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This shop provides Social Studies resources from a classroom teacher at a low cost.




This shop provides Social Studies resources from a classroom teacher at a low cost.
World War I Reading Unit and Worksheets

World War I Reading Unit and Worksheets

This Reading Unit on World War I can be used to replace a textbook or supplement a unit on World War I. Many resources are included with this product: Timeline: A timeline of events preceding, during, and after the Great War. Reading Guide/Standards: Includes information about vocabulary, reading level, and standards for Common Core, Ohio, and Virginia. Reading with Vocabulary: 17 pages of reading that includes pictures, visuals, maps, and other primary sources. The text is broken down by topic and covers the beginning of the war to the end. Vocabulary words are highlighted throughout the text and definitions are included as well. Supplemental Materials Individual Topic Readings and Worksheets: These readings and worksheets provide more information about five topics: The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, The Sinking of the Lusitania, Trench Warfare, Technology, and the Treaty of Versailles. A worksheet accompanies each of these supplementals. Answer keys are also included. Depth of Knowledge Questions: A chart of DOK questions from all four levels. An answer key is also included. Multiple Choice Worksheets: 3 multiple choice questions worksheets that can be used as quizzes or comprehension checks. Answer keys included. Political Cartoons: A page of political cartoons from the era. Glossary of Terms: Words and definitions from the text. 52 total pages are included, including over 20 pages of reading and over 10 different resources. Answer Keys are included for all activities and worksheets. This resource includes a Teacher Version with all of the answer keys and also a student version with the answer keys removed. This will allow for easy sharing. This resource was designed to replace a textbook chapter about World War I. The information is concise and to the point. The reading level of the text is tested at 9-10 grade but the reading ease is much lower. This reading unit is intended to reach all learners. If you are interested in other Social Studies and educational resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
1917 (Movie) - Movie Guide

1917 (Movie) - Movie Guide

This product includes resources to be used with the film, 1917. This film was released in 2019 and is a great resource to use when teaching a unit on World War I. In the film, two soldiers are tasked with a seemingly impossible mission to cross nine miles of war torn France to deliver an important message. The Movie Guide includes numerous resource, some of which are available individually in my store and can be found by clicking the links below. The resources include: Teacher Guide: This guide provides teachers with movie details, a film review, summary of the film, how to use in the classroom, and content warnings about the movie. Review Questions: This two page resource includes 5 response questions about the film that students will answer as they watch the movie. Movie Visual Project: This one page project tasks students with creating a movie poster for the film based on the theme, purpose, or personal opinion of the movie. Quick Quiz: This ten question multiple choice quiz is a single pages document with an answer key also included. This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and educational resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
World War I Readings and Worksheets

World War I Readings and Worksheets

5 Resources
This bundle includes 5 resources that are available individually in my store. The resources are all Readings and Worksheets covering topics from World War I. These worksheets provide a quick in depth look at some specific topics and events from World War I. Each individual reading and worksheet includes a 1-2 page reading with visuals and photographs, one page worksheet with multiple choice, short answer, and extended response questions, and an answer key. These are great for distance learning. The resources included are: Assassination of Franz Ferdinand The Sinking of the Lusitania Technology of World War I The Sinking of the Lusitania Trench Warfare in World War I Treaty of Versailles Each one of these is also available separately by clicking on the links above. You do receive a discount by bundling all five. This bundle includes Microsoft Word and PDF versions of each resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand Worksheet

Assassination of Franz Ferdinand Worksheet

This product is a great resource to use as a quick reading assignment or homework assignment in a World History or U.S. History course studying World War I. Specifically, this product describes the assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand. This event is considered the spark that started World War I. This reading provides information about the background, the assassination, and the aftermath of the assassination. This product includes a one page reading passage and also a worksheet that was made to accompany the reading. The reading page was created for a high school classroom but could be used in lower grades as well. The reading is written at a 9th-10th grade level. The worksheet that accompanies the reading includes: 5 multiple choice questions 4 short answer questions 1 extended response question An answer key for quick grading is also included. If you are interested in other World War I Reading and Worksheets, please see the links below: Technology of World War I The Sinking of the Lusitania Trench Warfare in World War I Treaty of Versailles World War I Reading/Worksheet Bundle This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
American Civil War Choice Activity

