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The Jolly Postman - Year 1 English Planning Sequence
12 sessions to follow a planning sequence for the story “The Jolly Postman” by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.
Suitable for a Year 1 class or more able EYFS class.
This unit planning would be best suited for the Autumn Term in Year 1. It links to traditional tale stories and focuses on some of the characters in more detail. It follows my English Overview (available in my TES shop) so the SPAG for this unit is more suited for those first few weeks.
Includes WALT’s/ LO’s for each session and provides a wide-range of outcomes, including:
Role play
Writing labels
Writing captions
Writing lists
Baking following instructions
Simple descriptions
Making a birthday card
Sequencing a familiar story
Writing dictated sentences
This sequence covers a three week block, however, there are opportunities to extend this and look at more detail into some of the stories mentioned.
Please note: The Gingerbread house drawing in session 4 and the sentence building cards in session 5 are available on Twinkl.

Supertato by Sue Hendra - Year 1 English Planning Unit
18 sessions to follow a planning sequence for the book “Supertato” by Sue Hendra.
Suitable for a Year 1 class or could be adapted to suit a Year 2 class.
This unit planning could be taught any time throughout the year, however, if you follow my English Overview (available in my TES shop), I have planned it in for Spring Term 1.
Includes WALT’s/ LO’s for each session and provides a wide-range of outcomes, including:
Making predictions
Creating wanted posters
Infering characters’ feelings
Using adjectives
Practical session to create their own character
Character description
Retelling story orally
Rewriting a familiar story
Editing a familiar story
Write a letter
This sequence covers a four/ five week block but can be adapted.

Enhanced/ Continuous Provision Timetables for Autumn, Spring and Summer
Autumn, Spring and Summer Timetable suitable for a Year 1 class but could be adapted to suit other age ranges.
Week by week overview along the side and various areas of learning along the top: Writing, Maths, Creative, Role-Play, Outdoor, Explore and Investigation etc.

The Emperor's Egg - KS1 Planning Sequence
8 sessions to follow a planning sequence for the story “The Emperor’s Egg” by Martin Jenkins.
Suitable for a KS1 class.
Includes WALT’s/ LO’s for each session and provides a wide-range of outcomes, including:
Exploring descriptive language
Writing questions
Drawing and annotating
Researching and note taking
Creating a poem
Writing an information text
As this sequence of sessions is a slightly shorter unit, there are some suggested texts to look at to extend this unit on non-fiction.

Top Marks Maths QR codes suitable for a KS1 class
25 QR codes for Top Marks Maths Games, ready to be printed and displayed in a classroom.
Suitable for a KS1 class.

Phonics QR codes suitable for a KS1 class
8 QR codes for Phonics Games, ready to be printed and displayed in a classroom.
Suitable for a KS1 class.

Out and About: A First Book of Poems - Year 1 English Planning Sequence
12 sessions to follow a planning sequence for the book “Out and About: A First Book of Poems” by Shirley Hughes.
Suitable for a Year 1 class.
This unit planning would be best suited for after October Half Term in the Autumn based on the content. It follows my English Overview (available in my TES shop).
Includes WALT’s/ LO’s for each session and provides a wide-range of outcomes, including:
Responding to poems
Using adjectives to describe
Drafting poems (including an acrostic poem)
Performing poems (including to a beat)
This sequence covers a three week block.

Funnybones - Year 1 English Planning Sequence
12 sessions to follow a planning sequence for the story “Funnybones” by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.
Suitable for a Year 1 class.
This unit planning would be best suited for the Autumn Term in Year 1. It follows my English Overview (available in my TES shop) so the SPAG for this unit is more suited after the teaching of The Jolly Postman (also available in my TES shop).
Includes WALT’s/ LO’s for each session and provides a wide-range of outcomes, including:
Alphabet recall
Sequencing a familiar story
Rewrite a familiar story
Writing dictated sentences
Simple Character descriptions
Write an Alternative story
This sequence covers a three week block.
Please note: The Alphabet bones in session 1 are available on Twinkl.

