I am an experienced History teacher who has created SOW for different schools. I love making different and creative resources and hope you enjoy them too! I will try and update any old resources and you are welcome to recommend any SOW for me to create!
I am an experienced History teacher who has created SOW for different schools. I love making different and creative resources and hope you enjoy them too! I will try and update any old resources and you are welcome to recommend any SOW for me to create!
This bundle of resources/ SOW is focused on the Arab-Israeli Conflict and can be used for many exam boards such as the OCR Y321 and the Y100 or the EDEXCEL Conflict in the Middle East. It gives an excellent overview of the topic with a strong set of lessons with various resources, activities and focus on both primary and secondary sources.
The lessons cover:
An overview of the topic
The Ottoman control of the Middle East
The British Mandate
The problems and aims of the British
The Partition of Palestine
The new state of Israel/ Zionism
The First Arab-Israeli War
Israeli Settlements
The Refugee Crisis/ Nakba
Arab Nationalism and Nasser
The Six Day War
The Yom Kippur War
The Intifadas
Failed peace process (Oslo and Camp David)
Focus on individuals
Exam practice
This SOW/ bundle addresses Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88. This is perfect for the EDEXCEL spec but can be used for any other exam board/ series of lessons. It has various activities and exam practice too. The lessons cover:
● Introduction to the course
● Elizabethan England in 1558: society and government.
● The Virgin Queen: the problem of her legitimacy, gender, marriage.
Her character and strengths.
● Challenges at home and from abroad: the French threat, financial
● Religious divisions in England in 1558.
● Elizabeth’s religious settlement (1559): its features and impact.
● The nature and extent of the Puritan challenge and the nature and extent of the Catholic challenge, including the role
of the nobility, Papacy and foreign powers
● Mary, Queen of Scots: her claim to the English throne, her arrival in
England in 1568.
● Revision and Exam Practice
These outstanding lessons are focused on Key Topic 1 of EDEXCEL GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918 – 1939. The lessons use both the Hodder and Pearsons book and is full of different activities and exam practice. The lessons can be used and adapted for any year group and exam board including AQA, OCR or IGCSE. Hope these are helpful for your students!
The lessons cover: The setting up of the Weimar Republic; the signing and effects of the Treaty of Versailles and reasons for opposition, weaknesses in the Constitution,the attacks from the Left (the Spartacist uprising)
and the Right (the Kapp Putsch),the French occupation of the Ruhr and the impact of hyperinflation. The economic work of Stresemann (both internal and external policies), Germany’s relations with other countries, exam practice and feedback.
A lesson on Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot. The lesson had a variety of activities with videos, reading comprehension, chronology and narrative tasks and creating a storyboard. This was a lesson given to students on Bonfire Night and students enjoyed it! The tasks in the lesson can be removed for an assembly (and the videos should remain).
A student booklet for OCR Y102 Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107. The booklet includes: past exam questions, pages for students to complete their own revision notes on each topic, model structures, fact tests and a glossary.
Two lessons focused on the Opposition the the Nazi Party. Part 1 is full of activities focused on the main groups which opposed the Nazi Party and Part 2 is focused on exam practice/paragraph writing. This is part of my larger SOW on Key Topic 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany.
Two lessons on Anselm covering who he was and the Council of Rockingham. The lessons have a variety of different activities and are part of my wider resource on William Rufus and the Church.
Part of my Anglo-Saxon and Norman England SOW. This bundle of lessons cover:
• Church appointments and the issue of lay investiture
• William’s personal attitude towards the Church: plundering wealth
• Leaving vacant sees, effect of illness in 1093, unwillingness to hold synods
• Role of Lanfranc at the trial of William de St Calais (1088)
• The political role of bishops and royal administration
• The primacy of Canterbury
• The appointment of and relationship with Anselm as Archbishop of Canterbury (1093)
• Relations with Urban II and the Council of Rockingham (1095)
• Exam Practice
• Exam
• Exam Feedback
This SOW is to support students accessing and answering the EDEXCEL Paper 3 Exam questions. Each lesson provided a detailed overview of exam skills and content and is perfect for students before mock/summer exams. The lessons cover topic 1-4 with a detailed overview of the questions with helpful advice/practice.
This SOW was created for the EDEXCEL Medicine Through Time/18th and 19th century Medicine in Britain course but can be used for the OCR/AQA topics too. It has a variety of activities and resources, exam skills and revision and students perform extremely well! The lessons cover:
Ideas about the cause of disease and illness
● Advances in understanding the causes of illness and disease: the
influence of genetic and lifestyle factors on health.
● Improvements in diagnosis: the impact of the availability of blood
tests, scans and monitors.
2 Approaches to prevention and treatment
● The extent of change in care and treatment. The impact of the
NHS and science and technology: improved access to care;
advances in medicines, including magic bullets and antibiotics;
high-tech medical and surgical treatment in hospitals.
