Mr Stink Worksheet Pack
This download includes a worksheet pack to be used with the book, Mr Stink. There are lots of activities included, separated into three sections, pre-read activities, during reading and after reading activities.
This download includes:
Pre-read sheets:
- Workbook cover page
- Book predictions sheet
- Story ideas mind-maps
- Writing a blurb
During reading sheets:
- Poetry sheet
- Chapter illustrations sheet
- Character drawings sheet
- Character family tree sheet
- Character twitter page
- Comic strip sheet
- Comparative & superlative sheet
- Compare characters sheet
- Comprehension questions & answers
- Draw a scene sheet
- Character Facebook page
- Character Instagram page
- Interview a character sheet
- Magpie words and phrases sheet
- Character mind-map sheet
- Movie of the book sheet
- Newspaper template sheet
- Speech marks worksheet
- Spellings sheet
- Character card game
- Verb tenses worksheet
- Dictionary work worksheet
- Stink Power Sheet
- Diary entry worksheet
- Play-script worksheet
- Character YouTube page
After reading sheets:
- Book review sheet
- Crossword puzzle
- Book quiz
- Top ten moments sheet
- Word search puzzle
- Letter to the author template
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My other English products:
Complete Instruction Writing Unit
Complete Persuasive Writing Unit
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Dinosaur Extinction Lesson
This download teaches children about the events that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs in one complete lesson.
There is a detailed 51 slide PowerPoint which explains the different dinosaur time periods, the current theories about the dinosaurs’ extinction and discusses what happened afterwards. There are also differentiated, 10 page, dinosaurs worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding. I have also included a video of my own dinosaur lesson (using these resources) which took place online for teacher’s understanding or to show the class.
This pack is great for teaching kids all about dinosaurs extinction.
This download includes:
Complete 51 slide PowerPoint
10 page printable worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
Lesson video
Rosa Parks Escape Room
Escape from the train!
Explore the train, see if you can get the doors to open, find a way into the driver’s room and turn the power back on to escape!
Learn about Rosa Parks with this fun digital escape room. Children will need to explore the train, answering questions and solving puzzles and collecting information to escape.
This game is played completely online, no logins required. You simply give your students the game URL and they can play.
Please ask if you have any questions.
Emmeline Pankhurst PowerPoint and Worksheets Lesson
Fun history lesson to teach children about Emmeline Pankhurst. Perfect for Women’s History Month in your classroom, make teaching about Suffrage and the Women’s Right’s Movement engaging and interesting. Great lesson with many facts and activities for your kids to enjoy.
This download includes a detailed 43 slide PowerPoint explaining all about Emmeline Pankhurst. It covers the important parts of her life; who she was; interesting facts about her and explanations about suffrage.
This download includes:
Complete 43 slide PowerPoint
Four versions of the 11 page differentiated worksheets
Answer sheet
Natural vs. Man-Made Materials - Complete Lesson
Natural vs. Man-Made Materials - Lesson Plan, PowerPoint and Worksheets
This download includes a detailed PowerPoint to explain different natural and man-made materials. There are also differentiated worksheets to allow children to demonstrate understanding of the natural and man-made materials around them; finally there is a worksheet to allow children to sort materials they find in their own environment.
This download includes:
- Lesson plan
- Lesson PowerPoint
- 3 x differentiated worksheet
- Answer sheet
- Sorting worksheet
Engaging history lesson to teach children about Nelson Mandela. Perfect for Black History Month in your classroom, make teaching about apartheid and black history interesting and engaging. Great lesson with many facts and activities for your kids to enjoy.
This download includes a detailed 30 slide PowerPoint explaining all about Nelson Mandela. It covers the important parts of his life; who he was; interesting facts about him and wonderful quotes.
This download includes:
Complete 30 slide PowerPoint
Four versions of the 8 page differentiated worksheets
Answer sheet
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong> here</strong>
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong> Big Science Bundle Pack</strong>
<strong> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook</strong>
<strong> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit</strong>
Foreshadowing Lesson
Complete Lesson on foreshadowing, related to Awful Auntie by David Walliams
This download includes a complete, English lesson on the thirty-eighth chapter of the book Awful Auntie by David Walliams. Full resources and plans for teaching recognising and writing foreshadowing in narrative texts.
Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a PowerPoint to explain foreshadowing and then a planning activity. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Awful Auntie; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
PowerPoint slides for the lesson
Example shared write
Planning frame
Chapter review sheets
Foreshadowing ideas sheet
Electrical Current and Voltage Science Lesson
This download teaches children about electrical current and voltage in one complete lesson.
There is a detailed 35 slide PowerPoint which explains what electricity, current and voltage are, how we measure current, what resistance is and looks at the different types of current. There are also differentiated, 10 page, worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding. I have also included a video of my own science lesson (using these resources) which took place online for teacher’s understanding or to show the class.
This pack is great for teaching kids all about the Current and Voltage in your electricity lessons.
This download includes:
Complete 35 slide PowerPoint
10 page printable worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
Word bank worksheets
Lesson video
Learn About the Witch Trials Lesson
This download teaches children about the witch trials in history in one complete lesson.
There is a detailed 49 slide PowerPoint on what people believed witchcraft was, where it came from, the types of accusations and punishments, the motivations behind the trials and how they came to an end. There are also differentiated, 11 page, worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding. I have also included a video of my own lesson (using these resources) which took place online for teacher’s understanding or to show the class.
This pack is great for teaching kids all about this period in history when witch trials took hold.
This download includes:
Complete 49 slide PowerPoint
11 page printable worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
Lesson video
Tsunamis Complete Lesson
Tsunamis PowerPoint and Worksheets
Are you looking for tsunami activities for your students? This pack has everything you need for a complete tsunami science lesson.
This download teaches children about Tsunamis in one complete lesson. Learn all about this natural disaster.
There is a detailed 30 slide PowerPoint lesson on tsunamis, how they are formed, where they happen, the differences between tsunamis and tidal waves and the type of damage they cause. There are also differentiated, 8 page, Tsunami worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding.
I have also included a video of my own tsunamis, as a natural disaster, lesson (using these resources) which took place online for teacher’s understanding or to show the class.
This pack is great for teaching kids all about Tsunamis as a natural disaster.
This download includes:
Complete 30 slide PowerPoint
8 page printable Tsunami information, worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
Class video
Waves and Sound Science Lesson Bundle
Complete resources to teach your class about sounds, waves, vibrations and hearing. This bundle includes a full lesson on the science of waves and sound as well as fun worksheets to put learning into practice.
There is a detailed 34 slide PowerPoint which breaks down the types of waves, explains how they are measured and uses real life examples to help with understanding. There are also differentiated, 9 page, waves worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding. I have also included a video of my own sounds and waves lesson (using these resources) which took place online for teacher’s understanding or to show the class.
This pack is great for teaching kids all about waves and sound in your science lessons.
Also included in this bundle are my Sounds, Vibrations and Hearing Worksheets
This is a fun 2 page worksheet for teaching children about sounds, waves, vibrations and hearing.
This bundle includes:
New Year Themed Sentence Practice – 26 Different Sentences
Read, trace, build write and then draw the sentences. This pack contains 26 New Year sentences. Each allowing the children to practice building the sentence. Each sheet has a small drawing to demonstrate the sentence and a space for the children to draw their own.
The Water Cycle Science Lesson
This download teaches children about the science of the water cycle in one complete lesson.
There is a detailed 31 slide PowerPoint which explains what the water cycle actually is, breaks down the different sources of water and discusses how the water cycle is being changed by people and the environment. There are also differentiated, 9 page, The Water Cycle, worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding.
This pack is great for teaching kids all about the Water cycle in your science lessons.