Snail and the Whale - KS1 Sequence Planning
8 sessions to follow a planning sequence for the story “Snail and the Whale” by Julia Donaldson.
Suitable for a KS1 class.
Includes WALT’s/ LO’s for each session and provides a range of outcomes, including:
Writing questions
Research and note taking
Creating a poster
Alternative story writing

The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon - KS1 Planning Sequence
16 sessions to follow a planning sequence for the story “The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon” by Richard Adams.
Suitable for a KS1 class.
Includes WALT’s/ LO’s for each session and provides a wide-range of outcomes, including:
Drawing and annotating
Designing and constructing using junk modelling
Writing dictated sentences
Writing a prediction
Writing speech bubbles
Writing a letter in role
Writing an alternative ending
Writing an invitation
Sequencing sentences
Towards the end of this planning sequence, there is a chance to enjoy a Royal Tea Party!

Man on the Moon: A Day in the Life of Bob - KS1 Planning Sequence
17 sessions to follow a planning sequence for the story “Man on the Moon: A Day in the Life of Bob” by Simon Bartram.
Suitable for a KS1 class.
Includes WALT’s/ LO’s for each session and provides a wide-range of outcomes, including:
Writing questions
Postcard recount
Creating a poster
Alternative story writing
Newspaper report
Writing instructions

Year 1 English/ Literacy Long Term Plan
Yearly Overview for Year 1 English/ Literacy
A week-by-week breakdown to match the 2024/2025 school year dates
Based on using the English texts:
The Jolly Postman
Jack and the Beanstalk
Out and About: A first book of poems
The Emperor’s Egg
A Bear called Paddington
The Day the Crayons Quit
The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon
The Snail and the Whale
The Gruffalo
Man on the Moon (A Day in the life of Bob)
Each unit has a week-by-week breakdown of SPAG
Please note: I have uploaded this resource in Comic Sans and in our schools Letter-join font.

You BLEW us/ me away this year! - tag labels
“You BLEW us away this year!”
“You BLEW me away this year!”
Tag labels, perfect to laminate and connect to bubbles as an end of year gift.

Autumn Term English Planning Sequences Year 1
Three English planning sequences - The Jolly Postman, Funnybones and Out and About: A First Book of Poems to match my Yearly English Overview.
These planning sequences will have you covered until the middle of Autumn Term 2. This allows opportunities for ad-hoc English lessons to catch up on any gaps and Nativity/ Christmas production practises.

Spring Term English Planning Sequences Year 1
Two English planning sequences - Supertato and The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon to match my yearly English Overview.
These planning sequences include lesson plans, WALT’s/ LO’s and some resources to cover the sessions.

Year 1 - Yearly English Overview
Yearly Overview for Year 1 Maths
A week-by-week breakdown to match the 2023/ 2024 school year dates
Based on the using the English texts:
The Jolly Postman
Out and About: A first book of poems
The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon
The Emperor’s Egg
The Snail and the Whale
Man on the Moon (A Day in the life of Bob)
A week-by-week breakdown of SPAG
If you also download my Yearly Maths Overview, then you will see enhanced provision opportunities that cross-over into Maths (the Maths Yearly Plan is a separate resource in my TES shop)
Please note: I have uploaded this resource in Comic Sans AND in our schools Letter-join font.

Blank Planning Format
Blank Planning Format for Year 1 - space for detailed plans for before break, before lunch and after lunch.
There is also a section below to add resources for those days and enhanced provision needed for the following week.

Sentence Reminders for display
A handheld reminder for children to support them with writing sentences.
Capital letter
Count sounds on fingers
Use handwriting
Remember finger spaces
Remember a full stop
This is a double-sided resource that has an alphabet in Letter Join with coloured vowels.
Print on the short-edge to be double-sided.
Blow up to A3 as visual reminders for the classroom.

Year 1 and Year 2 Long Term Plan for Maths (White Rose)
This is a Long Term Plan for this academic year (2023-24) which matches the White Rose Maths Scheme block units for their Mixed age Year 1/2 new version.
This plan has been tweaked to ensure that blocks are being taught at the same time for both year groups.
You will notice more opportunities for consolidation for both year groups. I have extended Year 1s Place Value (within 50) unit to three weeks rather than two.
Hope this helps you!