● New approaches to prevention: mass vaccinations and
government lifestyle campaigns.
3 Case studies
● Key individuals: Fleming, Florey and Chain’s development of
● The fight against lung cancer in the twenty-first century: the use
of science and technology in diagnosis and treatment; government
This SOW/ bundle addresses Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88. This is perfect for the EDEXCEL spec but can be used for any other exam board/ series of lessons. It has various activities and exam practice too. The lessons do not need any ammending and cover a wide variety of lessons:
Key topic 2: Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad, 1569–88
1 Plots and revolts at home
● The reasons for, and significance of, the Revolt of the Northern
Earls, 1569–70.
● The features and significance of the Ridolfi, Throckmorton and
Babington plots. Walsingham and the use of spies.
● The reasons for, and significance of, Mary Queen of Scots’ execution
in 1587.
2 Relations with Spain
● Political and religious rivalry.
● Commercial rivalry. The New World, privateering and the
significance of the activities of Drake.
3 Outbreak of war with Spain, 1585–88
● English direct involvement in the Netherlands, 1585–88. The role of
Robert Dudley.
● Drake and the raid on Cadiz: ‘Singeing the King of Spain’s beard’.
4 The Armada ● Spanish invasion plans. Reasons why Philip used the Spanish
● The reasons for, and consequences of, the English victory
A lesson on Francis Walsingham (from my wider Early Elizabethan SOW). This is an interactive lesson for students on Walsingham and has a mixture of activities including games, note-taking, videos, stories, exam practice etc.
Lesson and resource focused on the Rise of Empires with activities on: A01, vocabulary and language, source analysis, categorising and paragraph practice.
A set of lessons (1h30 each) focused on the OCR Russia SPEC. The lessons cover Key Topic 1-4 and are embedded with a lot of content revision and exam questions! I taught these lessons whilst students were expected to complete my ‘Russia 1894–1941 Revision Booklet’. Students received high grades for this topic. (Also just a notice, I will be adding my complete and updated russia lessons hopefully in the next few months!)
Part of my Anglo-Saxon and Norman England SOW. This bundle of lessons cover:
Dispute over the Conqueror’s inheritance
Role of Lanfranc
Inspection of the royal treasury and decisions over coinage and seal
William’s relationship with Robert
Role of Odo of Bayeaux and his rivalry with William de St Calais and Lanfranc
• causes, nature and effect of the rebellion of the Norman barons (1088):
sieges at Tonbridge, Rochester and Pevensey
desertion and trial of William de St Calais
Diplomacy in Wales, Scotland and Northumbria
William’s reaction to the rebels and reasons for magnanimity
Exam practice (separate lessons for knowledge, primary source, essay practice)
Exam and Exam feedback
Don’t forget to leave a review!
This SOW/ bundle addresses Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88. This is perfect for the EDEXCEL spec but can be used for any other exam board/ series of lessons. It has various activities and exam practice too. The lessons do not need any ammending and cover a wide variety of lessons:
Key topic 3: Elizabethan society in the Age of Exploration, 1558–88
1 Education and leisure
● Education in the home, schools and universities.
● Sport, pastimes and the theatre.
2 The problem of the poor
● The reasons for the increase in poverty and vagabondage during
these years.
● The changing attitudes and policies towards the poor.
3 Exploration and voyages of discovery
● Factors prompting exploration, including the impact of new
technology on ships and sailing and the drive to expand trade.
● The reasons for, and significance of, Drake’s circumnavigation of the
4 Raleigh and Virginia
● The significance of Raleigh and the attempted colonisation of
● Reasons for the failure of Virginia
4. Exam
● Revision
● Assessment
● Feedback
Series of lessons on the module for the Norman Conquest 1035–1087. The SOW has detailed Power Points with information regarding the spec, differentiation, a variety of activities and worksheets, and exam/ essay writing guidance. The lessons can be used for the Edexcel GCSE/ AQA Spec too.
The lessons cover:
• Norman invasion and Battle of Hastings 1066: plans; course of events; impact
• William I’s consolidation of power: securing succession; methods of control; extent of opposition.
I also have other lessons and a revision booklet uploaded for this unit.
This is part of my larger SOW on OCR Anglo-Saxon and Norman England. The lessons include:
• William’s return to England in 1099
• negotiations with Duke William IX of Aquitaine
• Robert’s return from crusade
• circumstances of William’s death in the New Forest
• nature of issues of succession and Henry’s relations with Robert Curthose:
previous quarrels between William I’ s sons at L’Aigle in 1077
actions of Robert and support from Philip of France
pawning of Normandy to William II in 1096
• Henry I as the beneficiary of William’s death and consecration at Westminster
• Exam
• Exam Feedback