This is a A-Level sociology (AQA) lesson based on explaining class differences in education with a particular focus on labelling theory (internal factors). This is a power point lesson which includes a total of 10 slides. The lesson is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson.
-starter activity- unscramble the key concepts. (answers included)
-explanation of labelling, referring to Interactionism and Becker.
-labelling in secondary schools (Dunne & Gazeley 2008)
-labelling in primary schools (Rist’s 1970)
-student activity- encouraging them to think about how teacher’s label students, where they get these ideas from. - Answer’s/ ideas included on the power point.
-explanation of the self-fulfilling prophecy.
-teacher expectations reading activity. Students will need access to the AQA book 1, textbook. Pages, 28-29. This activity will allow students to understand and explain Rosenthal & Jacobson 1968. Question worksheet included.
-questions to assess students understanding from this lesson. 5 questions, they should be able to complete these using their notes from this lesson and prior knowledge.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on Global families. The lesson is designed to fill 90 minutes and the power point contains 12 slides.
**Included: **
-starter activity- recap/ quiz of the theories of the family.
-explanation of key concepts such as; polygamy, polandry, polygyny. Two video clips to demonstrate these ideas. Links included on the powerpoint. Encouraging students to think about the advantages and disadvantages of these types of family.
-explanation of monogamy and serial monogamy.
-explanation of arranged marriages with comparisons to the UK.
-video clip. Maasai tribe- views on arranged marriages. Link included on power point.
-explanation of the one child policy in China.
-‘life on a Kibbutz’. Video clip to show a unique way of living in Isreal, questions for students to answer whilst watching the clip. Link included.
-‘inside China’s last Matriarchy’. Explanation of what a matriarchy is, video clip- students to answer questions whilst watching the clip.
Throughout, students are encouraged to compare different family structures to that of the UK.
-plenary. Students should use the scrabble board to try and score the highest sociological key concept.
This is an A-Level Sociology lesson [AQA]. The lesson focuses on finishing external factors affecting ethnic differences in achievement with a focus on material deprivation. The lesson then starts to move on to internal factors including labelling and streaming. The power point consists of 10 slides and it is designed to last a 90 minute lesson.
-starter activity. Students use the scrabble board to come up with the highest scoring sociological key concept from the education unit.
-explanation of material deprivation and how this links to ethnic differences in schools.
-explanation of racism in wider society. Explanations by Rex (1986).
-differences in parental attitudes. Video clip, link provided on the power point. This focuses on explaining how Asian parental attitudes may be different and how this affects their educational achievement. Questions for students to answer also included.
-the lesson then moves on to internal factors. Key information provided from Gillborn and Mirza (2000) along with Strand (2010).
-explanation of labelling and teacher racism with reference to Gillborn and Youdell 2000.
-explanation of streaming and which ethnic groups are more likely to be streamed.
-explanation of Asian pupils and labelling with reference to Cecile Wright (1992). -plenary = knowledge check. Students to answer a series of questions which refer to cultural deprivation and material deprivation.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson [Eduqas, WJEC]. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and the power point consists of a total of 12 slides. This lesson focuses on changes in conjugal roles. By the end of the lesson students will be able to outline the main changes to conjugal roles, examine whether roles within the family are changing and refer to key studies such as Willmott and Young- Symmetrical family.
-starter activity encourages students to think about what roles are predominately completed by men and women in the household.
-explanation of what conjugal roles are. Referring to segregated and integrated conjugal roles.
-images from the good housekeeping guide, students to think about how women are portrayed in these images. Discussion task.
-two video clips, a guide to how women to behave/ act. Students to list all the ways women should behave according to the clips.
-explanation of the traditional domestic division of labour and how things are starting to change.
-worksheet activity. Students to tick which tasks are completed by the males and females in their household. Challenge questions included.
-explanation of the symmetrical family as explained by Willmott and Young.
-explanation of the new man. Students to think about whether they think this is true. Encourage them to think about celebrity examples.
