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Greek Myths year 5 or Year 6 Literacy Powerpoints and Worksheets

Greek Myths year 5 or Year 6 Literacy Powerpoints and Worksheets

8 powerpoints 12 word documents Looks at the Greek Myths. Example : WALT: box up the labours of Heracles looking at details of setting, obstacles, proof of time, how obstacle was overcome for each event You need to draw or write brief notes about the setting of each event, about the obstacles that had to be overcome, the words used by the writer to show the passage of time and how the obstacle was overcome. Remember to think about the senses (what could be seen, heard, smelt, touched or felt) to describe the setting. Event 1: Setting Event 1: Obstacle
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lesson Literacy year 4 Roald Dahl

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lesson Literacy year 4 Roald Dahl

Some powerpoints and worksheets. sample bit: WALT: Describe a character WILF: ‘ed-ly-ing’ openers Adjectives and similes Connectives- e.g. if, when, because, so Punctuation Short and long sentences Paragraphs Neat handwriting Have you ever read Charlie and the chocolate factory before or watched the film? Who are the characters? Discuss what happens to them. Watch: video of Violet getting blown up as a blueberry. Children to create a new character for Charlie and the chocolate factory using a modeled frame (three camera shots). Children to begin by completing a planning sheet- what is your character called? What age are they? What adjectives would you use to describe him/her? How would you describe their personality? How might they get in trouble in the factory? Planning sheet- 10/15minutes Teacher will model writing a character description for Charlie. Discuss adjectives used, camera shots- long, medium, up close and reveal. Children to complete their own character description using the model given. Using their white boards to plan and improve their work before writing in books. Children to read through their work and edit and improve it. Guided group will read their work. Children to listen and give opinion on the work. What could be improved? Green Group CT to support children in choosing more interesting vocabulary/ adjectives.