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Noodle Nook~ kNowledge For Your Noodle! Materials to bridge the gap for students with Autism, PMLD, and Low-Incidence Disabilities. Adapted materials that are age appropriate for students in secondary education as well as visually engaging activities for students of all ages and abilities. Perfect for homeschoolers, inclusion or self-contained teachers, and outside consultants.




Noodle Nook~ kNowledge For Your Noodle! Materials to bridge the gap for students with Autism, PMLD, and Low-Incidence Disabilities. Adapted materials that are age appropriate for students in secondary education as well as visually engaging activities for students of all ages and abilities. Perfect for homeschoolers, inclusion or self-contained teachers, and outside consultants.
Winter Cookies Order Matching (Hands On Activities for Visual Discrimination)

Winter Cookies Order Matching (Hands On Activities for Visual Discrimination)

Want to address visual discrimination and build problem-solving skills too? Looking to get more engagement in your small group activities for special needs students or add fun to your winter elementary centers? This is it! Get students working with these yummy hands-on winter cookie order matching task cards. REUSABLE! - This winter shape activity will be your go-to every year. KEEPS KIDS ENGAGED! These hands-on winter-themed center activities are fun and motivating with cookies! WHAT IS INCLUDED: 24 Cookie Order Cards with 4 Cookies Per Card Order Mat in Small and Large 96 Cookie Icons including a snowman, gingerbread man, present, bell, mitten, winter tree, house, snowflake, star, stocking, candy cane, and heart. This winter shape activity is perfect for: Elementary teachers who are targeting problem-solving skills Special education teachers who want to be more engaging in small groups Home schoolers who want to refresh their work center activities Related service providers who want to improve visual discrimination Do not miss this valuable resource that will keep your students motivated and learning all winter long! This resource was created by A Jones. All rights reserved by authors. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the web is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author.
Behavior Analysis Data Sheets & Guides- Print & Ready Go PLUS Editable Version!

Behavior Analysis Data Sheets & Guides- Print & Ready Go PLUS Editable Version!

------- Data Collection Sheets and Guides for Behavior Analysis ------- Student behavior got you on the edge? Know you need a good plan but not sure where to start? The first step is easy with these Data Collection Sheets- and the best part is the Guides that tell you exactly how to collect the data, calculate the totals, and which sheets to use with specific behavior! And the latest update gives you access to a DIGITAL EDITABLE version through your Google Drive! This printable includes: --> 9 Data Collection Sheets (Frequency, Rate, A-B-C, Duration, Interval, Opportunities, and Latency) --> 7 Guiding Documents which includes: A Description, Examples of behavior the collection sheet is good for, How to Use the Data Sheet, and How to Interpret the Data including an example --> And a Decision Chart to help you decide which collection sheet to use with a specific behavior. --> A quick explanation of the Functions of Behavior. --> And BONUS access to an Editable Digital File. Having good data is easy with these Data Collection Sheets and Guides. When it comes to good behavior analysis, there are so many things to know. This printable document helps you by identifying the appropriate data sheet so collection is easier, offering multiple types of sheets to collect data on, and a guide for each type of sheet including how to calculate totals. This file comes with a limited use license for the original download only. Please respect the time and effort that is put into each product by not giving it away to others. Additional licenses can be purchased at a reduced rate on my TpT store. © Copyright 2016 Ayodele Jones. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to copy pages specifically for student or teacher use only by the original purchaser or licensee. The reproduction of this product for any other use is strictly prohibited. Copying any part of the product and placing it on the Internet (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly prohibited. Doing so makes it possible for an Internet search to make the document available on the internet, free of charge, and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Soda Can Stocking- A Work Task for Vocational Prep in Autism Units & LIFE Skills

Soda Can Stocking- A Work Task for Vocational Prep in Autism Units & LIFE Skills

------- Soda Can Stocking- A Vocational Task ------- Exactly what you need to work on vocational training for students in Autism Units or LIFE Skills! This Soda Can Stocking Activity is the perfect addition to your work system or vocational prep class… and it allows your students to work on meaningful skills they can actually apply to a real job. This activity includes: --> 20 Different Soda Can Types --> Printed 6 to a Page giving you 120 Printable Cans! --> 3 Page Printable Template to use as a File Folder Activity --> Suggestions for Use and Setup This is such a great activity for your students to not only practice categorizing items (soda cans can be sorted by type, by color, or even by diet & regular), but also practice a true vocational skill! This resource was created by Ayodele Jones © 2016. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Behavior Toolkit- 18 Visuals to Support Students with Autism