-Willmott and Young reading. Worksheet provided. Questions for students to answer on the power point.
-Evaluation- referring to feminism (Oakley)
-plenary- how far do students think that families have become more symmetrical.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on ‘planning successful research’. The lesson covers pilot studies, triangulation and designing your own research. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 7 slides on the power point.
Starter activity, retrieval practice- families and households. Key studies match up task- answers provided.
Using mixed methods in research. Explanation of triangulation.
Reasons for using mixed methods. Reading task- provided on a separate document. Students to complete the reading and answer the questions on the power point.
Explanation of what a pilot study is- evaluation included.
For the rest of the lesson students are encouraged to design their own research project. This is where they can apply their knowledge about everything covered in the research methods unit. Included, what method they will use, aims/ hypothesis, who their sample will be and how they will obtain them. All instructions are included on the power point.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson [EDUQAS]. The lesson focuses on qualitative sources of secondary data, how sociologists make choices about research and the lesson finishes with an ethics task. The power point consists of 9 slides, and is designed to last a 90 minute lesson.
-Starter activity which is a quiz on the theories of the family.
-Title page. Encouraging students to think about what qualitative sources of secondary data sociologists might use.
-Explanation of what qualitative secondary sources are. Challenge question included.
-Using public and private documents in sociological research. Task- students to put the documents under the correct heading in the table. Challenge question provided.
-Strengths and weaknesses of using qualitative secondary data in research.
-Secondary data task. Students to decide which method would be best when researching certain areas.
-Explanation of how sociologists make choices about research. Challenge question- gets students to think about what things need to be considered before starting a research study.
-Reading task. Covers considerations such as: funding, the purpose of sociology, interests and availability. Extension task provided.
-Ethical issues in sociological research poster task. Students will need access to the Eduqas sociology textbook. Pages 250-251.
This is an A-level sociology lesson [AQA]- which focuses on methods in context. The lesson goes through the basics of research characteristics when studying education, along with using experiments to study educational issues. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point.
Starter activity, true or false. Education unit recap.
Title page- encouraging students to think about what some of the issues may be when researching education.
Research characteristics. Such as, teachers, pupils, schools, classrooms and parents. Students to fill in their worksheet (separate document) whilst going through the key ideas on the power point.
Quick check questions. Provided on the power point. Students will need to use their knowledge about researching education in order to complete these. EXT task provided.
Linking methods to education. Examples of how to link research characteristics to methods.
The issues of using lab experiments to research teacher expectations in education.
The issues of using field experiments to research teacher expectations. Focus on Rosenthal and Jacobson’s study. Reading/ question task. Provided on a separate worksheet.
Plenary- look through an example MIC question answer. Student and teacher copy provided on separate documents.
This is a GCSE Sociology lesson [WJEC/ EDUQAS]. This is the first lesson of the education unit, the lesson focuses on introducing the different types of school. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and has a total of 9 slides. There are also 4 worksheets included as separate documents.
Starter activity- recap of research methods, focusing on interviews.
Title page. Encouraging students to think about the type of school they go to, and the purpose of school.
Key studies, key concepts and ‘know it well’ checklist included on separate word documents. Students keep these and fill them in as the unit is taught.
Outline of the history of education in Britain. Timeline starts from 1940s- 2000s. Educational policies also mentioned here.
Introduction to different types of school- state and private. Students start to think about which theory would dislike private schools.
The price is right game. Students to guess how much it costs to attend a private school. Key question- is it fair that some people can pay for their education?
What is a public school? explanation and example provided.
Documentary about Harrow. Students to answer questions on the worksheet provided whilst watching the documentary. Youtube link provided on the power point.
Plenary- discussion task. Students discuss some key questions, including how a public school differs to other types of schools.
GCSE Sociology (WJEC/ EDUQAS)- the Marxist view of education. This lesson is designed to last a 90 minute lesson and contains a total of 10 slides on the power point. This lesson follows on from the Functionalist view of education.
Starter activity which focuses on recapping research methods.