American Civil War Choice Activity

This activity is a great resource to use for distance learning and in the classroom. It provides students with three opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge of the American Civil War. This differentiated product is designed to reach students of different abilities and strengths and can be used as a classroom project or assessment. The task asked of students are challenging and require students to use the knowledge they have gained about the American Civil War. The activities that students may choose to complete are: Activity 1: This activity is a visual activity in which students watch two short (10 minutes) video clips about the Civil War. These video clips are available on YouTube and the links are provided. After watching the two clips, students will create a PowerPoint/Google Slides Presentation about the Civil War. Criteria for the presentation is included as well. Activity 2: This activity is writing based. Students are presented with Civil War topics and then they must write a 5 paragraph essay about one of the topics. Students must use at least two sources. Activity 3: The final activity used primary sources and a link to a great variety of primary sources is provided. In this activity, students are given a variety of options to use the information in the primary sources to create their own product. Some of these options include newspaper front page, journal, letter, propaganda, or political cartoon. This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
1917 (Movie) Quick Quiz

1917 (Movie) Quick Quiz

This Quick Quiz is a ten question multiple choice quiz to be used with the World War I film 1917. This film provides an accurate depiction of World War I through a fictional story. This is a great resource to use in a U.S. History or World History course. The resource includes an answer key for fast grading. This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
1917 (Movie) Review Questions

1917 (Movie) Review Questions

This product is designed to accompany a World History/U.S. History course that is using the film “1917” to teach students about World War I and trench warfare. The resource includes questions that guide student learning and assess knowledge of World War I, trench warfare, and the life of a soldier during The Great War. This product includes 5 extended response type questions. The questions are multi-part questions in which students are expected to provide thoughtful, thorough answers based on their viewing of the film. Some of the topics covered in the film and the questions include: World War I Trench Warfare Life in the trenches The life of a WWI soldier This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
Technology of WWI Reading and Worksheet

Technology of WWI Reading and Worksheet

This product is a great resource to use as a quick reading assignment or homework assignment in a World History or U.S. History course studying World War I. Specifically, this product describes the technology developed and innovations of World War I. The reading explains the impact these changes had on the war and society. This product includes a two page reading passage and also a worksheet that was made to accompany the reading. The reading page was created for a high school classroom but could be used in lower grades as well. The reading is written at a 9th-10th grade level. The worksheet that accompanies the reading includes: 5 multiple choice questions 4 short answer questions 1 extended response question An answer key for quick grading is also included. This resource includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the product. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
Conflicts of the Middle East

Conflicts of the Middle East

This graphic organizer of events from the past, present, probable future includes information about the following conflicts that have taken place in the Middle East: Iranian Revolution Gulf War Iraq War War in Afghanistan Fight Against ISIS Israel v. Palestine Syrian Civil War The graphic organizer includes the following information: Dates (Years) Who (What groups are fighting) What/Why (Why are the groups fighting) U.S. position in the Conflict Deaths/Casualties This resource includes a student copy that is partially completed to demonstrate what is expected of students. This student copy is made for students to complete and fill out on their own. The second page of the document is an answer key that includes all of the information that should be on the graphic organizer. This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
Treaty of Versailles Reading & Worksheet

Treaty of Versailles Reading & Worksheet

This product is a great resource to use as a quick reading assignment or homework assignment in a World History or U.S. History course studying World War I. Specifically, this product describes the end of the War and the Treaty of Versailles. It presents and explains the punishments handed down to Germany at the end of The Great War. This product includes a one page reading passage and also a worksheet that was made to accompany the reading. The reading page was created for a high school classroom but could be used in lower grades as well. The reading is written at a 9th-10th grade level. The worksheet that accompanies the reading includes: 5 multiple choice questions 4 short answer questions 1 extended response question An answer key for quick grading is also included. This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Study Cube

M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Study Cube

This foldable hands on project is a great, quick project to complete with students studying the causes of World War I. The study cube has students create a foldable cube that lists and explains the M.A.I.N. Causes of World War I. The causes include: M - Militarism A - Alliances I - Imperialism N - Nationalism This resource includes two versions of the cube that teachers can choose to use. The first version is a blank version in which students must find and input their own information for each of the causes (militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism) and then create or find a visual that could be used for World War I. The second version of the cube that is included has all of the sides of the cube completed and ready for students to use as a study tool. This version can also be used as an answer key. The cube is designed to be printed and then cut out. Students the fold the output on the lines of the cube and glue/tape the flaps. The cube works with regular printer paper and looks great when used with card stock. This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
Trench Warfare in WWI Reading/Worksheet

Trench Warfare in WWI Reading/Worksheet

This product is a great resource to use as a quick reading assignment or homework assignment in a World History or U.S. History course studying World War I. Specifically, this product explains trench warfare and the difficulties of soldiers living in the trenches during WWI. This product includes a one page reading passage and also a worksheet that was made to accompany the reading. The reading page was created for a high school classroom but could be used in lower grades as well. The reading is written at a 9th-10th grade level. The worksheet that accompanies the reading includes: 5 multiple choice questions 4 short answer questions 1 extended response question An answer key for quick grading is also included. This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
Sinking of Lusitania Reading/Worksheet

