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I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered




I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered
San People - People Of The Desert

San People - People Of The Desert

Believed to have been living in the Kalahari Desert for over 80,000 years, the San People are thought to be the world’s most ancient race. This independent research-based lesson helps the students to develop their understanding of life and surviving in a harsh environment. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Tourism In The Deserts

Tourism In The Deserts

Tourism within deserts is an increasing economic activity with many positive and negative impacts on those tribes people who call these areas home. These worksheets have the students disgussing these impacts and go on to develop a logo and slogan for a company which advertises that it takes these impacts into consideration while promoting tourism activities within deserts.
Calculating Fractions

Calculating Fractions

This worksheet helps students to revise how to understand fractions, simplify and calculate fractions as well as understand calculating equivalent fractions with simple clear instructions and examples


These worksheets help students to revise how to calculate muliplications with simple clear instructions and examples


This worksheet helps students to revise how to calculate division with simple clear instructions and examples
Understanding Time

Understanding Time

This worksheet helps students to revise 12 and 24 hour time, as well as calculating distance, time and speed with simple clear instructions and examples
Grid References

Grid References

These worksheets help students to develop their undertanding of grid references and how to use them within their work and coursework with simple clear instructions and examples
Using Quadrats

Using Quadrats

These worksheets help students to understand how to use quadrats within their work and coursework with simple clear instructions and examples
Writing Questionnaires

Writing Questionnaires

This worksheet helps students to understand how best to format a questionnaire for work and coursework with simple clear instructions and examples
Calculating Ratio

Calculating Ratio

This worksheet helps students to revise how to write, simplify, use and share a given ratio with simple clear instructions and examples
Calculating Percentages

Calculating Percentages

These 3 worksheets help students to revise how to calculate common percentages both using a calculator and not, as well as finding VAT and a percentage of a number


Samara can happen many times but Hindus don’t remember their past lives, however they believe everything they do in their lives will affect what will happen in their next. Freedom from this cycle is called Moksha and Hindus believe there are many ways to achieve this, one being karma. This worksheet looks at what karma is, discusses examples and how its presents accounts for the existence of evil and suffering.