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Increasing Engagement with People and Places in Fieldwork
A guide listing a range of techniques teachers can use to try to get their students to engagement more with their fieldwork site. These cover the time before, during and after the fieldwork has taken place.
Planning Your Use of GIS in the NEA
Through a series of five tasks, this worksheet guides students through the thought processes needed to ensure successful deployment of GIS in the collection and/or presentation of their data in the NEA.
Chi Squared Test Significance Table
A full significance table for use with the Chi Squared test. This version shows five different levels of significance.
Personal Safety in Fieldwork
A quick guide for students about to undertake fieldwork, highlighting some of the key ways they can keep themselves and others safe.
Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient Significance Table
A full significance table for use with the Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient. This version shows five different levels of significance.
Getting the Most from Questionnaire Surveys
A guide for students embarking on geography fieldwork that involves designing and delivering a questionnaire survey. The guide looks at the advantages and disadvantages of using different styles of questions as well as how to get the most number of questionnaires completed at the field site.
Responsible Conduct in Fieldwork
With students increasingly having to consider the ethical and moral impacts of their fieldwork, this guide highlights some of the key areas they should think about while they plan and carry out their fieldwork.
Sampling Strategies
A guide to the main types of sampling strategy and how they might be used within geography fieldwork.
Building Independent Research Skills at A Level
This book offers advice to A Level geography teachers looking to create higher and more sustainable levels of independent research skills in their students, specifically for those looking to complete the NEA (Independent Investigation). The book also contains nine classroom-ready worksheets which provide tasks and guidance to students.
Z Scores
A student guide for the use of Z scores within geographical research. Includes a step-by-step guide showing students how to calculate them.
Location Quotients
A student guide to this simple statistical test. The worksheet gives examples of geographical investigations in which one can use location quotients as well as a fully worked example for students to follow.
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
A guide to using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient in geographical research. The guide includes suggested areas where this statistical test could be used as well as a fully worked example for students to follow.
Simpson's Diversity Index
A guide teaching students how to complete a Simpson’s Diversity Index. The guide comes with a variety of scenarios in geography that could use this statistical test as well as a fully worked example.
Standard Deviation
A guide to calculating the Standard Deviation of different data samples. The guide includes a worked geographical data set and other examples of geographical research where the calculation could be used.
Student's T Test
A comprehensive guide to a commonly used statistical test in geography. The requirements and theory behind the test are clearly explained and step-by step instructions are given to allow students to complete the test themselves. A worked example shows how the test can be used to analyse beach sediment size in two locations.
Mann Whitney U Test
A comprehensive guide to one of the more commonly used statistical tests in geography. As well as highlighting the benefits of the Mann Whitney U Test and the parameters needed for its correct use, this guide also provides a step-by-step set of instructions and a worked example showing how it can be used to analyse favourability scores.
Chi Squared Test
A comprehensive guide to one of the more commonly used statistical tests in geography. As well as highlighting the strengths of Chi Squared and the parameters needed for its correct use, this guide also provides a step-by-step set of instructions and a worked example showing how it can be used to analyse questionnaire data.
Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient
A comprehensive guide to one of the most commonly used statistical tests in geography. As well as highlighting the value of Spearman’s Rank and the parameters needed for its correct use, this guide also provides a step-by-step set of instructions and a worked example showing how it can be used to analyse questionnaire data.A comprehensive guide to one of the most commonly used statistical tests in geography. As well as highlighting the value of Spearman’s Rank and the parameters needed for its correct use, this guide also provides a step-by-step set of instructions and a worked example showing how it can be used to analyse questionnaire data.
Choosing a Statistical Test
This guide introduces geography students to the initial stages of statistical analysis by highlighting some of the necessary considerations when choosing a stats test and some of the key terms they need to know and use.
Statistics Calculators
A set of Excel spreadsheets which automatically calculate critical values for six of the most widely used statistical tests in geography A Level:
Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient
Mann Whitney U Test
Chi Squared Test
Student’s T Test
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
Simpson’s Diversity Index
A good way for students to check their long-hand working, or a way to analyse primary data for students who are unconfident in their maths skills.