Sinking of Lusitania Reading/Worksheet

This product is a great resource to use as a quick reading assignment or homework assignment in a World History or U.S. History course studying World War I. Specifically, this product explains the reasons behind the sinking of the RMS Lusitania, the implications from the sinking, and the reaction from around the world. This product includes a one page reading passage and also a worksheet that was made to accompany the reading. The reading page was created for a high school classroom but could be used in lower grades as well. The reading is written at a 9th-10th grade level. The worksheet that accompanies the reading includes: 5 multiple choice questions 4 short answer questions 1 extended response question An answer key for quick grading is also included. This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
World War I Depth of Knowledge Questions

World War I Depth of Knowledge Questions

This product includes 13 questions about World War I. The questions are divided by the Depth of Knowledge (DOK) chart. This product includes 4 DOK - 1 questions, 4 DOK - 2 questions, 2 DOK - 3 questions, and 1 DOK - 4 question. These questions can be used with many learners in the classroom and present different levels of learning and knowledge of the subject matter. This resource includes the questions in a chart. The questions can be assigned directly to students, used as entry/exit slips, posted for homework, or many other uses as determined by the classroom teacher. This resource includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the product. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Store.
Enlightenment Guided Notes

Enlightenment Guided Notes

This product is designed to provide notes over a unit on the Enlightenment period of the 17th and 18th century. It includes notes over the Enlightenment period in World History as well as a blank student copy of the notes. Included with this resource is a student copy for students to complete and fill out and a teacher completed copy with all information present. Embedded with the notes is also vocabulary for the unit. The document is designed to be completed using an online device but could be slightly modified to be printed as well. The vocabulary section is set up for students to define and also find a visual/picture for each word. This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Store.
American Revolution Infographic

American Revolution Infographic

This infographic about the Causes of the American Revolution could be used many ways in the classroom. The infographic can be printed and passed out to students. Printed and displayed. Printed for student notes/study material, or used a a classroom poster. This product includes a zip folder with 4 files of the infographic. They are: Original Print-Ready PDF Resized 10x24 inch Poster, PDF Print Ready Resized 2x6 inch Bookmark, PDF Print Ready Original PNG image, 800x2000 pixels This product presents information in an easy to read, easy to understand format. Information on the infographic includes the four types of imperialism: French and Indian War Taxes Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party Intolerable Acts A description of each event or cause is included within this infographic. The preview and cover images include a watermark which are removed in the purchased/downloaded product. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
How It's Made Activity

How It's Made Activity

This product includes YouTube links to short “How It’s Made” clips and the following questions: Briefly describe the process of creating the product that you viewed. (2-3 sentences) Explain why this product is important, or what are it’s uses. (2-3 sentences) Explain how this product might have been made before the Industrial Revolution and the use of factories/assembly lines/mass production. These three questions are presented to students after each video clip. The document could be modified to change the videos and/or change the questions. The clips included are: Chocolate - Milk Chocolate, From Scratch | How It’s Made Ketchup - Ketchup | How It’s Made Scoreboards - Scoreboards | How It’s Made Matches - Matches | How It’s Made Bowling Balls - Bowling Balls | How It’s Made This activity was created for students to make connections from the Industrial Revolution and Mass Production to the present day but could be used in other course and classes. This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. If you are interested in a Google Docs version that students could use directly with Google Classroom, please click the link: How It’s Made Activity - Google Docs. If you are interested in other Social Studies and History resources please check out my Project Education Shop.
4 M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Poster

4 M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Poster

This resource is a downloadable Print-Ready PDF poster. It is a high quality file designed to be printed as an 18x24 inch poster. The poster could also be resized to be smaller or stretched to be a larger size. This poster was created for a World History or U.S. History classroom. The preview file includes a watermark which is removed on the final product. This is a single poster product about the causes of World WarI. The poster includes information about the M.A.I.N. causes of the war, as well as a short description of the spark that started the fighting. M - Militarism A - Alliances I - Imperialism N - Nationalism Spark: The assassination of Franz Ferdinand Many other posters for History classrooms are available in my Project Education Shop by clicking on the link.
Industrial Revolution Vocab Organizer

Industrial Revolution Vocab Organizer

This graphic organizer of key terms and ideas from the Era of Industrialization and the Industrial Revolution includes 14 terms. They are: Agriculture Assembly Line Mass Production Bourgeoisie Proletariat Railroad Transition Capitalism Immigrant Factory Natural Resources Steam Engine Textile Urbanization The graphic organizer is set up for students to write a definition for the word, explain it’s significance to the Industrial Revolution for the word, and then find a picture or visual for each word. This product includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the resource. Please check out the other posters and educational activities are available in my shop: Project Education.