Behavior Toolkit- 18 Visuals to Support Students with Autism

------- 18 Visual Supports for Your Behavior Toolkit------- Behaviors got you beating your OWN head against a wall? Ready to implement strong visuals with students who have behaviors and not sure where to start? This is just the printable for you! This Behavior Toolkit provides multiple ways to use Visual Supports to help manage behaviors in your self-contained unit or inclusion setting. This toolkit includes: --> Daily Work Schedule & Checkmark Icons --> AM/PM Daily Schedule & Checkmark Icons --> Visual: I need a break (2 versions) --> Break Card: 10 Breaks/5 Breaks/ 3 Breaks --> Break Card: Visual Choice Icons --> Visual: I want (2 versions) & Blank Icon Template --> Visual: I need help (4 versions) --> Visual: Ready to Work (Y/N)- Large/Small Format --> Visual: My Rules & Support Icons --> Visual: Communication Necklace --> First-Then Charts (2,3,5 Step) & Support Icons --> Token Economy Chart: I Am Working For (3 & 5 step) & Visual Icons --> Bonus: Token Economy Tokens (hearts, cars, Pokemon, and basketballs) --> Parent Behavior Note Home (Weekly & Daily) --> Positive Notes Home (8 versions) --> Positive Rewards Punch Cards (16 versions) --> Student Self-Evaluation with Visual Icons PLUS --> ABC & Interval Data Guidelines and Sheets You hear it all the time- you need more visual supports in your classroom to support your students with Autism and those with behavior concerns- now you can get all the visuals you need to implement a great behavior system and properly manage problem behaviors. This resource was created by Ayodele Jones © 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Visual Schedule featuring Boardmaker! Ready to go Class/Personal Schedules.

Visual Schedule featuring Boardmaker! Ready to go Class/Personal Schedules.

------- Visual Schedule for Students with Autism- featuring BOARDMAKER!------- You need good visuals in your classroom and don’t have time to search for good images yourself? No problem- this printable gives you excellent visuals for all your students with minimal prep for you! Start the year off right- this is a LIFESAVER with everything you need all put together in one spot! Visual Schedules are so important for students with Autism and those with multiple profound disabilities. Knowing what is happening next and what they are doing that day can alleviate a lot of anxiety. Best Part… you don’t need a color printer. These icons are all black and white- to jazz them up and make them your own just print on color paper or paper with designed edges. Perfect way to personalize for YOU! And now with the Boardmaker icons your students are accustomed to, this schedule with work perfectly with your students! Included in this printable are: --> 75 Full Page Schedule Labels --> Printable Personalized Sized Icons (9 per page) to Create Student Schedules --> Schedule Icons Included: 1:1 Time (computer), Art, Assembly, Bell Work, Break (3), Breakfast, Bus Time, Calendar Time, Calm Down Corner, Centers, Change Teacher, Check Schedule, Choir, Circle Time (2), Class Chore, Clinic, Computer Class, Computer Time, Cooking Class, Current Events, Desk Work, English, Field Trip, Free Time, Game Time, Grooming Check, G/T Time, Interventions, Journal Time, Large Group, Library Time, Line Up, Listening Station, Lunch, Math, Morning Work, Music, Nurse, Outdoor Time, Pair-Share Time, Parent Pick-Up, Partner Work, PE/Gym, Play Time, Quiet Work, Read Aloud, Reading, Recess, Restroom, Science, Sensory Break, Sensory Time, Silent Reading, Small Group, Social Studies, Specials, Speech Therapist, Speech, STEM, Story Time, Teacher Meeting, Testing, Therapist, Think Time, Walking Break (2), Whiteboard Time, Work (4), and Writing This resource was created by Ayodele Jones © 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net. The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2015 by Mayer-Johnson LLC a Tobii Dynavox company. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission. Boardmaker® is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.
Unifix Cubes Addition and Subtraction SUPER BUNDLE Task Cards

