Number Bonds to 60 Bundle
Used with Primary 5 before teaching digital time.
Teaching Slides
Matching Cards for Snap/ Memory game
Loop Cards
Exit ticket
All About Me page for children to write their name and age, and interests/ draw their interests.
My Portrait Page for children to draw/ use art resources of themselves.
Used on the first day of Primary 1.
Inspired by the tik tok trend, this is a back to school get to know you activity for upper primary.
Powerpoint includes 16 slides including a slide to get pupils to design their own Put a Finger Down Statements.
Multiplying and Dividing by Multiples of 10 and 100 Powerpoint
This includes a powerpoint with lessons covereing mutliplying and dividing by multiples of 10 and 100.
It has animated visuals to help with learning.
Suitable for Primary 5/ Year 4
Chimney Sum Multiplication 2d by 1d number
This resource includes Powerpoint present with visual animation for how to use a chimney sum for multiplication.
Also includes QR Code Games to practise times table facts.
4 Times Table Worksheets
SKip counting in 4s, forwards and backwards
Mixed 4 Times Table Multiplication Questions
Both sheets come with learning intentions.
Suitable for Primary 3/ Year 2