Title page. Recapping functionalism. Encouraging students to think about what they already know about Marxism and start to apply this to education.
Explanation of Marxism and capitalism.
Bourdieu- schools reproducing the class system- Cultural capital.
Bowles and Gintis correspondence principle.
correspondence principle VS role allocation. Encouraging students to think about what viewpoint they agree with- functionalism or marxism.
Schools and giant myths.
Evaluating the marxist view.
Summarising the marxist view. Discussion about whether students think the education system is meritocratic?
Short answer exam practice question. 2 marker- mark scheme included.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on sampling techniques. The lesson has a total of 12 slides and is designed to last a 90 minute lesson.
Starter activity focuses on recapping the families and households unit. Key questions for students to answer- they are based on different difficulty lessons.
Title page- encouraging students to think about what they think sampling means.
Introduction to key terms such as: sampling frame, target population, samples. This includes key questions for students to have a go at.
Whilst going through each of the sampling techniques, students have a worksheet to complete (attached as a separate document). The lesson also involves students having a small pack of Haribo each to test out some of the sampling methods. This task could be taken out if needed.
Explanation of each sampling method: quote, random, stratified, systematic, snowballing and opportunities. Strengths and weaknesses also addressed. The power point explains what students should do with their pack of sweets when each technique is covered.
Student task- which sampling method would be most effective? students to outline and explain which sampling method they would use to select their sample when investigating the following topics on the pp slide.
Plenary involves answering some sort answer exam questions about methods. A 2 marker and 4 marker is provided so students can select which one they want to complete.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on parental choice and competition between schools. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point.
-Starter, research methods recap.
Title page, encouraging students to think about whether parents have more choice over schools now.
Timeline- the history of education in Britain.
Competition between schools- including the funding formula.
The price is right. Students to guess how much the government gives school per student. Answer included on pp. Challenge Q provided.
League tables- link to why some parents may not use them. Give students an example of a league table to look at. An example is provided on a separate document, could find an example which includes your own school.
Explanation of why academies were set up, along with free schools.
Evaluation- free choice? including Stephen Ball.
Panorama documentary- links provided on the pp. Questions for students to think about. ’ The academy scandal’.
Plenary- education revision. Game provided on the last pp slide- students will need a dice to complete this game.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on revision. The lesson is specifically designed to revise the education and crime unit, and is aimed at year 11 students. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 8 slides on the power point.
Title page with 3 x 2 mark questions for students to complete.
Mindmap summary of the whole of the education unit- the idea is that students mind map and add extra information whilst teacher goes through the main points.
Short answer exam questions based on the education unit. Provided on a separate worksheet, mark schemes/ answers provided on the power point.
Mindmap summary of the whole crime and deviance unit.
Short answer exam questions, provided on a separate worksheet. Mark schemes provided on the power point.
Education and crime board game. On the power point, but should be printed for students to complete. Testing/ applying their knowledge of key concepts and key studies.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. This is lesson one, which is designed to cover key concept such as crime, deviance, laws, social construction and sanctions. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point.
Starter, social stratification and differentiation, retrieval practice quiz. key questions and answers on the pp slide.
Title page- encouraging students to discuss what they already know about crime.
Handouts for students to keep in books. Key concepts fill in sheet, key studies fill in sheet and know it well tick sheet. All attached as separate documents.
Students are presented with three different images, discussion task. Are they criminal or deviant? have norms/ attitudes around these images changed?
Key definitions: crime and deviance.
Explanation of how crime and deviance could be considered a social construction.
Key concepts and examples fill in table. Answers provided on the pp slide.
Finish with a clip from summer heights high- students to make a notes of any examples of deviant behaviour. Link on pp slide.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson is specifically about the Interactionist contribution to crime. The second half of the lesson focuses on the media and crime, again there is a particular focus on Interactionism and the media. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point.
Starter activity, scrabble board- Social stratification and differentiation recap.
Title page, students to draw their idea of a typical offender.
Recap of Marxist view of crime & deviance, quick quiz. Questions and answers provided on the pp.