Unifix Cubes Addition and Subtraction SUPER BUNDLE Task Cards

------- Unifix Cubes Addition and Subtraction SUPER BUNDLE Task Cards!------- The original Unifix Cubes Addition and Subtraction Cards were perfect… then the THREE-STEP follow up came out. That ROCKED for our higher students and fast finishers… Now you get to save by bundling them both! Unifix Cubes Task Cards are perfect for students with Autism and those with multiple profound disabilities… or even early elementary and special education. This printable contains 80 Cards Total including: --> 24 Build, Add cards --> 16 Build, Take Away cards --> 10 Build, Add, Subtract cards --> 10 Build, Take Away, Subtract cards --> 10 Build, Subtract, Now Add cards --> 10 Build, Add, Add More cards This resource was created by Ayodele Jones © 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
ULTIMATE Guide & Checklist to Setup a Self-Contained Classroom or Autism Unit

ULTIMATE Guide & Checklist to Setup a Self-Contained Classroom or Autism Unit

------- 6 Checklists and 33 Supporting Documents to help YOU set up the ULTIMATE Autism Unit, Self Contained, or LIFE Skills Classroom!------- Maybe you are new to teaching, new to self-contained, or a vet that just wants to start the year off right… this is the ULTIMATE planning resource to make sure you don’t forget a thing. It is a total TIMESAVER, LIFESAVER, and MENTAL HEALTH SAVER! The ULTIMATE Guide and Checklist is exactly what you need to ensure you start the year strong and think of all the little things that really matter. Don’t feel like you are still trying to figure it all out two, three, or four months into the job- get started the right way! It doesn’t matter if you are an ‘A’ type who loves lists or a little ADHD and need some guidance to help you out, this will work for you. Included in ULTIMATE Guide and Checklist are: --> 6 Checklists Including --> Where to Start --> Classroom Setup Decision Guide --> Classroom Setup: Physical Structure --> Planning for Academics --> Prepping Academics --> Visual Supports PLUS: --> IEP-At-A-Glance Worksheet --> BIP-At-A-Glance Worksheet --> Parent Questionnaire Call Script --> Parent Questionnaire Call Worksheet --> Parent Communication Log --> Tell Me More- A Team Building Survey --> Tell Me More- A User’s Guide to Building Better Para Relationships --> Team Building- An Idea Guide --> Would You Rather- A Quick Icebreaker --> Schedule Planning Sheet- User’s Guide --> Schedule Planning Worksheet --> Classroom Planning Guide --> Classroom Floorplan Worksheet --> Fire Drill Evacuation List and Visuals --> 6 Different IEP Data Collection Sheets --> Teacher Feedback Sheet- for IEP Prep With all this great planning and support materials, you’ll walk into you classroom and feel like you know EXACTLY what you need to do to get set up as well as build a team with your paraeducators. It’s perfect. This resource was created by Ayodele Jones © 2017. All rights reserved by author. All Icons from Flaticon © all rights reserved. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
First Aid Kit Task Boxes for Special Education, Life Skills & Vocational Ed

First Aid Kit Task Boxes for Special Education, Life Skills & Vocational Ed

------- First Aid Kit- A Vocational Task ------- Exactly what you need to work on vocational training for students in Autism Units or LIFE Skills! This First Aid Kit Stocking Activity is the perfect addition to your work system or vocational prep class… and it allows your students to work on meaningful skills they can actually apply to a real job. This activity includes: –> 10 Different First Aid Items –> A Total of 180 Printable Items! –> 10 ‘Order Cards” to fill First Aid Kits –> 1 Visual Supported Order Form –> Suggestions for Use and Setup This is such a great activity for your students to not only practice categorizing items (First Aid Kit items can be sorted by type), but also practice purposeful stocking and reading comprehension… all while developing a true vocational skill! This resource was created by Ayodele Jones © 2016. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
MORE Dollar Store Vocational Work Task Boxes- 21 MORE Activities with Visuals!

MORE Dollar Store Vocational Work Task Boxes- 21 MORE Activities with Visuals!

