Non-fiction books inspiring children to explore their natural curiosity and passion for learning. The real world is more amazing than anything you can make up!
Non-fiction books inspiring children to explore their natural curiosity and passion for learning. The real world is more amazing than anything you can make up!
The Good Germ Hotel - Meet Your Body’s Marvellous Microbes is a book about the bacteria super heroes that live inside your body. These amazing microbes fight viruses, digest food and keep us humans healthy and happy.
The colouring sheets will show children that some germs are necessary for good health.
Quiz based on The Shakespeare Timeline Wallbook .
In the book, readers will enjoy all thirty-eight histories, comedies and tragedies by William Shakespeare acted out in front of their eyes on a 6ft-long timeline featuring more than 1,000 pictures set in the iconic Globe Theatre.
Amazing Treasures - 100+ Objects and Places That Will Boggle Your Mind is an illustrated picture book about giant gemstones, pirate gold, ancient tombs and meteorites from outer space.
In the wordsearch, children will look for 20 words including Titanic, Mona Lisa, Sphinx and Forbidden City.
Britannica’s Encyclopedia Infographica book is an encyclopedia designed for visual learners. This activity sheet asks children to read infographics and then fill in the details missing from the facts.
The sheet is aimed at children aged 9 year olds+ for Years 5 & 6. This is for upper Key Stage 2 to be used in English lessons for comprehension. It can also be used for Year 7.
It features eight questions covering:
Human body
The activity sheet comes with a separate answer sheet.
Quick quick taken from the Science Timeline Wallbook.
Children can answer 10-questions all about science, with questions about rivers, hearts and the theodolite included.
Colouring sheets taken from Explorer Mammals, the final book in the Explorer series, developed in partnership with the Natural History Museum.
In these sheets children can colour pictures of mammals including desmodus and dire wolf as well as learning simple facts about them.
Colouring sheets taken from Explorer Dinosaurs, a new Explorer series developed in partnership with the Natural History Museum.
As well as colouring images of dinosaurs including diplodocus and stegosaurus, they can learn basic facts about the giant beasts.
FACTopia! - Follow the Trail of 400 Facts introduces children to crazily connected facts.
Did you know that a squid has a brain shaped like a doughnut? Or that some butterflies drink turtle tears? Every Britannica-verified fact in the book is connected to the next in an ingenious trail of information. Hop from topic to topic in unexpected and hilarious ways, and discover extraordinary facts about space, bones, dinosaurs, goats, spiders, crocodiles, sharks, robots, Ancient Rome, kings and queens, pharaohs, and more. But there’s not just one trail through these pages: sometimes your path branches and you can choose to jump to a totally different (but still connected) part of the book. Discover where your curiosity will take you! This wittily illustrated book is the perfect gift to inspire and delight curious kids.
In the activity sheet, children will see how different facts link in the most interesting of ways.
Activity sheet where children aged 8 to 11 (KS2) can fill in some hilarious historical facts to complete a puzzle. The words are all used twice and are included at the bottom of the page to make things a little easier.
In this blast-from-the-past adventure you’ll discover hundreds of the most mind-blowing facts from history. Hidden tombs, ghostly ships, boiled vipers, samurai warriors, snow machines, pet lions, hidden pyramids, secret codes, flaming fireballs, wooden swimsuits, sparkling jewels and many more are all woven together in this ingenious web of connected facts.
And there isn’t just one trail through these facts. Sometimes your path branches, and you can choose to fast forward or rewind to a completely different (but still connected) part of history. Where will your curiosity take you?
Colouring in sheets, based on the book, Every Second.
Every second, somewhere across the globe, an aeroplane takes off and another one lands. Two people die, and four babies enter the world. 15,000 plastic bottles are produced and 1,600 are recycled. 8,000 scoops of ice cream are eaten, 200,000 text messages are sent.
Children have the opportunity to colour in four sheets focusing on trees, areoplanes, babies and ice creams.
How to Teach Grown-Ups About Pluto: The cutting-edge space science of the solar system is a witty guide to Pluto’s discovery and demotion, which puts kids in charge.
In this quiz, children - or their grown up - can answer simple questions about Pluto to see how much they know.
Questions include how many Plutos could you fit inside earth and what colour is Pluto’s sky?
How to Teach Grown-Ups About Pluto - The cutting-edge space science of the solar system is a witty guide to Pluto’s discovery and demotion, which puts kids in charge.
In this activity, children can colour the moon and solar system which will help to deepen their knowledge about the planets.
The book is a witty guide to Pluto’s discovery and demotion, which puts kids in charge.
In this activity children can write their own postcard from Pluto.
Colouring sheets taken from Explorer Bugs, an amazing new series developed in partnership with the Natural History Museum.
Children can deepen their bug knowledge when colouring in these educational sheets.
Included are pictures of an edible spider, European honeybee and silkworm.
Colouring sheet all about plants, taken from Explorer Plants, a book developed in partnership with the Natural History Museum.
It introduces children to over 100 plants.
In the colouring sheets, children can cement their knowledge about plants as they colour in images of barley, grape vines, hemp and hemlock.
Simple science quiz ideal for key stage two children based on the book Science Factopia! which introduces readers to 400 scientific facts.
Children need to find simple words to link each scientific fact and use each word twice to connect one fact to the next.
True or false climate change quiz, based on the book How to Teach Grown-Ups About Climate Change.
Questions include; climate scientists are still debating whether or not climate change is driven by humans, no matter what we do temperatures will keep climbing for the next 30 or 40 years and all the melting Arctic sea ice is going to raise our sea levels.
Evolution word search suitable for children in key stage two. Children can search for words relating to evolution including dinosaurs, fossil, predator, species and asteroid.
The word search is based on the book Evolution which encourages readers to dive into the history of life on Earth and learn what evolution is and how it works.
In 5-Minute Really True Stories for Family Time, children can read about baby dinosaurs, helpful dogs, playground science, family reunions, a world of birthdays, and so much more.
This activity is a crossword and children can answer simple questions about breakfast, weddings and birthdays.
5-Minute Really True Stories for Bedtime features 30 stories about frozen frogs, King Tut’s beds, the world’s biggest sleepover and the phases of the moon.
This simple maze is ideal for younger children and they will help the groundhog navigate her way to the top of the earth after a long hibernation.