Teach children about Ancient Egyptian mummies. This download is a complete resources lesson to teach children about the making of mummies in Ancient Egypt. The children will learn what an Ancient Egyptian Mummy is, why the Egyptians made mummies and how they were made. There is a detailed 26 slide PowerPoint and four versions of the 6-page worksheet to allow children to show their understanding, along with an activity to write instructions for making an Ancient Egyptian Mummy.
Full lesson plan
Lesson PowerPoint
Differentiated Worksheets
Example instructions
Writing frame
Answer sheet
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong><a href=" https://www.tes.com/member/Charleei">here</a></strong>
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=" https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/six-science-lessons-products-bundle-pack-11147925"> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=" https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-space-workbook-11180019"> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=" https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/science-investigation-booklet-11146853"> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
Ancient Romans Emperors and Government Complete History Lesson
Teach children about Ancient Romans and their emperors. This download is a complete lesson to teach children about the Roman government and emperors. The children will learn how Rome changed from a republic to an empire, what a democracy is, what an emperor did and why the Roman Empire was successful. There is a detailed 22 slide PowerPoint and four versions of the 6-page worksheet to allow children to show their understanding, along with an activity to create an information sheet on Roman Emperors.
Everything you need to teach kids about the Roman Government!
Full lesson plan
Lesson PowerPoint
Differentiated Worksheets
Example information sheet
Information template
Answer sheet
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Pre-history workbook – Stone, Bronze and Iron Age
This download is a 32-page foldable workbook on pre-history. Children will be learning about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age and take part in activities to help with understanding.
The booklet activities include:
• Vocabulary listings
• Identifying artefacts
• Creating timeline
• Identifying extinct animals
• The mystery of Stonehenge
• Houses and dwellings
• Pre-historic clothing
• Cave Art
• Word Search
• Pre-historic Quiz
• Learning checklist
• And more
Interactive lesson on Stone Age, Pre-history, Scavengers and Settlers, Cave Man
This is an exciting lesson to open up the unit or to get children interested in the Stone Age and pre-history.
Children will investigate the survival needs of early man with scavenger activities and lots of prompted discussion.
Included in this download is the full lesson plan and the needed resources to teach this lesson.
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
Some of my other products:
Stone Age Tools and Artefacts Complete Lesson
Complete Unit of Work 34 Stone Age Lessons
Complete Lesson on Guy Fawkes
Teach children about the Ancient Greeks. This download is a complete lesson to teach children about the Ancient Greek civilization. The children will learn who the Ancient Greeks were, who the important people were and how they changed the world. There is a detailed 31 slide PowerPoint and four versions of the 10-page worksheet to allow children to show their understanding, along with an activity to write an explanation text on the Greek Empire.
Full lesson plan
Lesson PowerPoint
Differentiated Worksheets
Example text
Writing frame
Answer sheet
Thanks for looking
Leonardo Da Vinci Digital Escape Room
Teach children about Leonardo Da Vinci with this fun digital escape room. Children will need to look around the room and learn facts about Da Vinci to solve the puzzles and eventually escape the room. No printing required
This game requires PowerPoint to run.
Distance Learning Ancient Greeks Art and Culture Complete History Lesson
Teach children about Ancient Greeks and their art and culture. This download is a complete lesson to teach children about the different arts and culture of the Ancient Greeks. The children will learn the types of things the Greeks created and what they were good at. There is a detailed 29 slide PowerPoint and four versions of the 6-page worksheet to allow children to show their understanding, along with an activity to draw a piece of art in the style of the Ancient Greeks.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
Everything you need to teach kids about the amazing art and culture of the Ancient Greeks!
Full lesson plan
Starter prompt
Lesson PowerPoint
Differentiated Worksheets
Example sheet
Answer sheet
Thanks for looking
Distance Learning Ancient Greek Games Olympics Complete History Lesson
Teach children about The Ancient Greek Olympic Games. This download is a complete resources lesson to teach children about the Greek Olympics. The children will learn the types of games the Greeks played, how the Olympics started and the effects of winning or losing. There is a detailed 34 slide PowerPoint and four versions of the 8-page worksheet to allow children to show their understanding, along with an activity to write instructions for winning in The Olympics.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
Full lesson plan
Lesson PowerPoint
Differentiated Worksheets
Example instructions
Writing frame
Answer sheet
Distance Learning Ancient Greeks Complete Google Slides Lesson
Teach children about the Ancient Greeks. This is a complete lesson to teach children about the Ancient Greek civilization. The children will learn who the Ancient Greeks were, who the important people were and how they changed the world. There is a detailed 31 slide presentation and four versions of the 10-page Google slides worksheet to allow children to show their understanding.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
Distance Learning Ancient Egyptian Mummies Google Slides Lesson
Teach children about Ancient Egyptian mummies. This is a complete resources lesson to teach children about the making of mummies in Ancient Egypt. The children will learn what an Ancient Egyptian Mummy is, why the Egyptians made mummies and how they were made. There is a detailed 26 slide presentation and four versions of the 6-page, Google Slides worksheet to allow children to show their understanding.