21 more hands on tasks with visuals and directions for vocational skills, job training, and life skills in special ed that you can DIY with supplies from the local dollar store! Occupational Prep or Vocational Training Teachers NEED these DIY Dollar Store Vocational Work Task Boxes! 21 Activities with Visuals and Directions for students in Autism Units and SpEd with everyday items from the Dollar Store. Functional Vocational Training is so important for students with Autism and those with multiple profound disabilities. The problem is finding meaningful materials and knowing the function of each task. With this kit, the Directions Card will not only tell you what you need, but tell you the purpose of the activity (hello… can you say IEP goals)! Included in this printable are: 21 Vocational Work Tasks Each Work Task comes with 2 Printed Labels Each Work Task comes with a Materials List Each Work Task comes with Directions so the Task is Clear Each Work Task comes with Visual Aids for the kit and the student! There is also a PRINTABLE SHOPPING LIST so you know exactly what to get when you go to the store. Not interested in starting with all 21 kits? Pick the ones you want… there is a printing guide so you can print only the ones you want. This resource was created by Ayodele Jones © 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Fast Food Menu Math (Best Chicken!) for Special Education and Early Elem.

Fast Food Menu Math (Best Chicken!) for Special Education and Early Elem.

Fast Food Menu Math is the perfect addition to your math centers- and the best part is with three levels of math menus, the task cards can be made appropriate for all the students in your multi-leveled math class… there is even a word problem bonus for your early finishers! You will love the ease of this activity and your students will LOVE eating out at their favorite restaurants! Have your Math Centers gotten bland? Have your students lost interest? Are you looking for a differentiated activity to meet multiple student needs? We Got You! What You’ll Get: This activity comes with the following: *Three Leveled Menus 1 Menu with items using Whole Dollar amounts 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins ending in 0 or 5 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins to the Penny *42 Task Cards 2 Pages (12 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 1 Item 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items with Number Sentence Support 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 1 Item 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 2 Items PLUS 1 Page (6 Task Cards) for Fast Finishers to Budget with Word Problems *BONUS Items Answer Key Answer Document for Students (42/pg, 21/pg, 6/pg options) This menu math activity can meet the needs of several IEP goals or math skills you are trying to develop in a special ed, Autism Units or elementary ed classroom. These cards will address addition, subtraction, two step problem solving, word problems, and budgeting too. WoW! Who Benefits from this Product: These fun and functional menus are already differentiated for you with three levels. Now all your students can be working on the same activity at the same time, just with the exact leveled menu that suits their needs. Teacher and student WIN! With answer neutral cards, no matter the MENU’s level, the task cards will work. There are 42 cards in all with room to use as dry erase task cards AND each card is numbered in the corner so you can use them with a math notebook or projected on a whiteboard. These work perfectly for you and your students. Download the PREVIEW file to see more about the printable… then purchase the full activity today and work smarter, not harder! Fast Food Menu Math © Ayodele Jones 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Fast Food Menu Math TACOS for Special Education and Early Elem.

Fast Food Menu Math TACOS for Special Education and Early Elem.

Fast Food Menu Math is the perfect addition to your math centers- and the best part is with three levels of math menus, the task cards can be made appropriate for all the students in your multi-leveled math class… there is even a word problem bonus for your early finishers! You will love the ease of this activity and your students will LOVE eating out at their favorite restaurants! Have your Math Centers gotten bland? Have your students lost interest? Are you looking for a differentiated activity to meet multiple student needs? We Got You! What You’ll Get: This activity comes with the following: *Three Leveled Menus 1 Menu with items using Whole Dollar amounts 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins ending in 0 or 5 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins to the Penny *42 Task Cards 2 Pages (12 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 1 Item 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items with Number Sentence Support 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 1 Item 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 2 Items PLUS 1 Page (6 Task Cards) for Fast Finishers to Budget with Word Problems *BONUS Items Answer Key Answer Document for Students (42/pg, 21/pg, 6/pg options) This menu math activity can meet the needs of several IEP goals or math skills you are trying to develop in a special ed, Autism Units or elementary ed classroom. These cards will address addition, subtraction, two step problem solving, word problems, and budgeting too. WoW! Who Benefits from this Product: These fun and functional menus are already differentiated for you with three levels. Now all your students can be working on the same activity at the same time, just with the exact leveled menu that suits their needs. Teacher and student WIN! With answer neutral cards, no matter the MENU’s level, the task cards will work. There are 42 cards in all with room to use as dry erase task cards AND each card is numbered in the corner so you can use them with a math notebook or projected on a whiteboard. These work perfectly for you and your students. Download the PREVIEW file to see more about the printable… then purchase the full activity today and work smarter, not harder! Fast Food Menu Math © Ayodele Jones 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Fast Food Menu Math - KING BURGERS for Special Education and Early Elementary

