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30 Number Starters- Multiple Choice Quizzes
A PowerPoint with 30 multiple choice quizzes, good for AFL if you give students cards labelled a,b,c,d to wave. Ideal for KS3 and GCSE students. Includes lots of percentage work, decimals, addition, multiplication and division practise, rounding, decimals, primes, squares, HCF, LCM.
Hope you find it useful, if not to use then at least to adapt, please let me know what you think.

KS3 Mega Powerpoint with Answers (100 sets of q's)
KS3 / GCSE PowerPoint Activity. Same idea as my first megapower, slides of question on a range of topics. Tried to take on what people said about the last one so have tried to make slides clearer and more importantly have put answers up. Please remember that there are well over 10000 answers on here so a couple are going to be wrong due to slips when i was working them out.(includes fractions,decimals percentages, transformations, trigonometry, area, angles, construction, equations, quadratics, sequences, graphs, sampling, probability and a load more)

KS3 / GCSE: Fractions Revision Powerpoint
A powerpoint which covers most fraction topics. Includes simplifying, equivalent fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, conversion to decimals and percentages, ordering fractions, finding fractions of amounts.
There are questions to practise with. I intend to give it to students so they can take it home to revise from, these aren't intended to be full lessons. Hope you find it useful.
Little error with adding fractions slides sorted out

Mega Revision PPT KS3 (11-14) GCSE (14-16)
A mega revision PowerPoint with topics from KS3 (11-14 year olds and GCSE (14-16 year olds). I've just stuck questions from my worksheets into one big PowerPoint to keep them organised and save on printing / photocopying. Just under 100 sets of questions from a big range of KS3 and KS4 topics (includes fractions,decimals percentages, transformations, trigonometry, area, angles, construction, equations, quadratics, sequences, graphs, sampling, probability and a load more) Hope you find them useful!
Check out mega PowerPoint with answers for a more up to date version!

The Bus Stop method powerpoint
A powerpoint showing the bus stop method for division. Ideal for KS2 and KS3 students.

GCSE Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
A GCSE algebra powerpoint activity showing how to work out the equations of a line which is paralllel or perpendicular to another line and passes through a certain point. Some questions and answers at the end.

Trigonometry Introduction Lesson
A lesson that introduces sin,cos and tan, with a little quiz and questions at the the end.

KS3 Negative Numbers / Directed Numbers PowerPoint
A little KS3 PowerPoint animation showing how I try to teach adding and subtracting negative numbers, some questions at the end
Hope you find it useful.

Nth Term of Quadratic Sequences - PowerPoint
A KS3 / GCSE PowerPoint with a little tutorial showing how to find the nth term of quadratics in the form ax2 + c and ax2 + bx + c. Starter has 10 multiple choice questions on finding nth term of linear sequecnes, there are a few examples then some questions with answers.
Hope you find it useful

Completing the Square Powerpoint
A lesson on completing the square with a quiz for a starter, a few examples and a quiz at the end

Solving simultaneous equations graphically
A powerpoint showing how the graphical methods for solving simultaneous equations using the cover up method. Not sure it's the most mathematically sound way of teaching it in the world but worked with the group i had, horses for courses and all that

GCSE Maths: Circles Powerpoint (20 lessons)
Here is a collection of circles powerpoints, not just questions but examples and instruction. Includes answers. Covers what is pi, area and circumference, sectors, segments, perimeters, compound shapes, volume of cylinders, cones and spheres, equation of a circle, simultaneous equations, circle theories, pretty much all circle stuff i could think off. Includes a bit of rounding practise.
Please let me know what you think or inbox me if you find a mistake, be nice, I'd love to make it better and make the next one better than this.

KS3 PowerPoint - The Simpsons Fractions
KS3 Activity. Simpsons activity. A set of cards with simpsons characters and fractions. The main activity of the lesson is to find how many sweets everyone in springfield ate if they were all given a bag of 24 sweets. A little starter on division and some animations showing how to split piles of sweets into given fractions. I used this with bottom set year 7 to start fractions and they liked it especially as i gave them all 24 skittles to help them practise ( i told them the 'S' stood for springfield).

P Level Maths Assessment - number
Assessment for Learning. This is my attempt at creating some form of assessment for secondary school pupils who are working on P levels, because i couldn't find anything. I&'ve made it by going through descriptions of the levels and trying to think of tasks. Hope you find it useful. Please if you have anything more suitable please give me a message becasue i&';m desparate for something good.

KS3 Area of a circle powerpoint
A powerpoint about area of circles, nothing fancy, with some questions at the end which include quarter, semi circles and pi. Hope you find it useful

GCSE Maths Algebra Worksheets
Here's a bunch of worksheets I&'ve made on algebra, there&';s stuff like substituting, multiplying brackets, y=mx+c, gradients, solving equations, collecting like term, writing expressions. They've all got a starter, main and extention exercise.
Hope you find them useful.

Angles in Regular Polygons Powerpoint
KS3 interactive powerpoint on angles in regular polygons with questions at the end with answers. Hope you find it useful.

Maths Entry Level Scheme of Work
A scheme of work i made based on OCRs specification, designed for our students who won't be entered for GCSE maths. The course is designed to be completed in about a year, but i'm thinking I&'ll need to be flexible with the timings and use the same scheme for year 10 and 11. Hope you find it useful

KS3 Adding and Subtracting Fractions powerpoint
A simple KS3 powerpoint showing adding and subtracting fractions with the same and different denominators. Tfere's a warm up on LCM and equivalent fractions and some queestions with answers at the end.

KS3 / GCSE - 7 Percentage Starters - PowerPoint
A PowerPoint with a collection of multiple choice percentage quizzes, has multipliers, reverse percentage, percentage increase and decrease, converting fractions and decimals to percentages, and finding percentages mentally. Ideal for KS3 and GCSE students.