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New Curriculum KS1 Whole Class Writing Assessment Sheet

New Curriculum KS1 Whole Class Writing Assessment Sheet

A really useful class assessment sheet for the New Curriculum. This sheet lists all of the Y1, Y2 and Y3 aims for the 2014 English (writing) Curriculum so you can record coverage and achievement and identify gaps (Y3 aims have been included for children exceeding the statutory requirements for KS1). There is a separate sheet for each of the writing strands to make assessment clear and focused. Having the objectives for the range of year groups on one document enables mixed aged assessment easier and allows for sheets to be used over a 2 year period to track children's progress. For a small fee I have interactive spreadsheet versions available for Reading, Writing and Mathematics for the new curriculum. The spreadsheet tool will automatically calculate the percentage of year group expectations that each child has attained. Teachers can then make a judgment on the strength that each child is working within age related expectations.
Red and green self-assessment smileys

Red and green self-assessment smileys

Print out and cut down the middle then fold so that there is a red face on one side and green on the other , then laminate. Each child has one in front of them at the beginning of a task and can turn it over if they get stuck. You can easily see the ed faces and who needs help. I encourage children to help each other if they have a green face but a friend has a red one. Saves lots of hands up and constant calling out.
What is a church - Unit of work (Half Term)

What is a church - Unit of work (Half Term)

I have produced units of work to cover the whole of KS1 for religious education. There are 12 units in total, each designed to last a half term. They cover Christianity and Hinduism and come with most of the required resources (some are physical resources that we have in school). This is the first unit of the 12. They took ages to put together, so thought i'd share all that work and save someone lots of time as I know RE can be difficult to plan for. Please let me know what you think, or any ideas to add to it. The next 11 will follow shortly...
Individual, group and whole class obs sheets

Individual, group and whole class obs sheets

Easy to use, basic observation sheets. Made in word so can be easily adapted to suit. Edit the initials on the whole class sheet before printing. Write in the initials for the children in the group that you are observing.
KS1 Group Writing Assessment

KS1 Group Writing Assessment

I made these sheets to provide an overview of the assessment of the children's writing in my class. It is a progressive and levelled assessment based on APP. This makes assessment at the end of term/year much easier and provides an ongoing overview of progress. I have made sheets for maths also.
Early Number Formation

Early Number Formation

Worksheet to help young children practice the basic shapes that they will need to make in order to form numbers correctly later on. Could be used as an assessment tool.
Space Ranger Themed Complete KS1 Maths Challenge (like 99 club)

Space Ranger Themed Complete KS1 Maths Challenge (like 99 club)

Here is everything you will need to run a KS1 maths challenge in your school. All 15 challenge are based on mental arithmetic and number facts. There are 15 levels to the challenge - which are called 'missions' and for each, there is an accompanying homework sheet which details their mission and the 'reward. The first reward is to earn their meteor proof space suit, and others include gravity defying space boots, gadget belt and a multi coloured laser (all virtual rewards of course, but fun to collect!). The whole class then has a timed challenge to complete the sheet for whatever mission they are on. The challenge has been designed to meet the increased requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum and support preparation for KS1 SAT's. This mega resource comes with instructions, 15 homework sheets, 15 challenge sheets, a set of stickers for the children for their achievement for each mission, display pictures, a cover for the folder to keep all the resources organised, an information letter for parents and a list of all of the missions and their learning objectives. This FREE version is the result of many hours of preparation and is completely usable as it is. In my shop you can also purchase a paid version which is fully editable to enable you to adapt or personalise all of the resources. You could also create some additional challenges if you wanted to extend this into KS2. It also includes additional stickers for the children's books detailing the 'I can' that they have achieved to support assessment. Please note that sticker sheets have been made to fit Consortium 65 labels. Feedback welcome, enjoy!
EYFS and KS1 Calculation Policy - Teaching for Mastery

EYFS and KS1 Calculation Policy - Teaching for Mastery

Here is a calculation policy written to meet the aims of the 2014 National curriculum for KS1. It provides a progressive set of strategies based on a concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) approach and provides lots of images and examples to enable teachers to apply this in their classrooms. The document has been made generic so that it could be used by any school, or could be used as starting point for your own more personalised version. I wrote this policy after spending many hours trying to find something like it online but nothing was structured quite how I wanted it to look. I Hope you find the resource useful, please leave feedback. If you would like a fully editable version, this can be purchased in my shop.
Y1 position and direction activity

Y1 position and direction activity

A simple activity to introduce directions forward, backward, left and right. Children have the printed grid and have to follow the given directions. Directions are on a powerpoint presentation to display on IWB but could be printed out or read out loud to the children.