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Managing payslips, pensions and self-employment

Managing payslips, pensions and self-employment

This lesson is designed to help students feel more confident about living independently. It includes guidance on how to manage payslips, understand how pensions work and what they need to consider in regards to self-employment. By the end of this lesson students will be able to: • Understand payslips including NI and tax contributions for employed and self-employed individuals. • Identify strategies for saving regularly and planning for the future with a pension. • Explore how to manage money being employed and self-employed. You can access our full range of financial planning resources by choosing the ‘Understanding and managing money’ tag on our curriculum tags. To browse the range of LifeSkills resources, visit https://barclayslifeskills.com/help-others/lessons/
Exploring money attitudes and needs and wants

Exploring money attitudes and needs and wants

This lesson belongs to a suite of Money Skills lessons designed for young people aged 11-14/ This lesson is designed to help students understand and compare their attitudes to money and spending, explore the difference between needs and wants. By the end of the activity students will have: • Have reflected on their own attitude to money and spending compared to others. • Be able to prioritise needs and wants in different scenarios. To ensure that the lesson plan and student-facing interactive PDF work together smoothly, please make sure you download and save the lesson plan and presentation slides into the same folder on your computer. To browse the range of LifeSkills resources, visit https://barclayslifeskills.com/help-others/lessons/
Introduction to fraud and scams

Introduction to fraud and scams

This lesson focuses on encouraging students to understand the difference between fraud and scams and recognise how to perceive different financial mistakes and threats. By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • Understand the difference between fraud and scams • Recognise different types of fraud and scams and perceive different financial mistakes and threats • Understand how to protect their data, keep their financial information safe and develop good online habits • Define what a money mule is and understand the negative consequences Why not include financial capability as a focus in your students’ wider curriculum? Refer to our Content guide to find out how LifeSkills resources can be used in PSHE or Maths lessons. You can access our full range of financial planning resources by choosing the ‘Understanding and managing money’ tag on our curriculum tags. To browse the range of LifeSkills resources, visit https://barclayslifeskills.com/help-others/lessons/
Samir’s birthday budget challenge

Samir’s birthday budget challenge

The activity follows Samir, accompanied by his two friends, throughout the day planning and spending the money he has received for his birthday and saved up from doing chores. The trio encounter a variety of money scenarios such as budgeting, saving money, making a purchase, contactless payments and mobile banking. By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to: • Understand key financial terminology • Understand the value of money • Understand how to manage and use money in an increasingly digital or cashless society and how to keep money safe • Use the Core transferable skill of problem solving to work out where the missing money may have gone To browse the range of LifeSkills resources, visit https://barclayslifeskills.com/help-others/lessons/