WiseArk Ltd which is a ‘micro-company specialising in supplying educational resources.
We specialise in resources for use in tutor time -many of which are also suitable for use in citizenship/PSHE.
We also have a range of resources to support learning in history.
I was a teacher for over 20 years so know from first-hand experience how engaged students can be when given challenges and puzzles.
WiseArk Ltd which is a ‘micro-company specialising in supplying educational resources.
We specialise in resources for use in tutor time -many of which are also suitable for use in citizenship/PSHE.
We also have a range of resources to support learning in history.
I was a teacher for over 20 years so know from first-hand experience how engaged students can be when given challenges and puzzles.
Ideal for promoting debate and discussion.
This resource challenges students to think about what being British means, through being critical of aspects of democracy in the UK.
The UK is one of the world’s few full democracies but how well does the current system reflect voting and society?
This resource encourages students to consider a range of ways in which the UK falls short- including the gender make up of representatives and how election results do not reflect votes cast. It provides opportunities to work and discuss co-operatively - developing team working and listening skills which supports democratic methods.
For each aspect there is some information –including that which is critical of common perceptions of the nation (especially in the past but also today as with gender inequality).
Most of them also have a selection of discussion points to stimulate debate e.g. Should voting be compulsory in the UK (it is in Australia)?
Topics covered:
What is democracy?
The system in the UK
Representative democracy? Do results reflect votes?
Votes and results –by party
Women in politics
Ethnic minorities in politics
‘Fairer’ voting systems
Local Authorities
Who are the councillors?
This is ideal for promoting discussion in citizenship or tutor time as well as politics etc.
Provided in both word document and power point formats.
A selection of information on a range of 40 people or events associated with Wales. There is a power point presentation with two slides for each person or event; one with a picture and the associated date(s); the second having a short pen sketch of c250-300 words. (The topics covered are largely a selection from our larger Welsh year resource): 30 people from Richard Burton to Llewelyn the Great via Gwendoline Davies and 10 events from the Newport Rising to S4C via Aberfan disaster.
A set of three different types of prompts to encourage discussion in a structured way and promoting tolerance of different views
There are:
40 Discussion points with a citizenship related question that requires a group response -e.g. ‘Should driverless cars be allowed on UK roads?’
20 Moral dilemmas with a particular focus on reflecting on personal and social values- each Moral Dilemmas provides a situation (such as finding money in the street) and asks student’s how they would respond –individually or as a group.
10 Top threes : select three items for a category-such as crisps - so means consideration of criteria for decision making (in a more light hearted manner than some of the other two types which include bullying and capital punishment)
Resources are supplied on a power point and a word document
The objectives are to encourage students to
discuss and so develop their speaking and listening skills;
reflect on their values and how to treat others with respect
They fit into many areas of school life; ideal for use in tutor time -especially in encouraging talk with a focus and helping tutors learn more about their group.
Suitable also for use in PSHE/Citizenship and RE –saving the need to devise suitable scenarios.
A resource to support learning about BAME history and community throughout the year.
Every day has its own power point slide with an image and an event or person from the history of Britain who are of Asian heritage (or had a significant impact on British history) -one sentence summary of their achievement. Over the year most dates feature an individual whilst some feature a significant event such as the arrival of Asian refugees from Uganda. There is a wide range of people including the well-known such as Priti Patel and there are also less famous ones such as Tom Singh ; there is also a wide time range from Christopher and Cosmas (in Tudor times) to Rishi Sunak. The same people/events are listed in a word document.
A collection of resources that help illustrate the significant role that Imperial forces played in WW2 -did you know that over 2m Indian troops served?
There is a word document with some basic information about the main contributors to the Imperial forces -used as the basis for the worksheet. There is a power point with the same information , including a map slide linked to a set of brief information slides -one about each major participant.
A worksheet looks at where Imperial soldiers fought and the casualties they suffered.
There is also a wordsearch featuring some of the nations that supplied troops to the Allied war effort, as well as some major campaigns.
Gives a brief indication of the role of forces from: Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa, East Africa, West Africa, West Indies.
Ideal for study of the British Empire as well as ‘Black History’ -this is a companion to our resource on Imperial soldiers in WW1
A selection of 50 people who were the first in an occupation or to achieve a specific goal, ranging from the first Black MPs to the first British Ladies footballer via No1. Pop artist and police officers.
An ideal resource to support Black History Month but also useful at any time-especially as a resource for tutor or assembly time.
A power point presentation with one slide per person and their achievement (also in a ‘run through’ version that plays automatically);
One of a set of linked resources featuring the same people.
A set of linked resources and activities to help students improve their knowledge and understanding of a range of Black British Firsts.
These resources are designed specifically to help with developing an awareness of the contribution of Black Britons -from the 16th century to the modern day.
There are two activities which involve matching people to their achievement -ideal for use as a challenge that covers knowledge in a different way to a conventional worksheet.