Fast Food Menu Math - KING BURGERS for Special Education and Early Elementary

-------Fast Food Menu Math- The Ultimate High Interest Math Center!------- Have your Math Centers gotten bland? Have your students lost interest? Are you looking for a differentiated activity to meet multiple student needs? We Got You! Fast Food Menu Math is the perfect addition to your math centers- and the best part is with three levels of math menus, the task cards can be made appropriate for all the students in your multi-leveled math class… there is even a word problem bonus for your early finishers! You will love the ease of this activity and your students will LOVE eating out at their favorite restaurants! This activity comes with the following: –> 1 Menu with items using Whole Pound amounts –> 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins ending in 0 or 5 –> 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins –> 2 Pages (12 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 1 Item –> 1 Pages (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items –> 1 Pages (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items with Number Sentence Support –> 1 Pages (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 1 Item –> 1 Pages (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 2 Items Fast Food Menu Math © Ayodele Jones 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Fast Food Menu Math - Burgers for Special Education and Early Elem.

Fast Food Menu Math - Burgers for Special Education and Early Elem.

-------Fast Food Menu Math- The Ultimate High Interest Math Center!------- Have your Math Centers gotten bland? Have your students lost interest? Are you looking for a differentiated activity to meet multiple student needs? We Got You! Fast Food Menu Math is the perfect addition to your math centers- and the best part is with three levels of math menus, the task cards can be made appropriate for all the students in your multi-leveled math class… there is even a word problem bonus for your early finishers! You will love the ease of this activity and your students will LOVE eating out at their favorite restaurants! This activity comes with the following: –> 1 Menu with items using Whole Pound amounts –> 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins ending in 0 or 5 –> 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins –> 2 Pages (12 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 1 Item –> 1 Pages (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items –> 1 Pages (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items with Number Sentence Support –> 1 Pages (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 1 Item –> 1 Pages (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 2 Items Fast Food Menu Math © Ayodele Jones 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Fast Food Menu Math - KF Chicken for Autism, Special Education and Early Elem.

Fast Food Menu Math - KF Chicken for Autism, Special Education and Early Elem.

Fast Food Menu Math is the perfect addition to your math centers- and the best part is with three levels of math menus, the task cards can be made appropriate for all the students in your multi-leveled math class… there is even a word problem bonus for your early finishers! You will love the ease of this activity and your students will LOVE eating out at their favorite restaurants! Have your Math Centers gotten bland? Have your students lost interest? Are you looking for a differentiated activity to meet multiple student needs? We Got You! What You’ll Get: This activity comes with the following: *Three Leveled Menus 1 Menu with items using Whole Dollar amounts 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins ending in 0 or 5 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins to the Penny *42 Task Cards 2 Pages (12 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 1 Item 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items with Number Sentence Support 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 1 Item 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 2 Items PLUS 1 Page (6 Task Cards) for Fast Finishers to Budget with Word Problems *BONUS Items Answer Key Answer Document for Students (42/pg, 21/pg, 6/pg options) This menu math activity can meet the needs of several IEP goals or math skills you are trying to develop in a special ed, Autism Units or elementary ed classroom. These cards will address addition, subtraction, two step problem solving, word problems, and budgeting too. WoW! Who Benefits from this Product: These fun and functional menus are already differentiated for you with three levels. Now all your students can be working on the same activity at the same time, just with the exact leveled menu that suits their needs. Teacher and student WIN! With answer neutral cards, no matter the MENU’s level, the task cards will work. There are 42 cards in all with room to use as dry erase task cards AND each card is numbered in the corner so you can use them with a math notebook or projected on a whiteboard. These work perfectly for you and your students. Download the PREVIEW file to see more about the printable… then purchase the full activity today and work smarter, not harder! Fast Food Menu Math © Ayodele Jones 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Fast Food Menu Math- LIL PIZZA for Special Education and Early Elementary