This is the Google Slides versions of this lesson!
Distance Learning Ancient Roman Games and Gladiators
Teach children about Ancient Roman Games. This is a complete Google Slides lesson to teach children about the types of games. The children will learn the types of games the Romans played, why they were important and the role and life of gladiators. There is a detailed 37 slide presentation and four versions of the 8-page worksheet to allow children to show their understanding.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
Distance Learning Ancient Roman Empire Google Slides Lesson
Teach children about the Ancient Roman Empire. This is a complete lesson to teach children about the Roman Empire. The children will learn about what the empire was, when it was and how the Roman Empire changed the world. Some of the most important people from the Roman Empire are discussed. There is a detailed 32 slide presentation and four versions of the 10-page worksheet to allow children to show their understanding.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
Distance Learning Ancient Romans Inventions Google Slides Lesson
Teach children about Ancient Romans and their Inventions. This is a complete lesson to teach children about the different inventions of the Ancient Romans. The children will learn the types of things the Romans invented, what they were good at and practice using Roman numerals. There is a detailed 28 slide presentation and four versions of the 6-page worksheet to allow children to show their understanding.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
Everything you need to teach kids about the amazing inventions of the Romans!
Distance Learning Ancient Roman Religion and Gods
Teach children about the religion and gods of the Ancient Romans. This is a complete Google Slides lesson to teach children about the religion in the Roman Empire. The children will learn who the Romans worshipped, how they changed to Christianity and the different types of gods. There is a detailed 30 slide Ancient Romans presentation and four versions of the 7-page Roman religions worksheet to allow children to show their understanding.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
This comes from my Ancient Roman unit of work
Distance Learning Ancient Egyptian the Sphinx History Lesson
Teach children about The Ancient Egyptian Sphinx and Ancient Egypt. This is a complete, Google Slides, Ancient Egyptian, History lesson to teach children about the great Sphinx in Ancient Egypt. The children will learn what the Sphinx is, why the Egyptians built them and why cats were so important. There is a detailed 25 slide presentation and three versions of the 6-page worksheet to allow children to show their understanding.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
Distance Learning Ancient Romans Emperors and Government Lesson
Teach children about Ancient Romans and their Emperors. This is a complete Google Slides lesson to teach children about the Roman government and emperors. The children will learn how Rome changed from a republic to an empire, what a democracy is, what an emperor did and why the Roman Empire was successful. There is a detailed 22 slide presentation and four versions of the 6-page, Google Slides worksheet to allow children to show their understanding.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
Everything you need to teach kids about the Roman Government!
Distance Learning Ancient Roman Daily Life Google Slides Lesson
Teach children about daily life in Ancient Rome.
This is a complete resources lesson to teach children about the daily life for Ancient Romans. The children will learn the roles and jobs in Ancient Roman Society. How children lived and the parts of life that were important to them. There is a detailed 37 slide Ancient Roman daily lives, presentation and four versions of the 8-page ‘the daily life in Ancient Rome’ worksheet to allow children to show their understanding.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
Distance Learning Ancient Egyptian Pyramids Complete Google Slides Lesson
Teach children about Ancient Egypt and the Egyptian Pyramids. This is a complete resources lesson to teach children about the pyramids in Ancient Egypt. The children will learn what an Ancient pyramid is, why the Egyptians built them and how they were used. There is a detailed 39 slide presentation and four versions of the 7-page, Google Slides worksheet to allow children to show their understanding.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
Everything you need to teach kids about the great Pyramids of Egypt!
Distance Learning Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Google Slides Lesson
Teach children about Ancient Egyptian pharaohs. This is a complete resources lesson to teach children about the life of pharaohs in Ancient Egypt. The children will learn about how the pharaohs dressed, the types of duties they had and why they were so important. Some of the most famous pharaohs are discussed with Tutankhamun explained in detail. There is a detailed 44 slide presentation and four versions of the 8-page, Google Slides worksheet to allow children to show their understanding.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
Distance Learning Ancient Egyptian Gods Google Slides Lesson
Teach children about the gods of Ancient Egypt. This is a complete resources lesson to teach children about the gods in Ancient Egypt religion. The children will learn who the gods were, their different abilities and one of the Egyptian creation stories in Ancient Egypt history. There is a detailed 37 slide Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses presentation and four versions of the 7-page Egyptian deities’ Google Slides worksheet to allow children to show their understanding, along with an activity to create fact cards for the gods.
This is the Google Slides version of this lesson!
This comes from my Ancient Egypt for kids unit of work