Criminal stereotypes, links to Howard Becker and labelling.
Examples of criminal stereotypes, links to key concepts including ‘master status’.
Which groups are most likely to be affected by labelling? Links to key concepts such as ‘deviant career’
Student task- students to fill in the flow diagram to show how labelling and deviant careers are formed. Template provided on a separate document.
Evaluating the Interactionist explanation of crime and deviance.
The media and crime. Short video clip- link on the pp slide. Key concepts referred to such as ‘hypodermic syringe model’.
Interactionism and the media. Reading task, provided on a separate document. Activities for students to complete- written on the pp slide.
Theories of crime and deviance consolidation sheet- students to write down what they know about each theory. They can add to this as and when theories are covered.
Plenary- Marxist view of the role of the media. Key concept match up task.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson [WJEC/ EDUQAS]. The lesson focuses on revising the families and households unit. The lesson specfically covers, theories of the family, marriage patterns, is the family in decline along with some games which covers the unit as a whole. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are 13 slides on the power point.
Starter, bingo.
Title page- retrieval practice, how many key concepts can students remember?
Key theories of the family, there is a slide on Functionalism, Marxism and Feminism.
IS the family in decline/ changing? key points on the board, reminding students of The New Right and Postmodernism.
Short answer exam questions- provided on a separate document.
Why are less people getting married? spider diagram, key information on pp slide.
Marriage patterns- student fill in the blank task. Student worksheet provided, answers on pp.
Sociology quiz- questions on the cultural transmission and family unit. Questions and answers provided on a separate worksheet.
Independent revision task, textbook may be required.
Plenary- blankety blank- students work out the missing words in a series of statements about the family unit.
This is a GCSE sociology revision lesson which focuses on the education and research methods units. Key details of what topics are covered are listed below. This is designed as a mock preparation lesson, however could be used as a generic revision lesson. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes are there are a total of 16 slides on the power point.
Starter- research methods key concepts sheet. Retrieval practice task, separate worksheet provided.
Title page- encouraging students to think about some of the key issues within the methods unit.
Strengths and weaknesses of interviews- sheet for students to fill in, provided separately. Answers provided on the pp. Challenge and extension tasks provided throughout.
Ethical guidelines/ considerations in research.
Sampling key concepts match up task- provided on a separate worksheet for students. Answers on pp.
Theories of education- students match up the key sociology/ term with the correct theory. Answers provided.
Theories of education student fill in table- provided on a separate worksheet. Answers on pp. Challenge questions included.
The hidden curriculum.
Pro and anti-school subcultures. How do they affect achievement at school?
Plenary- short answer exam style questions. Provided on a separate worksheet, mark scheme on power point.
This is a power point which contains 15 different starter activities (could also be used as plenary tasks) which focus on the crime and deviance unit of the course. GCSE SOCIOLOGY WJEC/EDUQAS.
The activities range from; true or false tasks, fill in blanks, differentiated questions, scrabble board, short answer exam questions, find and fix- where students have to identify and correct incorrect statements. The answers are provided for each of these tasks.
This is a power point which contains 11 starter/ plenary ideas for the Family unit. These range from questions to true ot false activities. The content is based on the EDUQAS/ WJEC exam board.
This is a power point which contains 13 starter/ plenary ideas for the social stratification and differentiation unit. The activities range from key concept bingo, to quiz’s and true or false activities.
They could be used either as starters or plenaries. The content is based on the eduqas exam board.
This is an A-Level AQA sociology lesson. The lesson focuses on The Marxist view of education. There is a total of 9 power point slides and it is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson.
-true or false starter activity, based on Functionalism and New Right perspectives. (worksheet attached)
-starter, encouraging students to think about what key concepts they associate with Marxism.
-detailed explanations of Althusser, Bowles and Gintis ideas.
-the lesson finishes with a reading task for students to complete. The A-Level AQA book one (orange textbook) will be needed to complete this exercise. A worksheet containing the questions is attached.