Fast Food Menu Math- LIL PIZZA for Special Education and Early Elementary

Fast Food Menu Math is the perfect addition to your math centers- and the best part is with three levels of math menus, the task cards can be made appropriate for all the students in your multi-leveled math class… there is even a word problem bonus for your early finishers! You will love the ease of this activity and your students will LOVE eating out at their favorite restaurants! Have your Math Centers gotten bland? Have your students lost interest? Are you looking for a differentiated activity to meet multiple student needs? We Got You! What You’ll Get: This activity comes with the following: Three Leveled Menus 1 Menu with items using Whole Dollar amounts 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins ending in 0 or 5 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins to the Penny *42 Task Cards 2 Pages (12 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 1 Item 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items with Number Sentence Support 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 1 Item 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 2 Items PLUS 1 Page (6 Task Cards) for Fast Finishers to Budget with Word Problems *BONUS Items Answer Key Answer Document for Students (42/pg, 21/pg, 6/pg options) Fast Food Menu Math © Ayodele Jones 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Fast Food Menu Math- NOODLES for Special Education and Early Elementary

Fast Food Menu Math- NOODLES for Special Education and Early Elementary

Fast Food Menu Math is the perfect addition to your math centers- and the best part is with three levels of math menus, the task cards can be made appropriate for all the students in your multi-leveled math class… there is even a word problem bonus for your early finishers! You will love the ease of this activity and your students will LOVE eating out at their favorite restaurants! Have your Math Centers gotten bland? Have your students lost interest? Are you looking for a differentiated activity to meet multiple student needs? We Got You! What You’ll Get: This activity comes with the following: *Three Leveled Menus 1 Menu with items using Whole Dollar amounts 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins ending in 0 or 5 1 Menu with items using Mixed Bills and Coins to the Penny *42 Task Cards 2 Pages (12 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 1 Item 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Count out Money for 2 Items with Number Sentence Support 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 1 Item 1 Page (6 Task Cards) to Find Cost and Calculate change for 2 Items PLUS 1 Page (6 Task Cards) for Fast Finishers to Budget with Word Problems *BONUS Items Answer Key Answer Document for Students (42/pg, 21/pg, 6/pg options) This menu math activity can meet the needs of several IEP goals or math skills you are trying to develop in a special ed, Autism Units or elementary ed classroom. These cards will address addition, subtraction, two step problem solving, word problems, and budgeting too. WoW! Who Benefits from this Product: These fun and functional menus are already differentiated for you with three levels. Now all your students can be working on the same activity at the same time, just with the exact leveled menu that suits their needs. Teacher and student WIN! With answer neutral cards, no matter the MENU’s level, the task cards will work. There are 42 cards in all with room to use as dry erase task cards AND each card is numbered in the corner so you can use them with a math notebook or projected on a whiteboard. These work perfectly for you and your students. Download the PREVIEW file to see more about the printable… then purchase the full activity today and work smarter, not harder! Fast Food Menu Math © Ayodele Jones 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Staying on Topic- A Social Story for Autism Units or Primary

Staying on Topic- A Social Story for Autism Units or Primary

------- Social Stories- Staying On Topic------- Social Stories are a MUST HAVE in your classroom- they are the perfect way to address behaviors, teach appropriate social behaviors, and model replacement behaviors. Add this to your classroom today to start good instruction on appropriate social skills with social stories! Social Stories can be used in the classroom as an instructional tool to discuss behaviors with a student. This book addresses social conversation specifically staying on topic. There is a sequence that is taught to allow a student to talk, let their partner talk, and then ask questions about the same topic. Then, change the subject at the appropriate time. Each book comes with the following: --> 10 Pages of Book Copy --> 1 Sequencing Activity (sequence a conversation in three steps) --> 3 Picture Response Cards for Sequencing (talk about same thing, ask questions, talk about new things) With several books available, you can address specific behaviors or deliver instruction to all yours students as general social instruction. Check out all the titles in the store! © Ayodele Jones 2016. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Loud Noises- A Social Story for Problem Behaviors & Social Skills Training

