances between bodies in the solar system Planetary orbits Gravity Graph skills Resources are completely formatted and ready for use out of the box. Supplied in a .ppt file and Microsoft Word for easy editing and customisation as required.
How To Do Variables and Graphs 2 LESSONS - Year 7

How To Do Variables and Graphs 2 LESSONS - Year 7

2 Entire Lessons structured and scaffolded to support Year 7 students with variables and how they translate to graph drawing - Both Line and Bar Graphs It is staged to take the students through rules for drawing graphs, differentiating between line graphs and Bar graphs, how to draw axes, and then develops to adding data and creating a completed graph First lesson specifically targets LINE GRAPHS although it doe talk about when a graph would be a line graph instead of a bar graph. Second Lesson focuses on Bar Graphs Both lessons have a starter task for entry based around curriculum recall and a plenary to bring the skills learned together. It is written in a dyslexia friendly font, and has easy visual background to ensure clarity for many SEND students.
How To Do Variables and Graphs - Year 8

How To Do Variables and Graphs - Year 8

An entire structured and scaffolded lesson to support Year 8 students with variables and how they translate to graph drawing It is staged to take the students through rules for drawing graphs, differentiating between line graphs and Bar graphs, how to draw axes, and then develops to adding data and creating a completed graph This lesson specifically targets LINE GRAPHS although it doe talk about when a graph would be a line graph instead of a bar graph. It could easily be adapted to make it Bar Graph targeted. It is written in a dyslexia friendly font, and has easy visual background to ensure clarity for many SEND students.
Revision Lesson and Mat for Inheritance and Selection

Revision Lesson and Mat for Inheritance and Selection

This package contains a Revision Mat and an accompanying powerpoint to fill a lesson. The powerpoint includes a quick starter and a short quiz before guiding the class through the Revision Mat area by area to ensure each student gets full support. It also includes a short literacy plenary that can be used or omitted dependent upon time Suitable for KS3 classes, specifically Year 8 and Year 9, and can be used for Foundation classes in KS4 to support GCSE Biology learning
Y7 Revision Mat & Powerpoint on Reproduction

Y7 Revision Mat & Powerpoint on Reproduction

This Resource includes a PowerPoint presentation that follows a completely formatted Revision Mat that can be printed out and given to each member of the class. It will guide the Key Stage 3 Group (normally year 7) through the Revision Mat in a controlled and supportive way ensuring pace is continued throughout the lesson. it includes a Where’s Wally Bell Task and a plenary related to contraception. This lesson re-introduces and supports the principles of: Human Reproduction and anatomy Contraception Sperm and egg production Puberty and changes Plant Reproduction and the structure of a flower Menstruation Anatomy inside the womb/uterus Completely formatted and ready to use out of the box. Offered in Microsoft Word and Powerpoint for easy editing and customisation.
Year 7 B1 Cells Topic Revision Mat Plus supporting Resources

Year 7 B1 Cells Topic Revision Mat Plus supporting Resources

A revision mat based full lesson on Year 7B1 Topic (Cells) including a dyxlexia friendly accompanying powerpoint plus resources for print in multiple formats. It also allows for editing of the resources should you need or wish to add school specific content. By purchasing this pack you have author permission to adapt to your personal in school requirements. This lesson is specifically designed to be a revision lesson on the 7B1 topic of cells and assumes that the content has been previously taught Includes the ability to assess: Signs on life Cells Organelles and their functions Specialised cells Scaling The powerpoint allows staged teacher guidance through the lesson and includes stretch and challenge elements for High ability students. Also includes a structured Starter and a related plenary game to increase embedding of the scientific language used. Would also be suitable as a refresher lesson for lower ability Foundation stage students at GCSE Y10 and 11
Digestion and Respiration Revision Mat and Lesson Y8 B1 and B2

Digestion and Respiration Revision Mat and Lesson Y8 B1 and B2

A fully functional revision mat (recommended print on A3) and associated lesson powerpoint, in colour, to cover the major elements of Modules B1 and B2 of the KS3 y8 syllabus. Includes revision on BMI, Food Groups and Food Tests, Intestines, The Respiratory System, Blood Composition and Respiration. Lesson breaks down the revision mat to ensure even pace throughout the class and supports both Low Ability and High Ability strudents. Also includes games for starter and plenary sections. I deal for a pre-test revision or a reminder lesson for KS4 students9 Higher and foundation sets)