Created by a year six teacher (100% maths, 100% reading and 93% English at and above expected pass rate last SATs year), maths coordinator and deputy head. I am also a published author under the name Andrew Thomas. I have had my resources recommended by TES 3 times.
I've been teaching for years and love my job. My school is in Lewisham (London). My kids are engaged when the resources are good.
Created by a year six teacher (100% maths, 100% reading and 93% English at and above expected pass rate last SATs year), maths coordinator and deputy head. I am also a published author under the name Andrew Thomas. I have had my resources recommended by TES 3 times.
I've been teaching for years and love my job. My school is in Lewisham (London). My kids are engaged when the resources are good.
A set of three SATS style question Games based on Arithmetic, Roman numerals and problem solving questions found in the SATs papers - INCLUDES ANSWERS. Can be done as a independent revision activity or used in boosters.
Created by a year six teacher (97% maths at and above expected pass rate last year), maths coordinator and deputy head. Used on the afternoon before the 2018 maths SATS tests and updated in 2019.
The games allow the teacher to check the mathematics concept with a SATS style questions.
This is designed specifically for revision purposes as I have found my class sometimes fail to retain certain mathematical methods or struggle to use what they know to figure out what they don’t.
Requires dice and counters.
Please click on my name above for loads of maths, reading and writing resources that are aimed at getting the best out of your year 6 class.
Designed and used by a year 6 teacher with a 100% maths SATs score in the last tests.
Show, then have a go style.
A PowerPoint aimed at the fraction questions in the 2018 arithmetic test. It can be used as a teaching tool or a revision lesson just before they start the test. It also includes a rhyme to help the children to remember the basics.
Teaches pupils to:
Multiply fractions by fractions
Divide fractions by fractions
Multiply fractions by whole numbers
Divide fractions by whole numbers
Change mixed numbers to improper fractions to multiply and divide by fractions and whole numbers.
Tested in a year 6 class and worked very well.
Includes opportunities for pupils to apply what they have learnt and teacher to assess understanding.
A weeks worth of revision sheets. Created by a year 6 teacher who got 93% maths pass rate in last years SATs and progress that was in the top 10% in the country.
This helps revise a range of skills in a fun way and covers:
Money conversion
Journey time tables
Money word problems
All 4 operations
If you like this, please click my name at the top to visit my shop. It has everything from reading comprehension games to stand alone cover lessons.
Created by a year six teacher and maths lead with 93% pass rate in SATs maths last year.
This is a flip chart, plan and resources that covers all areas of maths for the reasoning papers and arithmetic paper. Aimed at a 3 week run in to SATS week. See the end of the description for full list of areas covered.
Get your class ready and save hours!
This complete set includes worksheets, links to all the materials you will need and a fun flip chart that has a wide range of activities.
Activities start at the register short brain warm up, move on to a starter, include a main lesson focus then has a plenary. All you need to keep the lessons fast paced, fun and exciting.
It covers:
Recite Tables/Prime numbers
Recite Tables/Prime numbers
Inverse operations
Square/Cube numbers
Recite Tables/Prime numbers
Ordering numbers
Closest to 10, 100, 1000
Simple algebra
Rotational Symmetry
Charts (pie/bar/line)
Diagrams (Carroll/Venn)
Recite Tables/Prime numbers
Greater than/less than/equal to
Word problems
4 operations (including inverse, decimals, brackets)
Protractor use
Designed and used by a year 6 teacher with a 93% maths SATs score in 2017.
This is a 2 week maths cycle that covers concepts for the SATs reasoning test in easy 10 minute starters.
This works perfectly to remind and embed all the concepts needed to do well in the reasoning paper.
Please check out my other resources by clicking my name at the top of the page.
SATs reading comprehension games
Reasoning Paper revision
Loads of English SATs based writing
I put this together to help my class understand reflection questions. Would be good to start off a revision session. Please check out my other SATs revision bits by clicking my name above and visiting my shop.
Designed and used by a year 6 teacher with a 93% maths SATs score in 2017.
This is a 4 week maths cycle that covers all the areas needed for the SATs arithmetic test in easy 10 minute starters.
This works perfectly to remind and embed all the concepts needed to do well in the arithmetic paper.
Please check out my other resources by clicking my name at the top of the page.
SATs reading comprehension games
Reasoning Paper revision
Loads of English SATs based writing
Covers a range of SATs topics and can be done on the sheet so no need for the books.
Word Problems
Number sequences
Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
This flipchart can be used as a whole class activity, printed out for small groups or used as a range of worksheets.
It helps children’s understanding of what algebra is and directly links the main concepts of letters as numbers and how to develop an understanding of formulae.
Created by a tear 6 teacher with 100% pass rate (in an inner city school) in SATs maths last year and 55% greater depth.
Please click on my name above to see my other resources. Everything from Guided Reading games to step by step writing at the expected level flipcharts.
Last minute (just before the test) reminder of the basics and possible pit falls and traps.
ActiInspire software flipchart and a PDF file.
Written by a maths teacher with a 97% pass rate in 2018.
Please check out my other resources by clicking my name above. I also have a last minute reasoning activity.
This is a booklet aimed at keeping the children academically active over the holidays. Created by a year six teacher (100% maths, 100% reading and 100% SPaG at and above expected pass rate last year), maths coordinator and Deputy Head. I am also a published author under the name Andrew Thomas. I have had my resources featured on TES for their quality and innovative nature; please check out my shop by clicking on my name above.
It includes five days worth of activities (and extension activities added in April 2019) that cover:
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Reading Comprehension
It is designed with SATs in mind and give the children 30 minutes of learning to do each day.
Each day has a range of activities which are linked to the new curriculum.
This booklet took many hours to put together and has been proof read.
The idea is to try and make all the numbers from 0 to 20 by using BIDMAS.
The only number you are allowed to use is 4.
You MUST use four lots of 4 in each equation (number sentence).
You may not use any other numbers.
If you want to find 0 you can use the following sum:
(4 + 4) – (4 + 4) = 0
To find 3 you can use:
(4 + 4 + 4) ÷ 4 = 3
This is a ready to go lesson that will take an hour+ depending on ability level. It also has a simple extension task.
A daily arithmetic workout to improve and consolidate all the skills needed for the SATs maths test 1.
Used and tested by a year 6 teacher with a 100% pass rate at the expected level in the 2019 SATs and 55% GD
Designed to be visually appealing.
All four operations
Square and cubed numbers
Known facts
Can be used as a starter, plenary, for those 10 minute gaps between lessons or at the end of the day.
This ActivInspire flip chart is a fresh approach to teaching both percentages of amounts and finding the whole amount from a percentage.
Easy to understand and instant AFL.
Created by a maths lead and year 6 teacher whose class scored 100% in maths with 55% greater depth.