I am currently a year 5/6 teacher in Devon so I create a great many resources throughout the year - particularly when it comes to that dreaded SAT time of year. Hope you will find many helpful resources here to save you time during the hectic 2 term year that is Year 6!
I am currently a year 5/6 teacher in Devon so I create a great many resources throughout the year - particularly when it comes to that dreaded SAT time of year. Hope you will find many helpful resources here to save you time during the hectic 2 term year that is Year 6!
Four short passages where children must use inference with regards to the text in order to answer 3 mark questions. This is good practice for providing evidence from the text itself and explaining reasoning.
These exercises can be carried out in a whole class guided reading environment, small groups or individually. Might be a good idea to one text as a class and discuss how to answer the questions. Give another as a paired exercise and the final two as individual work.
A teacher notes/answers sheet is provided as a separate file for ease of marking.
First in series of SPAG/GPS quick quizzes that gradually work through the different aspects of the GPS curriculum. Ideal for early and gradual preparation for the GPS SAT paper in May. Can be used as knowledge retrieval exercise or as a lesson plenary.
Answers included on pages 3 and 4 for ease of marking or quick feedback.
50 mark quiz.
3 page story with accompanying 15 mark reading comprehension. Story is about an enchanted wood where 2 children get lost and are guided out by a mysterious white pony. Task can be carried individually, in groups for guided reading or as a whole class.
Questions include:
word comprehension (synonyms)
Task ideal for expected level and greater depth readers. Lower ability year 5 and 6 may require an adult to prompt.
Short passages that provide children with an inference workout with the purpose of answering 3 mark questions. Questions draw on inference where children need to justify answers, provide evidence from the text and provide information from text where meanings are not explicit.
All answers provided for ease of
Short reading comprehension about a wizard’s apprentice who is tempted by the forbidden top shelf of books in his master’s absence.
One A4 page of story text followed by an 8 question quiz (10 marks available).
Questions include:
word comprehension
Answers are included for ease of marking. Exercise is ideal for online teaching as well as in the classroom.
A nice resource to break pupils into the autumn term. A five stanza poem about autumn accompanied by a 12 mark reading comprehension. Question areas include:
true or false
fact and opinion
word comprehension
Good for general poetry study or simply as a reading task. Short nature of poem should make the task accessible to most abilities.
Twenty spellings (asked in a similar way to the usual GPS paper). Sheet for chn to fill in the blanks as you read out the required word to complete the sentence.
Second attachment is based on grammar and punctuation.
Questions included are based on:
a and an
formal language
active and passive voice
main and subordinate clauses
relative clauses
parenthetical commas
statement, question, exclamation
and a few more!
Task can be used for an idea of pupils’ GPS knowledge and could be useful to inform further planning. Both files available as Word and PDF.
All answers included in for ease of marking.
Christmas reading comprehension written from the point of view of a Christmas Tree.
Just over one page of text with a 15 mark reading comprehension quiz.
Questions include:
true and false
word comprehension
Answers are included for ease of marking.
Newspaper article with reading comprehension.
Bonus 1 page grammar and punctuation quiz.
Suitable for SATs practise.
Questions include:
Newspaper features
fact and opinion
true and false
time ordering
Answers are included for ease of marking.
1 page of reading - Oliver Twist Reading Comprehension for Year 5 and 6.
Text is taken from the opening page of Dickens’ Oliver Twist.
Some text has been altered to make it less antiquated and age appropriate so it is not entirely the original text (but it is close and the same in meaning).
24 mark reading comprehension (with answers for ease of marking).
fact and opinion
true and false
word comprehension and synonym
Second in series of SPAG/GPS quick quizzes that gradually work through the different aspects of the GPS curriculum. Ideal for early and gradual preparation for the GPS SAT paper in May. Can be used as knowledge retrieval exercise or as a lesson plenary.
Answers included on pages 3 and 4 for ease of marking or quick feedback.
50 mark quiz.
Third in a series of SPAG/GPS quick quizzes that gradually work through the different aspects of the GPS curriculum. Ideal for early and gradual preparation for the GPS SAT paper in May. Can be used as knowledge retrieval exercise or as a lesson plenary.
Answers included on pages 3 and 4 for ease of marking or quick feedback.
50 mark quiz.
A short one page of A4 text reading comprehension accompanied by a 10 mark quiz/comprehension.
Text is organised to demonstrate a chronological report - written in the present tense.
Questions are based on:
true and false
word comprehension
finding and copying information
interpreting information in the text
Task is ideal for individual learning, group guided reading and online learning.
Available in both Word and PDF formats. Answers enclosed for ease of marking.
Simply titled ‘Bed’, this is a short poem (text on 1 side of A4) reading comprehension with 6 accompanying questions (10 marks available).
Ideal for a half hour reading exercise to hone skills in:
features of poetry
word comprehension
Answers are included for ease of marking and available in both Word and PDF formats for online learning.
Two starter exercises for warming up the word - a good starter for when children come in first thing in the morning - can be continued as the morning exercise throughout the week.
1st exercise = 48 synonyms to be matched.
2nd exercise = 48 antonyms to be matched.
Words vary in difficulty and demand on prior vocabulary knowledge so will suit children of differing abilities. Good opportunities for discussion and use of thesaurus if needed.
Short Halloween poem that can be read just for comprehension or performed as a rap, either through guided reading, in groups or as a whole class.
Poem is accompanied by a 17 mark reading comprehension quiz that focuses on:
true and false
chronological ordering
Separate answer sheet is included for ease of marking.
A free sample to showcase my reading comprehensions on TES.
Diary entry of a cat (although the animal isn’t expressly named in the text).
Short (1 side of A4) reading task in the form of a cat’s diary entry. 7 accompanying questions (10 marks) with one bonus question.
Question types include:
word comprehension
general knowledge
Ideal for quick reading task in individual, guided or individual formats. Also ideal for online learning. Answers are included for ease of marking.
Collection of short texts that make up the one page reading comprehension collection. Each comprehension has a selection of questions based on:
true or false
fact or opinion
word comprehension and synonyms
All answers are included for ease of
Short one page reading comprehension about a guardsman patrolling a castle at night.
9 mark reading quiz (comprehension) included. Questions focus on:
word comprehension
Ideal for guided reading, whole class reading, extension task or generally for creative writing teaching.
Answers are included for ease of marking.
A free sample reading comprehension to demonstrate the range of year 5 and 6 reading resources I currently have on TES.
This is a short reading comprehension with a quiz aimed at focusing on the following points:
true and false
fact and opinion
word comprehension and synonym knowledge
This resource is available in both Word and PDF and includes an answer file for ease of marking.
For more resources, please visit my shop https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/alexvtye