A spreadsheet designed to calculate and predict the overall grades of BTEC students according to the value of pass, merit and distinction in the varying units
I created this as my students very often ask me about the liklihood of them achieving merit/distinction overall after recieving individual unit grades, and found this easy to illustrate the values of each unit and the impact of them on the overall grade
This was designed with Business Studies BTEC Level 3 in mind but can be edited to other subjects using the point values on given specifications on the Pearson website
Revision powerpoints for all six sections of the unit. Each has activities which can be used as lesson starters or revision activities, as well as exam questions with suggested answers.
A fun and practical way to learn about supply chains. Split the class into five teams and give them each one of the scenarios. They then negotiate at each stage of the supply chain. I have played this with sweets and stationary before, and use monopoly money as the currency. Enjoy!
A lesson on the EU, including a starter activity using questions for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgnXwrsMBUs (link on ppt), a powerpoint, a true or false activity and a game which asks the students to guess the country with clues.
GCSE Business motivation lesson.
A differentiated powerpoint presentation accompanied by a worksheet for notes, a motivation case study and activity, a competition/ task to find key terms around the classroom, and a plenary activity
Quick revision game based on the TV programme who wants to be a millionaire. I split the class of 16 into four groups and they each took it in turn to answer one question. Questions from all areas of the 2016 AS Micro AQA spec, easy to edit. Credit to bradfordchopsy for the powerpoint graphics.
A fantastic resource for Business, Accounting and Economics students, free to use on the Your Financial Model website
Input data to generate financial forecasts.
Perfect for modelling in lessons, or for students to access for coursework and lesson activities.
Exemplar PDF to showcase how the website works is attached.