This download includes:
Complete 31 slide PowerPoint
9 page printable worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
Using Adjectives and Adverbs; Complete Lesson – Mr Stink
Complete Lesson on Using Adjectives and Adverbs - Related to Mr Stink by David Walliams
This download includes a complete, English writing lesson on the seventeenth chapter of the book Mr Stink by David Walliams. The lesson focuses on how to use and understand adjectives and adverbs in the children’s own writing and recognising them in other’s, this lesson uses the events in the chapter as a base. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a detailed PowerPoint to ensure children’s understanding of the adjectives and adverbs. The class will write a short text together and then the children will use writing frames, cloze sheets and word mats to create their own pieces of work. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Mr Stink; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
- Full and detailed lesson plan
- Complete lesson PowerPoint
- Writing frame
- Word bank
- Cloze sheet and answers
- Chapter review sheets
This is the 17th lesson in my Mr Stink unit, the first is here.
Thanks for looking.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
My other English products:
Complete Instruction Writing Unit .
Complete Persuasive Writing Unit .
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit .
Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives – Mr Stink
Complete Lesson on Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives, Related to Mr Stink by David Walliams
This download includes a complete, lesson on the fourth chapter of the book Mr Stink by David Walliams. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a PowerPoint to explain the activity and then practice with nouns, verbs and adjectives. Children can then plan and write their own text naming words in their own work. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Mr Stink; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
- Full and detailed lesson plan
- PowerPoint slides for the lesson
- Word sheet for starter
- Highlight the text sheets
- Cloze sheets
- Writing prompt sheets
- Chapter review sheets
Thanks for looking
This is the fifth lesson in my Mr Stink unit the first is here:
Thanks for looking.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here:
My other English products:
Complete Instruction Writing Unit .
Complete Persuasive Writing Unit .
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit .
Grammar and punctuation task cards, used to plug the gaps in children’s knowledge. Can be used as small individual activities or as a focussed individual gap-filling lesson.
I will be using these toward the end of the school year before assessments to really give children the final push.
13 different focussed task sheets each with at least 4 tasks per sheet
Instructions for the cards and teacher notes
Openers and connective fans to prompt
Two word mats to be used in conjunction with some tasks
Thanks for looking
Writing Descriptive Settings Complete Lesson – Halloween Themed
Complete Lesson on Using all Senses Descriptive Settings - Related to Halloween and Monsters
This download includes a complete, English lesson on the writing settings. The lesson focuses on how to include all the senses in a setting and why it is important to include all senses to create a good atmosphere in your setting. There is music for starting the lesson and getting ideas from the children. There is a detailed PowerPoint to ensure children understand how to use senses in their settings and how they are different to a story. The class will write an example setting together and then the children will use writing frames, cloze sheets, visual prompts and a word bank to create their own setting. Everything needed for the lesson is included in this download.
This download includes:
- Full and detailed lesson plan
- Complete lesson PowerPoint
- Settings Word bank
- Example anchor chart
- Writing frame
- Cloze sheet and answers
- Spooky music
- Visual Prompt
Thanks for looking.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
My other English products:
Complete Instruction Writing Unit .
Complete Persuasive Writing Unit .
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit .
Complete Lesson on Comprehension Related to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams
This download includes a complete comprehension lesson on the first chapter of the book Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a PowerPoint to explain comprehension to the class and some sample questions to practice together, before they try to answer comprehension questions independently. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download. Please note the page numbers referenced refer to the paperback version, although the page needed is indicated as clearly as possible to avoid any confusion.
This download includes:
- Full and detailed lesson plan
- PowerPoint slides for the lesson
- Question sheets (4 full pages)
- Complete answer keys
- Chapter review sheets
Thanks for looking.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Letter Writing Complete Lesson – Gangsta Granny
Complete Lesson on Letter Writing Related to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams
This download includes a complete, letter writing lesson on the fifth chapter of the book Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a PowerPoint to explain the activity and letter writing practice with examples and suggestions. Children can then plan and write their own letters to Ben. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
- Full and detailed lesson plan
- PowerPoint slides for the lesson
- Lesson success criteria
- Chapter review sheets
This is the fifth chapter in my Gangsta Granny series of lessons, the first is here
Thanks for looking.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit