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Algebra: Solving a Quadratic equation worksheet

Algebra: Solving a Quadratic equation worksheet

KS4 Maths worksheet.Objective: to be able to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic equation. A simple quadratic equation worksheet, starter has substitution, negative number multiplication andsquare roots. Extention has students looking at the discriminant.
Mutually exclusive events quick test

Mutually exclusive events quick test

Ten sets of events on a timer, students have to put an M if they are mutualy exclusive or N if they are not. Answers are at the end for self assessment. Nice and easy to use stick at the start or end of a powerpoint
P Level Maths Assessment - number

P Level Maths Assessment - number

Assessment for Learning. This is my attempt at creating some form of assessment for secondary school pupils who are working on P levels, because i couldn't find anything. I&'ve made it by going through descriptions of the levels and trying to think of tasks. Hope you find it useful. Please if you have anything more suitable please give me a message becasue i&';m desparate for something good.
Angles Test

Angles Test

A little angles test, covering accute,obtuse and reflex angles, angles on a line and around a point, angles in triangles (isosceles and equilateral).
GCSE - The Quadratic Equation - Powerpoint

GCSE - The Quadratic Equation - Powerpoint

A PowerPoint with examples of how to use the quadratic equation, showing what a,b and c are then examples with 2,1 and 0 solutions, then there are some questions. Little 10 question starter on substitution to start. Ideal for GCSE lessons. Hope you like it
Maths Finding the gradient powerpoint

Maths Finding the gradient powerpoint

A powerpoint going through how to find the gradient between 2 points with some examples and questions and answers at the end. Shows the difference between positive and negative and large and small gradients.
GCSE Quadratic Equations Revision Quiz

GCSE Quadratic Equations Revision Quiz

A PowerPoint with 10 questions on a timer with answers at the end, question cover things like how to solve quadratics, values of a,b and c and factorising. Ideal revision for GCSE students.
Angle Challenge

Angle Challenge

Students have to find the size of every angle on the sheet, they get a point for each one they find, but loose a point everytime they use a protractor , setting up a nice competition and forcing them to use angle facts they have learnt.
Drawing Pie Charts worksheet

Drawing Pie Charts worksheet

KS3 Maths Worksheet. Objective: to be able to draw pie charts by finding fractions with common denominators. A simple drawing pie charts worksheet, using simple fractions with common denominators, good for year 7 maybe or low ability groups.
KS4 Maths: Pythagoras worksheet

KS4 Maths: Pythagoras worksheet

Geometrical reasoning worksheet for homework or class work Pythagoras’ Theorem. Objective: to be able to use Pythagoras’ theorem to find missing lengths of right angled triangles. Some pythagoras questions, starter main and extention looking for pythagorean triples
Volumes of Prisms starter

Volumes of Prisms starter

A power point for volumes of prism, good if you have some mini white boards. Starter is all volumes of cuboids, which can be done firstly by counting cubes then by finding surface area. Then an animation showing how to find the volume of a prism with a more complicated surface area. There are two examples, one listening example where i ask students to be quiet, then a questions example where they are encouraged to ask question, i did this because this group was driving me barmy and not letting me finish a sentence without jumping in and asking a question.
GCSE Maths: Standard form starter quiz

GCSE Maths: Standard form starter quiz

A quiz where students have to say which is bigger a or b, first with pictures then numbers, finally with numbers in standard form, hopefully highlighting the idea tha tstandard form helps compare and work with very big or very small numbers
Curved Graphs

Curved Graphs

A worksheet where students plot quadratic equations by filling out tables and plotting points. Starter has directed numbers and substitution. Extention brings in cubic euations and investigates negative coefficients of x squared