The first is a set of printable ‘cards’ which can be used for sorting or matching tasks (such as the matching pairs game) – each event is on a separate ‘card’ from its date, organised in sets of 10 -there are two sets, but each can be used separately or the two combined to increase the difficulty level.
The second is a set of ‘domino cards’ to provide a more supported matching challenge; these feature the same events and each ‘card’ links to another forming a ‘domino’ like chain (which again can be used as a set of 10 or both combined for greater challenge).
This features some of the range of 50 Black British firsts in our power point resource, from the first Black MPs to the first British Ladies footballer via No1. Pop artist and police officers.
An ideal resource to support Black History Month but also useful at any time-especially as a resource for tutor or assembly time.
A set of linked resources and activities to help students improve their knowledge and understanding of a range of Black British Firsts. This features a range of 50 Black British firsts- from the 16th century to the modern day.
There are three linked resources (all based on the same set of
A power point presentation with one slide per person and their achievement (also in a ‘run through’ version that plays automatically);
Two related activities develop this study of people with tasks using a selection of the same people/achievements - The first is a set of printable ‘cards’ which can be used for sorting or matching tasks (such as the matching pairs game) – each event is on a separate ‘card’ from its date, organised in sets of 10 -there are two sets, but each can be used separately or the two combined to increase the difficulty level.
The second is a set of ‘domino cards’ to provide a more supported matching challenge; these feature the same events and each ‘card’ links to another forming a ‘domino’ like chain (which again can be used as a set of 10 or both combined for greater challenge).
There are three of the word search and a combined word search & quiz challenge.
Each comes in a range of versions to provide differing degrees of challenge: each wordsearch has a grid and 10 names to find – the same names so that all students are covering the same answers whatever the level of support/challenge.
In each set the first version is a ‘traditional’ one with the words provided.
Then there are four versions with a quiz: this has the same words to find but they aren’t provided -first you need to use the clues (questions) to work out what word you are searching for.
One just has the clues then there are three supported versions (each of the four has the same clues): the first has the first letter of the answer; the second has the number of numbers in the answer and the third has both the first letter and number of letters.
An ideal resource to support Black History Month but also useful at any time-especially as a resource for tutor or assembly time.
An introduction to one hundred notable women with a connection to the 20th century -such as Billie Jean King and the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ in 1973.
This is a sample of two women from the 20th century selection which covers the well known (e.g. Mrs Thatcher) to the less well known (such as Rita Loza, first female No.1 chart artist)
For each one there is a brief overview of their life/ impact (250-300 words).
This is provided as a word document. There is also a powerpoint presentation which has a picture of each woman and a descriptive sentence.
The full version contents are:
Elizabeth, the Queen Mother; Barbara Cartland;;Barbara McClintock; Marie Curie ;Jennie Lee;Gertrude Ederle ;Grace Hopper ;Frida Kahlo ;Simone de Beauvoir ;Raymond de Laroche ;Elizabeth Arden ;Mildred Didrikson ;Julliete Gordon Low ;Emily Davison ;Hedy Lamarr ;Edith Cavell ;Lois Weber ;Jessica Mitford ;Marie Stopes ;Rosa Luxemburg ;Edith Burton Hughes ;Betty Wilson ;Helena Normanton ;Maria Callas ;Sue Ryder ;Laura Ashley ;Elisabeth Beresford ;Constance Markievicz ;Maya Angelou ;Margaret Bondfield ;Ellen Church ;Lilian Baylis ;Dorothy Day ;Fay Wray ;Leni Reifenstahl ;Lucy Duff-Gordon ;Diana Mitford ;Edith Wharton ;Ellen Sirleaf ;Jane Bolin; Hattie McDaniel ;Amy Johnson ;Anita Roddick ;Sophie Scholl ;Alice Walker ;Violet Szabo ;Mamie Smith ;Anne Frank; Donna Summer ;Mo Mowlam ;Grace Kelly ;Ethel Rosenberg ;Maria Montessori ;Lita Roza ;Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence ;Rosa Parks; Irene Curie ;;Dorothy L Sayers ;First female Peers ;Barbie ;Sirimavo Bandaranaike ;Grandma’ Moses ;Valentina Tereshkova ;Edith Piaf; Nancy Astor ;Stephanie Kwolek ;Indira Gandhi ;Alice Toklas ;Barbara Harrison ;Shirley Temple ;Betty Friedan ;Dorothy Fields ;Mary Peters ;Billie Jean King ;Virginia Apgar ;Margaret Thatcher ;Agatha Christie ;Virginia Wade ;Hannah Dadds ; Mary Pickford ;Bette Nesmith Graham ;Dame Mary Donaldson;Rachel Heyhoe-Flint ;Corrie Ten Boom ;Mary Warnock ;Gale Sondergaard ;Neerja Bhanot ;Diane Abbot; Elizabeth Lane ;Lucille Ball ;Eve Balfour ;Helen Sharman ;Betty Boothroyd ;Audrey Hepburn ;First female Priests ;Alison Hargreaves; Ella FitzGerald ;Mother Teresa ;Barbara Mandell ;Iris Murdoch