Loud Noises- A Social Story for Problem Behaviors & Social Skills Training

Help Students Manage Loud Environments with this Social Story Unit! Does loud noise cause problems in your classroom? This social story unit teaches students positive coping mechanisms for dealing with noisy situations. Includes: 60+ page downloadable resource Engaging social story (full color & black and white) Comprehension & social skills activities Vocabulary building exercises Teacher guide & bonus materials Benefits: Reduces disruptive behaviors like hitting or yelling. Develops communication, self-regulation, and social awareness. Age-appropriate for various learners. Great for: General & Special Education teachers Teachers looking for engaging social-emotional learning resources Create a calmer classroom and empower students with this social story unit!
Okay Not to Win - Social Story (Social Skills in Elem. and Special Education)

Okay Not to Win - Social Story (Social Skills in Elem. and Special Education)

Social Stories resources complete with social narrative on IT’S OKAY NOT TO WIN (all about losing gracefully), comprehension activities, clip cards and student worksheets… PLUS support VISUALS with a reminder keychain! Exactly how to stop behaviors in your classroom- Teach manners and social skills ! What You’ll Get This social story resource includes: · 13-Page Social Story. In Full Color, in B&W and as a 2-Page Take Home Printable. TEACHER TOOLS · Lesson Planning Guide with 3 stations or activities per day related to the story. · BONUS guide on how to use social narratives, including 8 guidelines for best results. · 8 Card Behavior Keyring with Visuals to support students. STUDENT ACTIVITIES · (2) Sorting Behaviors Activities with Supporting Visuals · (8) YES/NO Clip Cards · (4) Student Activities including *Cut and Paste Story Sequence Activity *I WILL Poster Writing & Coloring Activity *Better Choices Writing Activity and *Social Scripting Worksheet DIGITAL OPTION · Available on Easel by TpT to easily share with students digitally! This social story allows you to target student behaviors with specific replacement behaviors! TARGET BEHAVIOR: 1. Getting mad. 2. Crying or whining. 3. Breaking things. REPLACEMENT BEHAVIORS: 1. Say ‘it’s okay’. 2. Say ‘want to play again?’ 3. Say ‘great game!’ Images and Social Story from NoodleNook © Ayodele Jones 2016. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.
Asking Politely Social Story for Behavior (Social Skills in Special Ed)

Asking Politely Social Story for Behavior (Social Skills in Special Ed)

Teach students how to say PLEASE and THANK YOU with this social story! It comes with comprehension activities, clip cards and student worksheets. PLUS support VISUALS with a reminder key chain! Exactly how to stop problem behaviors in your classroom and teach manners & social skills! What You’ll Get This social story resource includes: 11 Page Social Story in Full Color and in B&W 11 Pages story formatted as a 2-Page B&W Take Home Printable TEACHER TOOLS Lesson Planning Guide with 3 stations or activities per day related to the story. BONUS guide on how to use social narratives, including 8 tips for best results. 8 Card Behavior Keyring with Visuals to support students. STUDENT ACTIVITIES (2) Sorting Behaviors Activities with Supporting Visuals (8) YES/NO Clip Cards (4) Student Activities including *Cut and Paste Story Sequence Activity *I WILL Poster Writing & Coloring Activity *Better Choices Writing Activity and *Social Scripting Worksheet This social story allows you to target student behaviors with specific replacement behaviors! NON-PREFERRED BEHAVIORS: 1. Grabbing Things from Others. 2. Being Mean to Others. 3. Being Rude. TARGET REPLACEMENT BEHAVIORS: 1. Say Please. 2. Wait Patiently 3. Accept NO or Saying Thanks Anyway. Who Benefits from this Product If you are a teacher who is working in an Autism Unit with Special Education students you will love this activity since it is PRINT AND GO! Target social skills and behavior for a specific student or use class-wide to enhance your classroom culture. If you are a teacher in a secondary classroom and strive to keep materials age appropriate, then you will love this activity! It is not babyish yet it addresses the needs of students who are still working on social skills. If you are a teacher who loves to keep things themed, updated and interesting, then this printable is for you. It is timeless and engaging. Plus there is an entire product line you can use in your classroom to keep everything consistent. Do this one-week activity and then come back to Noodle Nook for more social stories that meet your students needs. Download the PREVIEW file to see more about the printable then purchase the full activity today and work smarter, not harder! This resource was created by Ayodele Jones © 2016 and updated in 2021. All rights reserved by authors. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at ajones@noodlenook.net.