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Anne Roz's Shop

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Hi ! Bonjour ! ¡Hola! Welcome to my shop ! I am a French native speaker and I lived in Spain for seven years. I am passionate about languages and I particularly love teaching French at A-level. I love planning lessons using authentic documents to engage students and to make lessons more interactive and real. I hope it will save you some time because what do we need ? More (free) time ! :-) Any feedback is welcome !




Hi ! Bonjour ! ¡Hola! Welcome to my shop ! I am a French native speaker and I lived in Spain for seven years. I am passionate about languages and I particularly love teaching French at A-level. I love planning lessons using authentic documents to engage students and to make lessons more interactive and real. I hope it will save you some time because what do we need ? More (free) time ! :-) Any feedback is welcome !
Ma journée scolaire (Dynamo 1)

Ma journée scolaire (Dynamo 1)

Ppt includes : Revision of colours & clothes (qu’est-ce que tu portes ?) - 2 interactive activities (wheel + unjumble activity) Ma journée scolaire : 2 interactive activities - wordwall (macth up) & Quizizz Revision of -er verbs Exercises + answers Translation + answers To play the interactive activities, just click on the links on the ppt
Le présent (Y12/Y13)

Le présent (Y12/Y13)

Revision of the present tense for A-level students Resource includes : Ppt Worksheet : exercises on the present tense. Answers are on the worksheet + on the ppt 1 Quizlet 1 Quizizz - 31 questions To play the Quizlet & the Quizizz, just click on the link on the ppt
Le verbe avoir

Le verbe avoir

1 ppt 1 Quizlet 1 document with the conjugation of "avoir¨+ negative form + translation Link to 3 songs
Intouchables - les thèmes principaux

Intouchables - les thèmes principaux

Resources include : 1 worksheet with 3 exercises 1 ppt - 23 slides Thèmes principaux : l’amitié, le handicap et le manque de pitié, les marginalisés answers to the exercises (worksheet) 2 videos (Philippe Pozzo di Borgo & Omar Sy) useful vocabulary discussion link to Quizlet (vocabulary) link to Quizizz
Intouchables & boost your grammar skills

Intouchables & boost your grammar skills

A-level French - Grammar lesson with sentences and examples students can use in their essay on Intouchables. They boost their grammar skills and they revise the movie so they can improve their essay and their translation ou comment faire d’une pierre deux coups / kill two birds with one stone :-) Grammar points : past infinitive si clause en + present participle the subjonctive mood Lesson includes : -Grammar rules -Exercises with sentences on the movie -1 worksheet + answers : Intouchables & subjonctif / indicatif -1 worksheet + answers : Intouchables & si clause -1 test (pdf)+ answers -Quizizz : Intouchables & le subjonctif -Quizizz : Intouchables & si clause
Intouchables : introduction. Students booklet + answers

Intouchables : introduction. Students booklet + answers

This is the first activity I ask my students to do on Intouchables I asked them to watch the movie over the holidays and to answer the questions in the booklet Booklet Questions générales avant de voir le film (date de sortie, noms des réalisateurs, les acteurs, le succès du film etc) Synopsis du film à compléter Vocabulaire : le verlan & l’argot . Associe le français familier avec le français standard Huit questions après avoir vu le film 5 Answers are in the ppt
Dynamo2 :Tu as passé de bonnes vacances?

Dynamo2 :Tu as passé de bonnes vacances?

Resource includes : ppt - 2 lessons - 33 slides vocabulary book exercises + answers past tense introduction - er verbs : grammar explanation / exercises / answers interactive activities : click on the links on the ppt 2 wordwalls activities 2 Quizlets 1 Quizizz - past tense
Dynamo 2: Qu'est-ce que tu as fait ?

Dynamo 2: Qu'est-ce que tu as fait ?

Dynamo 2 - Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ? Consolidation of the past tense - er verbs + irregular past participles Resource includes : 1 ppt - 2/ 3 lessons - 56 slides Vocabulary of Dynamo 2 textbook, Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ? (module 1) . Textbook exercises + answers Past tense : grammar explanation + word document (irregular past participles) + exercises + answers Interactive activities to consolidate the past tense Wordwall : 6 activities Quizlet : 2 Quizizz : 1 Blooket : 1
C'est quand ton anniversaire ?

C'est quand ton anniversaire ?

1 ppt Revision of numbers speaking activities translation activity + answers 2 interactive activities Quizlet Wordwall - lucky wheel Just click on the links on the ppt
Intouchables et tous les temps !

Intouchables et tous les temps !

4 worksheets + answers in the ppt Students revise all the tenses so they revise the grammar, they can use these sentences in their essays and they revise the movie :) There is a focus on nice structures we would them like to use in their essays, such as subjonctive / si clause / past infinitive. Please note : this resource and these worksheets are different from " Intouchables & boost your grammar skills¨
Intouchables. Driss : ni bon, ni mauvais ?

Intouchables. Driss : ni bon, ni mauvais ?

Resource include : Ppt - 15 slides vocabulary Analyse de scènes importantes (timing in the ppt) answers to the worksheet link to one Quizizz. Just click on the link to access the Quizizz Worksheet - Intouchables + révision de tous les temps
Médias : La presse en France

Médias : La presse en France

1 ppt speaking activities translation activities grammar activity past paper (Edexcel) Link to a video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tZcr7LGW04 answers to the worksheet (video) 1 worksheet (video) 1 Quizlet 1 Blooket To access the interactive activities, just click on the links on the ppt
French A-level : Introduction au système politique français - élections 2022

French A-level : Introduction au système politique français - élections 2022

Introduction au système politique français. Complete lesson - 1 to 2 lessons. This lesson can be a good first lesson before starting ¨Le Front National¨ with Edexcel. I used only authentic documents, no textbook needed so can work as well for another exam board. Ce cours contient : -Ppt avec les faits importants -Présentation des principaux candidats aux élections présidentielles 2022 -Exercices de compréhension -2 vidéos 1 jour 1 actu : ¨les pouvoirs du président¨, ¨à quoi sert le premier ministre¨ : questions & réponses -Un Quizizz : la politique française - 23 questions